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Abdel-Aal, S. I., R. E. A. Sabrah, R. K. Rabie, and H. M. Abdel Magid, "Evaluation of groundwater quality for irrigation in Central Saudi Arabia", Arab gulf journal of scientific research, vol. 15, issue 2: Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States, pp. 361-377, 1997. Abstract
Abdel-Aal, S. I., R. E. A. Sabrah, R. K. Rabie, and H. M. Abdel Magid, "Evaluation of groundwater quality for irrigation in Central Saudi Arabia", Arab gulf journal of scientific research, vol. 15, issue 2: Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States, pp. 361-377, 1997. Abstract
Abdel-Aal, S. I., M. E. Shawky, and R. R. Shahin, "Effects of land use on aggregation and carbonate mineralogy of some desertic calcareous soils of Egypt.", Egyptian Journal of Soil Science, vol. 30, issue 1-2, pp. 43-58, 1990. Abstract
Abdel Aal, S. I., M. A. Abdel-Hamid, S. M. Ismaiel, A. - E. Fattah, and A. S. Taalab, "Effect of organic farming practice on nutrient availabiliy and wheat yield grown on torripsamments", Egyptian Journal of Soil Science (Egypt), 2003. Abstract
Kandil, M. F., A. A. SI, and S. A. Gafer, "Effect of dilution on the ion ratios of soils [newly reclaimed; in Egypt].", The Desert Institute Bulletin, 1977. Abstract
Kandil, M. F., A. A. SI, and S. A. Gafer, "Effect of dilution on the ion ratios of soils [newly reclaimed; in Egypt].", The Desert Institute Bulletin, 1977. Abstract
Kandil, M. F., S. I. Abdel-Aal, and A. S. Ahmed, "Effect of a morphous inorganic materials on some surface properties of soil fractions [Kharga Oases; Egypt]", The Desert Institute Bulletin (Egypt), 1978. Abstract
Sabrah, R. E. A., Y. A. Nasr, S. I. Abdel Aal, and M. El-Bassiouny, "Economical evaluation of the impact of some methods of rice stubble management on berseem and rice yields", EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE, vol. 44, issue 1, pp. 41, 2004. Abstract
Abdel-Aal, S. I., M. E. Shawky, and R. M. Abdel-Aal, "Eastern rain flood, behavior and characteristics", Egyptian journal of soil science, 1978. Abstract
SI, A. A., and M. E. Shawky, "Eastern rain flood [on eastern plateau of Egypt], behaviour and characteristics.", Egyptian Journal of Soil Science, 1977. Abstract