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Abou-Hussein, E. R. M., and P. H. Sorensen, "A study with radioactive iodine on thyroid function in vitamin (A) deficient pigs.", Journal of Animal Production of the United Arab Republic, vol. 3, pp. 123-130, 1963. Abstract
Raafat, M. A., A. K. Abou-Raya, E. R. M. ABOUT-HUSSEIN, and A. Darwish, "THE SUITABLE LEVEL FOR FEEDING DAIRY ANIMALS I- The Effect of Reducing the Maintenance Level for the Buffaloes and Local Cows", Proceedings of the Second Animal Production Conference, vol. 3, issue 3: J. Anim. Prod. UAR, pp. 217-231, 1963. Abstract
Abou-Raya, A. K., E. R. M. Abou-Hussein, A. Abou El Hassan, and M. M. El-Shinnawy, "use of some by-products in feed mixtures for animals", Proceedings of the Conference on Animal Feeds of Tropical and Subtropical Origin, 1975. Abstract