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Ghoneim, A., M. A. Raafat, A. K. Abou-Raya, and E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, "Economic food mixture for the growth of Egyptian calves. 1. Effect of replacing a part of the clover or its hay by wheat bran for buffalo calves during the 1st year growth.", Economic food mixture for the growth of Egyptian calves. 1. Effect of replacing a part of the clover or its hay by wheat bran for buffalo calves during the 1st year growth., issue 149, 1957. Abstract
Ghoneim, A., M. A. Raafat, A. K. Abou-Raya, and E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, "Economic food mixture for the growth of Egyptian calves. 2. Effect of replacing a part of the clover or its hay by undecorticated cottonseed cake for feeding buffalo calves during the 2nd year of growth.", Economic food mixture for the growth of Egyptian calves. 2. Effect of replacing a part of the clover or its hay by undecorticated cottonseed cake for feeding buffalo calves during the 2nd year of growth., issue Bull. No. 150, 1957. Abstract
Ghoneim, A., M. A. Raafat, A. K. Abou-Raya, and E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, "Feeding of Egyptian cows and buffaloes on different levels of starch values. 2. Economic food requirements for growing calves during the second six months of growth.", Feeding of Egyptian cows and buffaloes on different levels of starch values. 2. Economic food requirements for growing calves during the second six months of growth.: Cairo Univ. Fac. Agric., 1957. Abstract
Ghoneim, A., M. A. Raafat, A. K. Abou-Raya, and E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, "Study of growth in Egyptian cows and buffaloes up to 10.5 years old.", Study of growth in Egyptian cows and buffaloes up to 10.5 years old., issue Bull. No. 133, 1957. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., Economical feeding of dairy cows and buffaloes for milk production in Egypt, : Ph. D. Thesis. Fac. of Agric. Cairo Univ, 1958. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., and M. A. Raafat, "Comparative studies on the feeding of dairy buffalo calves on cow's and buffalo's milk.", Journal of Animal Production of the United Arab Republic, vol. 2, pp. 27-35, 1962. Abstract
Elgindi, I. M., A. Ghoneim, M. A. Raafat, E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, and E. A. Gihad, "Effect of fertilization practices upon the yield, chemical composition and nutritive value of berseem.", Journal of Animal Production of the United Arab Republic, vol. 3, pp. 95-103, 1963. Abstract
Raafat, M. A., A. Ghoneim, I. M. Elgindi, E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, and E. A. Gihad, "Effect of interseeding barley with berseem on its yield, chemical composition and nutritive value.", Journal of Animal Production of the United Arab Republic, vol. 3, pp. 117-122, 1963. Abstract
Ghoneim, A., M. A. Raafat, I. M. El-Gindi, E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, and E. A. Gihad, "Effect of the stage of cutting on the yield, chemical composition and nutritive value of berseem.", Journal of Animal Production of the United Arab Republic, vol. 3, pp. 83-93, 1963. Abstract
Hussein, E. R. M. A., and P. M. RüS, "Investigation with radioactive phosphorus on the influence of" alloxan diabetes" upon intermediate metabolism in calves.", Investigation with radioactive phosphorus on the influence of" alloxan diabetes" upon intermediate metabolism in calves.: Copenhagen, 1963. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., and P. H. Sorensen, "A study with radioactive iodine on thyroid function in vitamin (A) deficient pigs.", Journal of Animal Production of the United Arab Republic, vol. 3, pp. 123-130, 1963. Abstract
Raafat, M. A., A. K. Abou-Raya, E. R. M. ABOUT-HUSSEIN, and A. Darwish, "THE SUITABLE LEVEL FOR FEEDING DAIRY ANIMALS I- The Effect of Reducing the Maintenance Level for the Buffaloes and Local Cows", Proceedings of the Second Animal Production Conference, vol. 3, issue 3: J. Anim. Prod. UAR, pp. 217-231, 1963. Abstract
Abou-Raya, A. K., E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, A. Ghoneim, M. A. Raafat, and A. A. Mohamed, "Effect of Ca (OH) 2 and NaOH treatments on the nutritive value of maize stalks, sorghum stalks and dry sweet potato vines.", Journal of Animal Production of the United Arab Republic, vol. 1966, issue 4, pp. 55-65, 1964. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., A. Ghoneim, M. A. Raafat, I. M. El-Gindi, and E. A. Gihad, "Effect of the stage of cutting berseem on the yield, chemical composition and nutritive value of its hay.", Journal of Animal Production of the United Arab Republic, vol. 4, pp. 45-53, 1964. Abstract
Gihad, E. A., A. Ghoneim, M. A. Raafat, I. M. El-Gindi, and E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, "Study of losses in hay making as influenced by the stage of cutting", United Arab Republic Journal of Animal Production, vol. 4, issue 1: National Information and Documentation Centre, pp. 67, 1964. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., M. A. Raafat, A. K. Abou-Raya, and A. S. Shalaby, "Manganese distribution in the tissues of sheep and poultry.", Journal of Animal Production of the United Arab Republic, vol. 8, pp. 25-30, 1968. Abstract
Hussein, E. R. M. A., M. A. Raafat, I. M. Elgindi, and M. S. M. Samy, "Metabolism of P23 in sheep", Pakistan J Sci Res, 1968. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., M. A. Raafat, I. M. El-Gindi, and M. S. M. Samy, "Metabolism of p32 in sheep.", Pakistan Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 20, pp. 28-33, 1968. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., M. A. Raafat, A. K. Abou-Raya, and A. S. Shalaby, "Manganese, iron and cobalt content in common Egyptian feedstuffs.", United Arab Republic Journal of Animal Production, vol. 10, issue 2, pp. 245-254, 1970. Abstract
Elgindi, I. M., E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, M. A. Raafat, and M. M. Abdel-Rahman, "Feeding weaned male buffalo calves on different levels of starch value up to the age of two years", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, 1971. Abstract
Elgindi, I. M., M. A. Raafat, E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, and S. M. Allam, "Metabolism of 45Ca in lambs", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, 1971. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., M. A. Raafat, I. M. El-Gindi, and M. S. M. Samy, "Metabolism of P in poultry", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, 1971. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., "METABOLISM OF P IN POULTRY Ву ERM ABOU-HUSSEIN, MA RAAFAT, IM EL-GINDI AND MSM SAMY", United Arab Republic Journal of Animal Production, vol. 11: National Information and Documentation Centre, pp. 77, 1971. Abstract
Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., M. A. Raafat, and M. A. Salem, "The nutrition of Friesian calves during the suckling period", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, vol. 11, issue 1, pp. 113-120, 1971. Abstract
Abou-Raya, A. K., E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, M. A. Raafat, and Z. M. Z. Abd el Motagalli, "Some major elements in common Egyptian feeds and their retention with mature sheep in balance trials. II. Studies with concentrates from grains and by-products", J Anim Prod United Arab Repub, 1971. Abstract