Sahar CV

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PERSONAL INFORMATION             Sahar Samir Mahmoud Abd El-Rahman

  Elrehab City, New Cairo, Group 66, Block 4, flat 22,    12211 Cairo (Egypt).

    (002) 01001242585





                                                         Google Hangouts Sahar S Abd El-Rahman

Sex Female | Date of birth 06 Aug 1969 | Nationality Egyptian




Full Professor of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt




27 Oct 2010–Present       Full Professor

Cairo University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Giza (Egypt) Teaching for undergraduates and postgraduates.

Research work and manuscript publications.

Thesis supervision. Project membership.

                                                                Scientific societies membership

Editorial board membership. Reviewing board membership.

Conferences and workshops; organization and participation


2009–2013                       Former Professor

                                          7th of April University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural sciences, Libya.

Teaching for undergraduates and postgraduates.

Research work and manuscript publications.

                                            Thesis supervision.

                                                                 Scientific societies membership

Editorial board membership. Reviewing board membership.

                                      Conferences and workshops; organization and participation



29 Jun 2005–26 Oct 2010     Professor Assistant

Cairo University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Giza (Egypt)

Teaching for undergraduates and postgraduates. Research work and manuscript publications.

Project membership.

Scientific societies membership

Reviewing board membership.

Conferences and workshops; organization and participation



28  Jun 2000–29 Jul 2005      Lecturer

Cairo University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Giza (Egypt)

Teaching for undergraduates.

Research work and manuscript publications. Scientific societies membership.

Conferences and workshops participation.



21 Oct 1996–27 Jun 2000       Assistant Lecturer

Cairo University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Giza (Egypt) Teaching for undergraduates.

Research on PhD thesis.

Scientific societies membership. Conferences and workshops participation.




04 Dec 1993–20 Oct 1996      Demonstrator

Cairo University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Giza (Egypt)

Teaching for undergraduates. Research on Master thesis. Scientific societies membership.

Conferences and workshops participation.






21 Oct 1996–27 Jun 2000        PhD in Veterinary Pathology Science

Cairo University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Giza Square, 12211 Giza (Egypt)


04 Dec 1993–20 Oct 1996      Master in Veterinary Pathology Science

Cairo University, Faculty of Veterinary medicine Giza Square, 12211 Giza (Egypt)


21 Sep 1986–30 Dec 1991      Bachelor in Veterinary Science

Cairo University, Faculty of Veterinary medicine Giza Square, 12211 Giza (Egypt)





Mother tongue(s)      Arabic








Spoken interaction

Spoken production




Other language(s)



English                    C2                            C1                            C1                            C1                            C2 Italian                      A1                             A1                            A1                            A1                            A1

Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages



Organisational / managerial skills      - Leadership as;


Currently supervise

many master and doctorate students.



 Scientific Coordinator

of the Pathology Department, College of Veterinary Medicine,

                                                                        Cairo University, Egypt.



Director of the Publication Centre

at College of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University,


Communication skills      -

Excellent communication skills

gained through my Career experience and academic life, moreover through many training modules.


Excellent contact skills

with students and colleagues gained through my experience as a university member since 1993.




                Job-related skills                Good Organisational skills gained through sharing in organization of many conferences and      



                                                   Mentoring skills from the supervision of master and doctorate thesis as well as interactions with the    

                                                                undergraduate students.


  Presentation skills from preparation of various  lectures.


  International interaction skills gained through international contact during conferences and fellowships.


  Soft skills from online activity regarding lectures preparations.




Digital skills                                                                           SELF-ASSESSMENT


Proficient user in Information Processing.

Proficient user in Communication.

Independent user in problem solving.


Digital skills - Self-assessment grid


  • Good command in Microsoft office.
  • Good command in Internet.
  • Good command in PowerPoint presentations and Posters.


Driving licence  B





           1993–1996                     Demonstrator, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo 


                                         Practical courses of general and special Pathology for the third- and fourth-year Veterinary,

                                              undergraduate Students at Dept. of Pathology, Faculty of Vet. Med., Cairo University,

                                              Demonstrating slides and leading group discussions.


        1996– 2000                       Assistant lecturer, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,    

                                         Cairo University.

                                                  Lectures for the undergraduate students on Immunopathology, Pathology of Lympho-reticular  

                                                  tissue, and Pathology of digestive and respiratory systems. Veterinary Pathology courses No.

                                                  60 and 65 (Pathology of infectious diseases and Pathology of female genital system), for

                                                  postgraduate students.


    2000– 2003                           Lecturer, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,    

                                         Cairo University.

                                                  Lectures for the undergraduate students on Immunopathology, Pathology of Lympho-reticular  

                                                  tissue, and Pathology of digestive and respiratory systems. Veterinary Pathology courses No.

                                                  60 and 65 (Pathology of infectious diseases and Pathology of female genital system), for

                                                  postgraduate students.


    2004– 2005                           Lecturer, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Vet. Med. And Agricultural

                                                    sciences, 7th of April university, Libya. 

                                              General and special Pathology, and Morbid anatomy to undergraduate students of third year

                                                  in Faculty of Vet. Med. and Agricultural sciences, 7th of April university, Libya.

                                                  General Pathology Course to undergraduate students in Faculty of Medical Technology,

                                                  El-Zawia University, Libya.


    2005– 2009                           Assistant Prof., Department of Pathology, Faculty of Vet. Med. And Agricultural

                                                    sciences, 7th of April university, Libya. 

                                              General and special Pathology, and Morbid anatomy to undergraduate students of third year

                                                  in Faculty of Vet. Med. and Agricultural sciences, 7th of April university, Libya.

                                                  General Pathology Course to undergraduate students in Faculty of Medical Technology,

                                                  El-Zawia University, Libya.


   2010– 2013                             Professor Dr., Department of Pathology, Faculty of Vet. Med. And Agricultural

                                                    sciences, 7th of April university, Libya. 

                                              General and special Pathology, and Morbid anatomy to students of third year in Faculty of

                                                  Vet. Med. And Agricultural sciences, 7th of April university, Libya.

                                                  General Pathology Course to undergraduate students in Faculty of Medical Technology,

                                                  El-Zawia University, Libya.


2014– present                            Full Professor, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,    

                                         Cairo University.

                                              Teaching various general, special Pathology courses and Morbid anatomy for undergraduates  

                                              and postgraduates.





             April, 1993                                  Modern Methods in Microbial Molecular Biology, Agricultural Genetic Engineering                  

                                                               research Institute (AGRI.) Egypt.


            July, 1993                                 DNA Technology and Advanced Immunological Technique for use in Veterinary Medicine, (In  

                                                              Serum and Vaccine Research Institute), Abbasia, Egypt.


            Jan, 1994                                  Advanced Immunological Techniques for use in Veterinary Medicine (Institute of Animal

                                                              Reproduction), Egypt.


            Sep. 2002                                   DNA Technology, some advanced techniques, and applications of PCR.


            Sep. 2002                              DNA Technology, some advanced techniques, and applications of PCR.


            May. 2003                                 Using of ELIZA in detection of mycotoxins in animal tissues and food and feed stuffs.


            May. 2014                                Workshop on recent pathological techniques including;

                                                                    Tissue Microarray.


                                                                    Image analysis applications.

                                                                    Isolation of Nucleic acids.

                                                                    PCR, rt-PCR.


            Mar. 2015                                 1st CL Davis Middle East Division Symposium on Pathology of Domestic and
                                                    laboratory Animals, Cairo-Egypt.


           Aug. 2016                                  Nanotechnology in Scientific Research: Preparation and Characterization of Nanoparticles.


           Sepr. 2016                                Author Workshop, Elsevier Publishing campus.


           Oct. 2016                                    Scientific writing, Elsevier Publishing campus.


           Nov. 2016                                 Various uses of Image J software.


           Apr. 2017                                   Workshop on Nanotechnology Codes of ethics, Safety & Security, (BUE, Cairo).


           Oct. 2017                                    Workshop on Nanotechnology Applications (BUE, Cairo).


           Jan. 2019                                  Workshop on various uses of Image J.





           July, 2008                                 University Teacher Preparation,

Cairo University, 26/11/1999 - 19/12/1999.


           July, 2008                                 Workshop on students' skills.


            July, 2008                                 Workshop on Credit Hours system.


            Jan,  2009                                Workshop on Scientific Publishing.


            Sep. 2010                                 Workshop on Systems of Examinations and Evaluation of Students.


            Dec. 2013                            Workshop on

Communications Skills.



Dec. 2013                                  Workshop on Teaching for Small And Large Groups

4-6 September 2006


           Dec. 2013                                   Training course in Design course


           Dec. 2013                                 Workshop on Academic Advising for High Education institutions.


           Jan. 2014                                 Workshop on Quality Management Systems.


           Jan. 2014                                 Workshop on Leadership and Governance.


          Jan. 2014                                  e-Communication and e-Teaching Technologies.




  1. 1.    

    An active member of the Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association for Pathology and Clinical Pathology.


  1. 2.    

    Member of the

    Veterinary Pathology Promotion Committee for Professors and Associate Professors

    2013, Cairo University, Egypt.


  1. 3.    

    An active member of the scientific and technical committees of the conferences and journal’s editorial boards of medical and health sciences,

  1. 4.    

    Academic editor of International Journal of Biochemistry Research   and Review.

  1. 5.     An active member of the editorial board of GSL Journal of Forensic Research



  1. 6.    

    Participated in the: Joint ESVP and ECVP Congress, September 5th -8th 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


  1. 7.    

    Participated in the: The 15th Scientific Conference (7th International) (VETCU, 2018) Animal, Human and Environment: Recent Application, august 5-8th, 2018


  1. 8.    

    Participated in the: International Egyptian Czech Conference on nanotechnology applications (IECCNA), Egypt,  2017.


  1. 9.    

    Participated in the ACVP & ASVCP Concurrent Annual Meeting, November 4-8, 2017, Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, BC Canada.

  2. 10.  

    Participated in One Health International Conference, November 13-15, 2017, Lahore, Pakistan.


  1. 11.  

    Participated in: The 1st Scientific Forum for Applied Research Marketing National Research Centre: The Future is Now. Egypt, 2016.


  1. 12.  

    Participated in: The 8th Conference of Egyptian Society of Animal Welfare, Animal and Avian Health and Community Health, Hurghada, Egypt, 2016.

  2. 13.  

    Participated in The 17th International Conference on Biological, Health and Environmental Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey, November 27 - 28, 2015 (as a Session Chair and with paper presentation).


  1. 14.  

    Participated in A Symposium on: Standards and Ethics of the International Publication, 2014.

    1. 15.  

      Participated in The 11th annual Congress of Medical Sciences, (Medical Research between Theory and Application. NRC, Cairo-Egypt. 17-19, November 2013.

    2. 16.  

      Participated in The 10th annual Congress of Medical Sciences, 2012.


  1. 17.  

    Participated in the 22nd Maghreb Veterinary Medicine conference (Congrès Maghrèbin Vètèrinaire) from 21 to 23 May, 2004 in Tripoli (as a lecturer).


  1. 18.  

    Participated in: The 25th Maghreb Medical Conference (Congrès Maghrèbin Vètèrinaire) in the period from 15 to 16 May, 2008 in Algeria (with paper presentation).


  1. 19.  

    Participated in the 26th Maghreb Medical Conference (Congrès Maghrèbin Vètèrinaire) in the period from 25 to 27 May, 2009 in Tripoli. (Session Chair).

  2. 20.  

    Participated in the organization of the first Scientific Symposium of Faculty of Medical Technology (2005), 7th of April University, Libya. (as a lecturer).: Role of Apoptosis in Regression of Atherosclerosis.


  1. 21.  

    Participated in the organization of the second Scientific Symposium of Faculty of Medical Technology (2007), 7th of April University, Libya. (as a lecturer).: Tumour markers.


  1. 22.  

    Participated in the 13th Scientific Conference of the Medical Association of the Egyptian Veterinary Pathology and Clinical Pathology in the period from 26 to 27 Jan, 2002 (with paper presentation).


  1. 23.  

    Organized and participated in six regional conferences throughout six years since 2004 to 2009 for the role of veterinary medicine and its relationship to the community, which were held at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Sciences, 7th of April University-Libya.


  1. 24.  

    Reviewer in Basic and Applied Pathology Journal.

  2. 25.  

    Reviewer in Journal of Advanced Research.

  3. 26.  

    Reviewer in International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review.

  4. 27.  

    Reviewer in Cytotechnology.

  5. 28.  

    Reviewer in Environmental toxicology journal.

  6. 30.  

    Editorial Board Member of Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR), May, 2017.

29.   Reviewer in African Journal of Biochemistry Research.




A member of the project entitled

"Diabetes, A Novel Insights Remedy "

under the patronage of Ministry of Higher Education, National Research Canter, Cairo, Egypt.  2019"


A member of the project entitled

"Toxicity of Ionic Liquid Compounds "

with cooperation with Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle University, UK and Pharmacology College, Cairo University.  2019






  • Certificates of appreciation for academic excellence

    in the

University academic years; 86/87,







and 90/91.


    ; Cairo


(CUIPA), 2009.


    ; Cairo


(CUIPA), November 2010.


    ; Cairo


(CUIPA), 2014.


    ; Cairo


(CUIPA), 2015.


    ; Cairo


(CUIPA), 2016.


    ; Cairo


(CUIPA), 2017.






  1. 1.     Supervision of Master theses entitled:

Studies on the protective role of some antioxidants against the toxic and carcinogenic effects of hexavalent chromium in albino rats.


  1. 2.     Supervision of Master thesis entitled:

Pathological and molecular studies of some mixed respiratory viral infections in layers at Sharkia governorate.


  1. 3.     Supervision of Master thesis entitled:

The therapeutic potential of Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and Paclitaxil in targeting mammary cancer stem cell in rat model.


  1. Supervision of Master thesis entitled:

Pathological Studies on Wild pigeons (Columba liva Domestica) and Crows (Corvus cornix).

  1. Supervision of Master thesis entitled:

The potential virotherapy of New castle Disease virus against induced mammary cancer in rat.

  1. Supervision of PhD thesis entitled:

Role of some natural antioxidants in treatment of induced liver fibrosis.


  1. 7.     Supervision of PhD thesis entitled:

Pathological surveillance studies on various affections of the genital system in she-camels.


  1. 8.     Supervision of PhD thesis entitled:

Diseases of egret species: special emphasis on the possible hazard to human and animals.


  1. 9.     Supervision of PhD thesis entitled:

Immunological effect of the Outer Membrane Vesicle od some Gram negative bacteria on tumor regression.


  1. 10.   Supervision of PhD thesis entitled:

Helicobacter infection in dogs and its relation with cancer stem cells.


  1. 11.   Supervision of PhD thesis entitled:

Pathological and immunohistochemical studies on the curative role of cannabinoid receptors in induced hepatic  fibrosis, hepatic carcinoma and lung fibrosis in male rats.


Arbitration of master thesis entitled: Histopathological and Immunological Evaluation of Canine Amniotic Membrane Implantation in Rabbits.


Arbitration of master thesis entitled: Pathological and biochemical Studies on the protective role of some antioxidants against the toxic and carcinogenic effects of hexavalent chromium in Albino rats


Arbitration of PhD thesis entitled: Pathological and histochemical studies on the therapeutic effect of some natural materials on diabetic rats.


Arbitration of master thesis entitled: Pathological evaluation of induced liver cirrhosis using stem cells.


Arbitration of PhD thesis entitled: Pathology and Pathogenesis of Metastasis in Mouse Models of Animal Cancer.







Publications in international journals:


  1. 1.     Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman.(2003): (Impact Factor:



Neuropathology of aluminum toxicity in rats (Glutamate and GABA impairment). Pharmacological Research; 47, 189-194.


  1. 2.     S.M.Sokkar; M.A. Hamouda; Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman. (2001): (Impact Factor:



Endometritis in she donkeys in Egypt. J. Vet. Med. B 48; 529-536.


  1. 3.     S.M.Sokkar; M.A. Hamouda; Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman. (2001): (Impact Factor:




Histopathological studies on neoplasms in the genital tract of female donkeys in Egypt. Berl. Münch. Tieraztl. Wschr.114; 166-168


  1. Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman, Shahera M.R.Abdel-Haseeb and A.A.Abd-Allah . (2008)(conference paper)

Pathomorphological studies on Hydatidosis in Western Libyan slaughtered animals: with special reference to its epidemiological status in human in the same localities. Congrès Maghrèbin Vètèrinaire, Le 16 Mai 2008, Alger;46-57.


  1. 5.     Elbohi KM and Abd El-Rahman SS.( 2009)

Prevention of fluoride-induced testicular disorders in male Sprague-Dawley rats by co-administration of Vitamin E and/or ginger oil. Online Journal of Veterinary Research,Volume 13 (1) :1-11, 2009


  1. 6.     Laila M.E. Sabik and Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman (2009). (Impact Factor:



Alpha-tocopherol and ginger are protective on Cyclophosphamide-induced gonadal toxicity in adult male albino rats. Basic and Applied Pathology 2009; 2: 21–29.


  1. Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman and A.T. El-Dakhly.(2010) (Impact Factor:



Demonstration of Pigeon Circovirus infecton in Westrn-Libya, based onn Histopathology, electron microscopy and apoptosis. 

Global Veterinaria 4 (3):242-248,2010.


  1. 8.     Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman. (2010) (Impact Factor:



Prevalence and Pathology of Nasal Myiasis in Camels Slaughtered in El-Zawia Province-Western Libya: With A Reference to Thyroid Alteration and Renal Lipidosis. Global Veterinaria 4 (2): 190-197, 2010.


  1. 9.     Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman. (2010) (Impact Factor:



West-Libyan propolis and rosemary have synergistic anti-tumor effect against 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA)-induced skin tumor in BULB/C mice previously initiated with 7, 12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA). Basic and Applied Pathology 2010; 2: 21–29


  1. 10.   Nehal Mohamed Fawzy, Kamelia Mahmoud Osman, Mai El-Desoky El-Sayed Ibrahim, Mohamed Naguib Mohamed Ali, and Sahar S. Abd- Elrahman (2014). (Impact Factor:



Streptococcosisin tilapia: Clinico-pathological picture of experimentally infected tilapia. Life Science Journal 2014;11(9)


  1. 11.   M. O. Elshazly, Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman, Ashraf M. Morgan, Merhan E. Ali   (


The Remedial Efficacy of Spirulina platensis versus Chromium-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Male Sprague-Dawley Rats.

PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0126780 June 1, 2015.

(Impact Factor:




  1. M. M. Bashandy, A. R. Ahmed, M. El-Gaffary, Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman                                   (conference paper)

Gold Nanoparticle: Synthesis, Characterization, Clinico-Pathological, Pathological, and Bio-Distribution Studies in Rabbits.

International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering Vol:9, No:11, 2015


  1. 13.   Omama E. El Shawi, Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman, Marwa Abd El Hameed

Reishi Mushroom Attenuates Hepatic Inflammation and Fibrosis Induced by Irradiation Enhanced Carbon Tetrachloride

in Rat Model.Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 2015, 3, 24-38.

(Scopus indexed)


  1. El-Sayed, M. G. A, Elkomy, A, Sahar S. abd el-Rahman and ElBanna, A.


  2. Hepatoprotective effect of Pimpinella anisum and Fpeniculum vulgare against carbon tetrachloride induced fibrosis in rats. 


(Scopus indexed)


  1. 16.   M.O. Elshazly , Ashraf M. Morgan , Merhan E. Ali , Essam Abdel-mawla


    Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman, 2016.

The mitigative effect of Raphanus sativus oil on chromium-induced geno- and hepatotoxicity in male rats.

Journal of Advanced Research (2016) 7, 413–421.

(Impact Factor:




  1. 17.   Omama  E. EL-Shawi AND Sahar S. ABD EL-Rahman. 2016


IJBPAS, March, 2016, 5(3): 736-52

(Scopus indexed)


  1. 18.   Asmaa K. Al-Mokaddem, Kawkab A. Ahmed, Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman and Essam Abdel-mawla. 2016

The Potential Protective Impact of Spirulina platensis Against Thioacetamide-Induced Liver Fibrosis in Rats.

International Journal of PharmTech Research


2016,9(12): 873-883.

(Scopus indexed)


  1. Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman


    Gehan Shehab

    Heba Nashaat

    . Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate: The Prospective Targeting of Cscs and Preventing Metastasis of Chemically-Induced Mammary Cancer in Rats.

    The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 2017;354(1):54–63.

    (Impact Factor:





  1. 20.   Tarek El-Hamoly, Dina M. El-Sharawy, Marwa S. El Refaye, Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman. 2017.

L-thyroxine modifies nephrotoxicity by regulating the apoptotic pathway: The possible role of CD38/ADP-ribosyl cyclase-mediated calcium mobilization. PLOS  One. 2017 Sep 11;12(9):e0184157. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone. (Impact Factor: 2.776)


  1. Sara S. Essa

    Eiman M. El-Saied

    Osama S. El-Tawil

    Manal B. Mahmoud

    Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman


Modulating effect of MgO-SiO2 nanoparticles on immunological and histopathological alterations induced by aflatoxicosis in rats.

Toxicon 140 (2017) 94-104

(Impact Factor:




  1. 22.   Ahmed S. Kamel, Noha F. Abdelkader, Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman, Marwan Emara, Hala F. Zaki, Mahmoud M. Khattab

Stimulation of ACE2/ANG(1-7)/Mas Axis by Diminazene Ameliorates Alzheimer's Disease in the D-Galactose-Ovariectomized Rat Model: Role of PI3K/Akt Pathway


Mol Neurobiol. 2018 Mar 7. doi: 10.1007/s12035-018-0966-3

(Impact Factor:




  1. 23.   Ramadan, Nehal Afifi, Nemat Z. Yassin, Rehab F. Abdel-Rahman, Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman, Hany M. Fayed.

Mesalazine, an osteopontin inhibitor: The potential prophylactic and remedial roles in induced liver fibrosis in rats. Chemico-Biological Interactions 289 (2018) 109–118

(Impact Factor:




  1. 24.   Shimaa M. Azmy, Mai A. Abd El fattah, Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman, Somia A. Nada, Omar M.E. Abdel Salam,

Mohammed F. El-Yamany, Noha N. Nassar.

Does nicotine impact tramadol abuse? Insights from neurochemical and

neurobehavioral changes in mice. Neurotoxicology 67 (2018) 245–258.

(Impact Factor:




  1. 25.   MO Elshazly, Sahar S Abd El-Rahman, Dalia A Hamza and Merhan E Ali. 2019.

Prevalence of Non-Neoplastic Ovarian Disorders in Non-Pregnant She-Camels (Camelus dromedaries) and their Correlation to Bacteriological Isolation. International Journal of Veterinary Science, 2019, 8(1): 20-27.

(Scopus indexed)



  1. 26.   Sara S. Essa, Eiman M. El-Saied, Osama S. El-Tawil, Inas M. Gamal and Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman. 2019

Nanoparticles of zinc oxide defeat chlorpyrifos-induced immunotoxic effects and histopathological alterations. Veterinary World, 2019. EISSN: 2231-0916

(Scopus indexed)


  1. Mohammed Awny , Adel Abd-Elbaset kubesy, Taher A Baraka, Faisal A Torad, Shymaa I Saleh , Sahar Abd-Elrahman

Diagnostic Value o f Kidney Injury Molecule-1 in Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease. BIOSCIENCE RESEARCH, 2019 16(1): 45-53.

(Impact Factor:




  1. Rasha GO Aly, Mona IH El-Enbaawy, Sahar S Abd El-Rahman, Nagwa S Ata and Elhariri M


The in vitro Potential Antitumor Effect of S. typhimurium Outer Membrane Vesicles on MCF-7 and Caco-2 Cell Lines Compared to Chemotherapies. International Journal of Veterinary Science


2019, 8(4): 259-266


(Scopus indexed)


  1. Ashraf A. Abd El-Twaab, Eman M. El-Rawy, Rania Abo-Sakaya, Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman and Ahmed M. Abd El-Majeed.


A trial for preparation and assessment of montanide gel 01 adjuvanted inactivated strangles vaccine. BIOSCIENCE RESEARCH, 2019 16(1):349-355.

(Impact Factor:








Publications in National Journals:


  1. 1.     Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman and Osman A. H. (2001):

Studies on the chronic oral toxicity of some analgesics (Aspirin and Paracetamol) and Ampicillin in growing rats. J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass. 61, No. 6,4: 207-218.


  1. 2.     Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman; Mahmoud A. Sheble; Fatma M. Abd El-Azeem; Sayed M. Rawi. (2002): (conference paper)

Biochemical and pathological studies on hepatic and renal alteration in male albino rats given aluminum chloride and / or aflatoxin B1. Egypt. J. Comp. and Clinic. Path. Vol. 15 No. 1; 57-73.


  1. 3.     Osman A. H. and Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman. (2002)

Pathological studies on some pancreatic affections of equines.Egypt. J. Comp. and Clinic. Path. Vol. 15 No. 2 (Oct.) ;  2002, 12-21.


  1. 4.     Soliman A. S.; Inas N. El-Husseiny; Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman. (2002):

 Experimental studies on partial tendon auto transplantation in donkeys. Egypt. J. Vet. Med. Ass.62 No. 1; 33-43.


  1. 5.     Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman and M.M. Lotfy. (2003):

Ovarian tumors in bitches: with a reference to hormonal alterations. Egypt. J. Comp. and Clinic. Path. Vol.16 No. 1; 124-134.



  1. 6.     Mahmoud A. Sheble; Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman; Halima S. Abdou; Ahmad A. Soliman. (2004):

Aflatoxicosis in Egyptian sheep with special reference to its cytologic and pathologic alterations. Egypt. J. Comp. and Clinic. Path. Vol. 17 No 1 (March) 78-93.


  1. 7.     Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman.(2004):

Assessment of neuropathology, amino acid profile and bioaccumulation following sub chronic inhalation of manganese phosphate ( as one of gasoline combustion products) in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Vet. Med.

J. Giza. Vol. 52; No. 4: 495-506.


  1. 8.     Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman and Kawkab A. Ahmad. (2004):

Pathology of gout induced by sodium bicarbonate toxicity in broilers. J. Egypt. Vet. Med. Ass. 64, No. 1; 125-136.


  1. Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman;  Inas N. El-Husseiny.( 2004):

 Mammary gland neoplasms in mares. Egypt. J. Comp. and Clinic. Path. Vol. 17 No. 2; 1-11.


  1. 10.   M. A. Hamouda and Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman. (2004):

Neurotoxicity of combined aflatoxin B1 and G1 in different age Sprague-Dawley rats with comparative studies of CNS microchemistry alterations. Egypt. J. Comp. and Clinic. Path. Vol.17 No. 2; 21-37.


  1. 11.   Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman and M.M. Lotfy. (2005).

Canine spirosercosis in Giza Governate: with a reference to esophageal and aortic pathology. Vet. Med. J. Giza. Vol. 53; No. 4: 495-506.


  1. 12.   Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman and Gouda. A. (2006).

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Tarek El-Hamoly, Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman, Megahed Al-Abyad

Acceleration of cutaneous wound healing by ursodeoxycholic acid associated with enhancement of TGF-β1 expression and collagen deposition through NF-κB-independent pathway.

Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman, Hany M. Fayed .

Targeting AngII/AT1R signaling pathway by Perindopril inhibits ongoing liver fibrosis in rat.


Rasha G O Aly , Mona I H El-Enbaawy , Sahar S Abd El-Rahman, Nagwa S Ata

The in vitro potential antitumor effect of S. Typhimurium outer membrane vesicles

on MCF-7 and Caco-2 cell lines compared to chemotherapies



































3- Publications in Conference Proceedings: