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Moghaieb, R. E. A., E. Khashaba, and A. M. Abdelazim, "The toxicity of Cry1Ia5 transgenic soybean plants against Spodoptera littoralis", Journal of plant protection Research, vol. 59, Submitted.
Ahmed, T. Y. A., MHHussein, S. A. El-Maaty, and R. E. A. Moghaieb, "Detection of genetic variation among five basil species by using ISSR, SCOT and SRAP markers.", International Journal of Health Sciences, vol. 6(, issue S5, pp. 9484–9497, 2022.
Abaza, N. O., Yousief, S. S., and R. E. Moghaieb, "The efficiency of SCoT, ISSR, and SRAP markers for detecting genetic polymorphism among Egyptian barley genotypes", Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, vol. 13, issue 1, pp. 1851-1863, 2022.
Naguib NM, Yousef SS, El-Sharkawy A, M. RE, Temraz TA, and K. EHK, "Genetic polymorphism between and within Mediterranean and Red Sea populations of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) as revealed by Sequence-Related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP)", Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, vol. 26, issue 2, pp. 1-16, 2022.
Moghaieb, Reda EA, Etr HK Khashaba, Amany M. Abd El Azim, and S. A. and Ibrahim, "Genetic diversity studies and screening for rice stem borer (Chilo Agamemnon) resistance in six Egyptian rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) using DNA based-markers", Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 68, no. 6 (2021): 2313-2323., 2021.
Moghaieb, R. E. A.;, D. S.; Ahmed, A. Gaber, and A. A. and Abdelhadi, "Overexpression of bacterial katE gene improves the resistance of modified tomato plant against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici", GM Crops & Food, 12 (1):315-327, 2021.
AL-Gozyer, R. F. M., R. E. A. Moghaieb, A. A. Abdallah, A. N. Sharaf, and N. Abdalla, "Characterization of salt tolerance in four halophytic bacteria strain isolated from solar saltern at Alexandria-Egypt", Bioscience Research, vol. 15, issue 3, pp. 1905-1916, 2018.
Ramadan, G. S., R. E. Moghaieb, A. A. EL-Ghamry, E. M. EL-Komy, and F. K. R. Stino, "Microsatellite marker associated with body weight in local Egyptian broiler line Cairo B2", Bioscience Research, vol. 15, issue 4, pp. 3188-3201, 2018.
Rushdi, H. E. D., R. E. A. Moghaieb, Abdel-Shafy, H., and M. A. E. A. M. Ibrahim, "Association between Microsatellite Markers and Milk Production Traits in Egyptian Buffaloes", Czech Journal of Animal Science, vol. 62, issue 9, pp. 384-391, 2017.
Moghaieb, R. E. A., A. A. Abdelhadi, H. A. El-Sadawy, N. A. T. Allam, B. A. Baiome, and M. H. Soliman, "Molecular identification and genetic diversity among Photorhabdus and Xenorhabdus isolates", 3 Biotech , vol. 7, issue 6, pp. 1-9, 2017.
El-Kadi, D. A., D. S. Darwish, R. E. A. Moghaieb, and I. H. Yacoub, "Variation among some Egyptian wheat genotypes for HMW glutenin and quality traits", Bioscience Research, vol. 14, issue 2, pp. 370-379, 2017.
El-Kadi, D. A., D. S. Darwish, R. E. A. Moghaieb, and I. H. Yacoub, "Variation and Association among Yield components and Quality Traits of Some Egyptian Bread Wheat Genotypes", Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Sciences, vol. 8, issue 3, pp. 2521-2527, 2017.
Shanan, N., and R. E. A. Moghaieb, "Genetic diversity among four genotypes from Hibiscus rosasinensis in relation to drought stress", Journal of Horticulture and Forestry, vol. 8, issue 3, pp. 24-31, 2016.
M.M., H., Hussein M. H., Moghaieb R. E.A., and M. O.A., "dentification of differentially expressed drought responsive transcripts in Egyptian cotton", Arab Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 18, issue 1, pp. 55-66, 2015.
Moghaieb, R. E. A., D. S. Ahmed, A. - H. A. Abdel-Hadi, and A. N. Sharaf, "An efficient and reproducible regeneration and transformation protocol in tomato (Solanum lycopersicumL.)", Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, vol. 9, issue 33, pp. 411-416, 2015.
Moghaieb, R. E. A., E. H. K. Mohammed, S. S. Youssef, and A. M. A. El-Sharkawy, "Comparing the efficiency of sonication assisted Agrobacterium -mediated and particle bombardment for the production of transgenic canola plants", International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) , vol. 2, issue 10, pp. 200-208, 2014.
S., R. G., R. E. A. Moghaieb, A. A. EL-Ghamry, E. M. EL-Komy, F. S. Nassar, A. M. Abdou, M. M., and F. K. R. Stino, "Effect of Selection for High Live Body Weight on Slaughter Performance of Broiler Breeders ", Egy.Poult. Sci., vol. 34, issue 1, pp. 289-304, 2014.
Moghaieb, R. E. A., A. N. Sharaf, M. H. Soliman, N. I. El-Arabi, and O. A. Momtaz, "An efficient and reproducible protocol for the production of salt tolerant transgenic wheat plants expressing the Arabidopsis AtNHX1 gene", GM Crops and Food: Biotechnology in Agriculture and the Food Chain , vol. 5, issue 2, pp. 132-138, 2014.
EA, M. R., E. H. K. Mohamed, and S. S. Youssief, "Genetic diversity among some canola cultivars as revealed by RAPD, SSR and AFLP analyses", 3 Biotech. , vol. 4, issue 4, pp. 403-410, 2014.
, "Microsatellite Markers Assisted Selection for High Body Weight in Local Broiler Breeders", International Journal of Advanced Research , vol. 2, issue 8, pp. 901-910, 2014.
El-Maaty, S. A., N. I. El-Arabi, S. S. Youssef, and R. E. A. Moghaieb, "Molecular marker screening of wheat (Triticumasetivum) germplasm for salt tolerance", Arab Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 17, issue 1, pp. 1-8, 2014.
Moghaieb, R. E. A., A. M. A. Abdelazim, S. S. Youssef, Basita A. Hussein, and S. A. Mohamed, "Regeneration and transformation efficiencies among five Egyptian clover cultivars (Trifolium alexandrinum)", International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) , vol. 2, issue 7, pp. 227-233, 2014.
R. EA Moghaieb, Hussein M. H., Ibrahim E.G., and H. A. H.M., "Genetic diversity among banana mutants as revealed by SDS-PAGE and RAPD analyses", Arab J Biotech, vol. 16, issue 1, pp. 79-90, 2013.
Moghaieb, R. E. A., EHK Mohammed, and S. S. Youssief, "Genetic diversity among some canola cultivars as revealed by RAPD, SSR and AFLP analyses", 3 Biotech , vol. 1, pp. 1-8, 2013.
Moghaieb, R. E. A., A. - H. A. Abdel-Hadi, and M. R. A. Ahmed, "Genetic stability among date palm plantlets regenerated from petiole explants", African Journal of Biotechnology , vol. 10, issue 65, pp. 14311-14318, 2013.