Question Answering

Al-Chalabi, H., S. Ray, and K. Shaalan, "Semantic Based Query Expansion for Arabic Question Answering Systems", The International Conference on Arabic Computational Linguistics (ACLing), Cairo, Egypt, 17 April, 2015. Abstractqeacling2015.pdf

Question Answering Systems have emerged as a good alternative to search engines where they produce the desired information in a very precise way in the real time. However, one serious concern with the Question Answering system is that despite having answers of the questions in the knowledge base, they are not able to retrieve the answer due to mismatch between the words used by users and content creators. There has been a
lot of research in the field of English and some European language Question Answering Systems to handle this issue. However, Arabic Question Answering Systems could not match the pace due to some inherent difficulties with the language itself as well as due to lack of tools available to assist the researchers. In this paper, we are
presenting a method to add semantically equivalent keywords in the questions by using semantic resources. The experiments suggest that the proposed research can deliver highly accurate
answers for Arabic questions.

Chalabi, H. A., S. Ray, and K. Shaalan, "Question Classification for Arabic Question Answering Systems", The International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Research (ICTRC), UAE, 17 May, 2015. Abstractqueastion_classification-_in_final_proceedings.pdf

Due to very fast growth of information in the last few decades, getting precise information in real time is becoming increasingly difficult. Search engines such as Google and Yahoo are helping in finding the information but the information provided by them are in the form of documents which consumes a lot of time of the user. Question Answering Systems have emerged as a good alternative to search engines where they produce the desired information in a very precise way in the real time. This saves a lot of time for the user. There has been a lot of research in the field of English and some European language Question Answering Systems. However, Arabic Question Answering Systems could not match the pace due to some inherent difficulties with the language itself as well as due to lack of tools available to assist the researchers. Question classification is a very important module of Question Answering Systems. In this paper, we are presenting a method to accurately classify the Arabic questions in order to retrieve precise answers. The proposed method gives promising results.
