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Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., M. A. Raafat, A. K. Abou-Raya, and A. S. Shalaby, "Manganese distribution in the tissues of sheep and poultry.", Journal of Animal Production of the United Arab Republic, vol. 8, pp. 25-30, 1968. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., M. A. Raafat, A. K. Abou-Raya, and A. S. Shalaby, "Manganese, iron and cobalt content in common Egyptian feedstuffs.", United Arab Republic Journal of Animal Production, vol. 10, issue 2, pp. 245-254, 1970. Abstract
Darwish, M. Y. H., S. El Samman, and E. R. M. A. Hussein, "Meat production from rahmani lambs.", Egyptian Journal of Animal Production, 1973. Abstract
Mohammed, A. S., and E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, "Mesopotamia J. Agric.", Mesopotamia Journal of Agriculture, vol. 13: University of Mosul, College of Agriculture and Forestry., pp. 21, 1978. Abstract
Elgindi, I. M., M. A. Raafat, E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, and S. M. Allam, "Metabolism of 45Ca in lambs", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, 1971. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., M. A. Raafat, I. M. El-Gindi, and M. S. M. Samy, "Metabolism of P in poultry", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, 1971. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., "METABOLISM OF P IN POULTRY Ву ERM ABOU-HUSSEIN, MA RAAFAT, IM EL-GINDI AND MSM SAMY", United Arab Republic Journal of Animal Production, vol. 11: National Information and Documentation Centre, pp. 77, 1971. Abstract
Hussein, E. R. M. A., M. A. Raafat, I. M. Elgindi, and M. S. M. Samy, "Metabolism of P23 in sheep", Pakistan J Sci Res, 1968. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., M. A. Raafat, I. M. El-Gindi, and M. S. M. Samy, "Metabolism of p32 in sheep.", Pakistan Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 20, pp. 28-33, 1968. Abstract