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اسحق, سالي خليفة, "فرنسا والخليج العربي: اهداف ومقومات شراكة امنية موسعة", مجلة دراسات (البحرين: مركز البحرين للدراسات الاستراتيجية والدولية والطاقة), vol. المجلد الثامن, issue (In print), 2021.
, "كوفيد ١٩ والعالم: نقطة تحول في تطور العلاقات السياسية والاقتصادية الدولية؟", مجلة دراسات (البحرين: مركز البحرين للدراسات الاستراتيجية والدولية والطاقة, vol. المجلد السابع, issue العدد الاول, pp. ١٠٩-١٢٧, 2020.
اسحق, سالي خليفة, "التنافس الدولي على الممرات المائية الدولية: التحالف البحري العسكري لتأمين الملاحة في الخليج نموذجا", مجلة دراسات (البحرين: مركز البحرين للدراسات الاستراتيجية والدولية والطاقة, vol. المجلد السادس, issue العدد الثاني, pp. ٦١-٧٦, 2019.
اسحق, سالي خليفة, "التحولات الامنية والدفاعية الاوروبية ودلالاتها على المنطقة العربية ومحيطها الجغرافي", مجلة دراسات (البحرين: مركز البحرين للدراسات الاستراتيجية والدولية والطاقة), vol. المجلد الخامس, issue العدد الاول, pp. ٥٦-٧٠, 2018.
Isaac, S. K., and H. E. Kares, "American Discourses and Practices in the Mediterranean Since 2001: A Comparative Analysis with the EU", The Mediterranean Reset: Geopolitics in a New Age, UK, Global Policy Journal, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2017.
Isaac, S. K., and H. E. Kares, "The European Community Framing of the Mediterranean 1970-1990", Medreset Working Paper no.1, Rome, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), 2017.
Isaac, S. K., "Endorsing Neoliberal Multilateralism or Contemplating Realism? Complementary Theories in Explaining the Implications of the Iran Nuclear Deal", Review of Economics and Political Science (Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University), vol. 1, issue 2, 2016.
Isaac, S. K., "EU Action in the Mediterranean: Structural Impediments Post-2011", Middle East Policy, vol. 23, issue 4, pp. 92-102, 2016. eu_action_in_the_mediterranean_-_mep.pdf
Isaac, S. K., "The Sinai Mayhem: Egypt’s Counter-Terrorism Efforts and Regional Security", Review of Economics and Political Science (Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University), vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 89-110, 2016.
اسحق, سالي خليفة, "تحديات التعاون الخليجي الصيني: عزوف الصين عن الالتزام العملي بأمن الخليج العربي", أراء حول الخليج - السعودية, issue 106, pp. 88-91, 2016.
Isaac, S. K., Gulf Assistance Funds Post-2011: Allocation, Motivation and Influence, , Barcelona, IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2015, 2015.
Isaac, S. K., "The EU and Peacebuilding in the Mediterranean: A Critical View", Peace in Progress (The International Catalan Institute for Peace), issue 23, 2015.
Isaac, S. K., "A Resurgence in Regional Arab Organizations? The Cases of the Arab League and the Gulf Cooperation Council Post-2011", Regional Insecurity after the Arab Uprisings: Narratives of Security and Threat, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
Isaac, S. K., "Awakening Inter-Regionalism? The EU and Regional Arab Organizations Post 2011", GR:EEN Working Paper Series, No. 49, 2014.
Isaac, S. K., "The Egyptian Transition 2011-13: How Strategic to Europe?", Middle East Policy, vol. XXI, issue 1, pp. 154-165, 2014.
Isaac, S. K., "Explaining the Patterns of the Gulf Monarchies' Assistance after the Arab Uprisings", Mediterranean Politics, vol. 19, issue 3, pp. 413-430, 2014.
Isaac, S. K., "Understanding the Breadth of the US-Egyptian Discord", Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale, 2014.
Isaac, S. K., "The EU's Democracy-Stability Dilemma Persists in Egypt", e-International Relations, 2013.
Isaac, S. K., "A Quest for Political Stability or Regional Prestige? The Centrality of the Gulf Role in Arab Revolutions Countries", Analysis no. 177, Milan: Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale , 2013.
Isaac, S. K., "Recent Trends in International Security Studies", Al Nahda, vol. 14, issue 4, pp. 1-26, 2013.
Isaac, S. K., "Rethinking the New ENP: A Vision for an Enhanced European Role in the Arab Revolutions", Democracy and Security, vol. 9, issue 1, pp. 40-60, 2013.
Isaac, S. K., "The Transatlantic Partnership and the AU: Complementary and Coordinated Efforts for Peace and Security in Africa?", AU-NATO Collaboration: Implications and Prospects, Rome, NATO Defense College, 2013.
Isaac, S. K., NATO's Intervention in Libya: Assessment and Implications, , Barcelona, IEMed Yearbook - European Institute of the Mediterranean, 2012.
Isaac, S. K., NATO and Middle East and North Africa Security: Prospects for Burden Sharing, , Rome, NATO Defense College, 2011.