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Sakr, B. R., N. M. Al-Ashmory, S. Z. Hassan, A. A. Al-Akwa, and O. G. Shaker, "Vitamin D deficiency in Egyptian and Yemeni primary knee osteoarthritis patients: Relation to physical function and radiographic severity", The Egyptian Rheumatologist, vol. 43, issue 1, pp. 47-52, 2021. samia_zaki.pdf
AN, M., Z. MI, E. S. AM, and H. SZ, "Auditory disorders in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: Relation to clinical parameters.", Egyptian Rheumatologist., vol. 36(3), pp. 117-124, 2014.
T, G., G. S, N. L, and H. SZ, "Subclinical atherosclerosis in Behçet's disease", Turk J Rheum., vol. 27(2), pp. 109-114, 2012.
TA, G., K. SA, F. AT, E. - S. IM, A. MS, and H. SZ, "Oxidative stress in systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis patients: relationship to disease manifestations and activity", Int J Rheum Dis. , vol. 14(4), pp. 325-31 , 2011.
S, Z., M. SA, E. - M. S, and A. - R. SS, "Drug induced ototoxicity in Egyptian systemic lupus erythematosus patients", The Egyptian Rheumatologist, vol. ;29(1), pp. 521-32, 2007.
HA, S., A. - N. AM, E. - A. TA, and H. SZ, "Rheumatic manifestations of psoriasis.", Clin Rheumatol , vol. 26(4):, pp. 488-98 , 2007.