Recently, E-learning has emerged as modern field with in the cooperation of education and business sectors by means of information, based-Internet services, and education services that are delivered or improved. This paper is an attempt to highlight how knowledge management (KM) and E-learning (EL), specifically, can be of prominent support in the workplace.
The purpose of the paper is to develop a model that is composed of a range of components and factors that affect integration between knowledge management and e-learning. It is characterised by dynamic alignment between information systems infrastructure, staff involvement and the flows of knowledge towards the success of knowledge acquisition in academic institutions.
The developed model will contribute to offer support to the process of integrating e-learning and knowledge management. In addition, the suggested model will present certain suggestions to improve the teaching learning process and shows how KM provides successful help for educational consumers in selecting and evaluating e-learning technologies. The model is based on analysis of KM and e-learning literature and the information of this study.