Machine translation model using inductive logic programming

Hossny, A., K. Shaalan, and A. Fahmy, "Machine translation model using inductive logic programming", the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (IEEE NLP-KE’09), Dalian, China, pp. 1–8, sep, 2009. copy at

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Rule based machine translation systems face different challenges in building the translation model in a form of transfer rules. Some of these problems require enormous human effort to state rules and their consistency. This is where different human linguists make different rules for the same sentence. A human linguist states rules to be understood by human rather than machines. The proposed translation model (from Arabic to English) tackles the mentioned problem of building translation model. This model employs Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) to learn the language model from a set of example pairs acquired from parallel corpora and represent the language model in a rule-based format that maps Arabic sentence pattern to English sentence pattern. By testing the model on a small set of data, it generated translation rules with logarithmic growing rate and with word error rate 11%.



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