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Magid, H. M. A., S. I. Abdel-Aal, R. K. Rabie, and R. E. A. Sabrah, "Chicken manure as a biofertilizer for wheat grown on sandy soils of Saudi Arabia", Egyptian Journal of Soil Science, vol. 38: NATIONAL INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION CENTRE, pp. 329-338, 1998. Abstract
Magid, H. M. A., S. I. Abdel-Aal, R. K. Rabie, and R. E. A. Sabrah, "Chicken manure as a biofertilizer for wheat grown on sandy soils of Saudi Arabia", Egyptian Journal of Soil Science, vol. 38: NATIONAL INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION CENTRE, pp. 329-338, 1998. Abstract
Magid, H. A. M., S. I. Abdel-Aal, R. K. Rabie, and R. E. A. Sabrah, "Chicken manure as a biofertilizer for wheatin the sandy soils of Saudi Arabia", Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 29, issue 3: Academic Press, pp. 413-420, 1995. Abstract
Magid, H. A. M., S. I. Abdel-Aal, R. K. Rabie, and R. E. A. Sabrah, "Chicken manure as a biofertilizer for wheatin the sandy soils of Saudi Arabia", Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 29, issue 3: Academic Press, pp. 413-420, 1995. Abstract
Magid, H. A. M., R. E. A. Sabrah, A. R. H. El Nadi, S. I. Abdel-Aal, and R. K. Rabic, "Kinetics of biodegradation rates of chicken manure and municipal refuse in a sandy soil", Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 28, issue 2: Academic Press, pp. 163-171, 1994. Abstract
Magid, H. A. M., R. E. A. Sabrah, A. R. H. El Nadi, S. I. Abdel-Aal, and R. K. Rabic, "Kinetics of biodegradation rates of chicken manure and municipal refuse in a sandy soil", Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 28, issue 2: Academic Press, pp. 163-171, 1994. Abstract
Matar, M. K., S. I. Abdel-Aal, M. M. Khan, and I. B. Yaqub, "Soil fertility, land use and land capability classification of the soils in Grugah area, Sulaimania, Iraq", Zagazig Journal of Agricultural Research (Egypt), 1982. Abstract