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Sallam, I. E., U. Rolle-Kampczyk, S. Serena Schäpe, S. S. Zaghloul, R. S. El-Dine, P. Shao, M. von Bergen, and M. A. Farag, "Evaluation of antioxidant activity and biotransformation of opuntia ficus fruit: the effect of in vitro and ex vivo gut microbiota metabolism", Molecules, vol. 27, issue 21: MDPI, pp. 7568, 2022. Abstract
Alruwad, M. I., R. S. E. Dine, A. M. Gendy, M. M. Sabry, and H. M. El Hefnawy, "Exploring the Biological and Phytochemical Potential of Jordan’s Flora: A Review and Update of Eight Selected Genera from Mediterranean Region", Molecules, vol. 29, issue 5: MDPI, pp. 1160, 2024. Abstract