Walid Rahoma
Lecturer and Researcher, Astronomy and Space Science Dept.
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El-Salam, A. F. A., W. A. Rahoma, M. A. M. I. El-Saftawy, and A. Mostafa,
The frozen orbits of the charged satellites under zonal harmonics perturbation
Advances in Space Research
, vol. 71, issue 11, pp. 4787-4801, 2023.
Khattab, E. H., F. A. A. El-Salam, and W. A. Rahoma,
Resonance Capture for a Mercurian Orbiter in the Vicinity of Sun
Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
, vol. 38, issue 2, pp. 93-103, 2021.
Khattab, E. H., M. Radwan, and W. A. Rahoma,
Construction of Frozen Orbits for a Lunar Solar Sail
Journal of Astronomy and Space Science
, vol. 37, issue 1, pp. 1-9, 2020.
Masoud, A., W. A. Rahoma, E. H. Khattab, and A. F. A. El-Salam,
" Design of Artificial Sun-Synchronous Orbits with Main Zonal Harmonics and Solar Radiation Pressure Using Continuous Low-Thrust Control Strategies
Open Astronomy
, vol. 28, issue 1, pp. 124-144, 2019.
W. A. Rahoma, A. Masoud, A. F. A. El-Salam, and E. H. Khattab,
Perturbed locations and linear stability of collinear Lagrangian points in the elliptic restricted three body problem with triaxial primaries
Open astronomy
, vol. 28, issue 1, pp. 145-153, 2019.
Deleflie, F., D. Thomasson, W. Rahoma, A. Petit, and undefined,
Analytical and statistical characterizations of the long term behavior of a cloud of debris generated by a break-up in orbit
Advances in the Astronautical Sciences
, vol. 162, pp. 1-15, 2018.
Masoud, A., W. A. Rahoma, E. H. Khattab, and F. A. El-Salam,
Construction of Frozen Orbits Using Continuous Thrust Control Theories Considering Earth Oblateness and Solar Radiation Pressure Perturbations
The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences
, vol. 65, pp. 448–469, 2018.
Rahoma, W. A.,
Investigating Exoplanet Orbital Evolution Around Binary Star Systems with Mass Loss
Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
, vol. 33, issue 4, Korea, pp. 257-264, 2016.
Rahoma, W. A., and A. F. A. El-Salam,
Dynamics of an infinitesimal body with a decreasing mass in the restricted three body problem apart from the equilibrium points
Elixir Appl. Math.
, vol. 76, pp. 28268-28274, 2014.
Rahoma, W. A., and F. Deleflie,
Effects of J2 Perturbation on Geometrical Relative Motion
Indian Journal of Science and Technology,
, vol. 7, issue 7, pp. 968–974, 2014.
Rahoma, W. A., and F. A. A. El-Salam,
The Effects of Moon’s Uneven Mass Distribution on the Critical Inclinations of a Lunar Orbiter
J. Astron. Space Sci.
, vol. 31, issue 4, pp. 285-294, 2014.
Rahoma, W. A.,
Orbital Elements Evolution Due to a Perturbing Body in an Inclined Elliptical Orbit
J. Astron. Space Sci.
, vol. 31, issue 3, pp. 199-204, 2014.
Rahoma, W. A., E. H. Khattab, and A. F. A. El-Salam,
Relativistic and the first sectorial harmonics corrections in the critical inclination
Astrophys Space Sci
, vol. 351, pp. 113–117, 2014.
Rahoma, W. A.,
Lunisolar invariant relative orbits
American Journal of Applied Science
, vol. 10, issue 4, pp. 307-320, 2013.
Rahoma, W. A., and G. M.,
Invariant Relative Orbits Taking into Account Third-Body Perturbation
Applied Mathematics
, vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 113-120, 2012.
Rahoma, W. A., A. U. Rahoma, and A. H. Hassan,
Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques for Solar Radiation
Journal of Computer Science
, vol. 7, issue 10, pp. 1605-1611, 2011.
Rahoma, W. A., M. K. Ahmed, and A. F. El-Salam,
Binary System with Varying Mass
, Germany, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG, 2011.
Rahoma, W. A., M. K. Ahmed, A. I. El-Tohamy, F. A. El-Salam, and M. I. El-Saftawy,
Two-Body Problem with Varying Mass in Case of Isotropic Mass Loss
Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
, vol. 4, issue 2, pp. 69-80, 2011.
W. A. Rahoma, A. F. A. El-Salam, and M. K. Ahmed,
Analytical Treatment of the Two-Body Problem with Slowly Varying Mass
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
, vol. 30, pp. 187-205, 2009.
Abd El-Salam, F. A., I. A. El-Tohamy, M. K. Ahmed, W. A. Rahoma, and M. A. Rassem,
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Applied Mathematics and Computation
, vol. 181, pp. 6-20, 2006.
Recent Publications
The frozen orbits of the charged satellites under zonal harmonics perturbation
Resonance Capture for a Mercurian Orbiter in the Vicinity of Sun
Construction of Frozen Orbits for a Lunar Solar Sail
Perturbed locations and linear stability of collinear Lagrangian points in the elliptic restricted three body problem with triaxial primaries
" Design of Artificial Sun-Synchronous Orbits with Main Zonal Harmonics and Solar Radiation Pressure Using Continuous Low-Thrust Control Strategies