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Cox, B., and S. Ghoneim, "Strategic Use of EDI in the Public Sector: The HMSO Case Study", Journal of Strategic Information Systems, vol. 7, issue 1, pp. 37-51, 1998.
Kamel, S., S. Ghoneim, and A. H. M. E. D. GHONEIM, "The Role of the Government in eCommerce in Egypt”", International Research Foundation for Development (IRFD) Conference , Geneva, Switzerland, UN World Summit on Information Society, 2003.
Ahmed, A., S. Ghoneim, and R. Kim, "Knowledge management as an enabler of change and innovation in Africa", Int. J. of Technology Management, vol. 45, issue No 1/2, pp. 10-26, 2009.
Cox, B., and S. Ghoneim, "Implementing a National EDI Service: Issues in Developing Countries & Lessons from the U.K.", Annual International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) WG 9.4 1995 Conference on Information and Technology and Socio-Economic Development Challenges and Opportunities, Cairo Egypt, 1995.
Kamel, S., S. Ghoneim, and A. H. M. E. D. GHONEIM, "The Impact of the Role of the Government of Egypt in Electronic Commerce Development and Growth", Electronic Government: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications: Hershey: Information Science Reference, 2008, ISBN 978-1-59904-947-2, 2008.
Cox, B., and S. Ghoneim, "Extending the Role of EDI: The HMSO Case Study", 4th European Conference of Information Systems, July 1996, Portugal, 1996.
Cox, B., and S. Ghoneim, "Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Trade Facilitation: Best Practice and Lessons from Experience", 2nd Mediterranean Development Forum, Marrakech, Morocco, 1998.
Cox, B., and S. Ghoneim, "EDI, Trade Facilitation and Customs Reform”", Trade Policy Developments in the MENA, Washington, The World Bank, 2000.
Cox, B., and S. Ghoneim, "EDI, Theoretical Framework and Lessons from Experience", Egyptian Exports and Challenges in the 21st Century, Cairo, Center for Economics and Financial Research Studies, Cairo University, 2000.
Cox, B., and S. Ghoneim, "Drivers and Barriers to Adopting EDI: A Sector Analysis of UK Industry", European Journal of Information Systems, vol. 5, issue 1, pp. 24-33, 1996.
Cox, B., and S. Ghoneim, "Developing a National EDI Strategy", Business Information Technology Management: Closing the International Divide: Har-Anand Publications PVT LTd, 1997.
Ghoneim, S., and C. Brown, "Capacity Building of knowledge management among research institutes: Reflections from the GDNet experience", World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, vol. 8, issue 2/3, pp. 227-240, 2011.
Ghoneim, S., and C. Brown, "Capacity Building of knowledge management among research institutes: Reflections from the GDNet experience", World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, vol. 8, issue 2/3, pp. 227-240, 2011.
Cox, B., and S. Ghoneim, "Benefits and Barriers to Adopting EDI in the UK - A Sector Survey", Second Conference on Information Systems, 30-31 May, 1994, Nijenrode University, The Netherlands Business School, Netherlands, Nijenrode University, The Netherlands Business School, Netherlands, Nijenrode University, The Netherlands Business School, Netherlands, 1994.