Elzomor, H., R. Nour, A. S. Alfaar, A. Alei Eldin, S. M. Zaghloul, H. Taha, and A. Elhaddad,
"Presentation Of Extra-Ocular Retinoblastoma In Egypt",
International Society of Genetic Eye Diseases and Retinoblastoma meeting., Gent, Belgium, pp. 71, 2013.
AbstractIntroduction: Extraocular Retinoblastoma is a disease of developing countries. It represents a challenge for oncologists with its poor prognosis and resistance to chemotherapy. There is a major discrepancy in reporting its incidence between developing and developed world. Egypt represents the third most populous African country, hence, establishing Childrenâ?Ts Cancer Hospital Egypt 57357 (CCHE) -a non for profit institute- represents a hope for childhood cancer patients in Egypt and the middle-east. The aim of this paper is to report the magnitude of the disease and presenting features of extraocular retinoblastoma in Egypt over the last 6 years. Materials & Methods: We reviewed all the cases that were presented with extraocular retinoblastoma to our center between July 2007 and December 2012. This included ISGEDR 2013 72 reviewing clinical, radiological and pathological investigations. Cases were classified based on international staging of Retinoblastoma and milestone of diagnosing the disease. Results: Between July 2007 and December 2012 our team has diagnosed 48 cases of metastatic disease accounting for 18.3% of all cases with retinoblastoma. Mean age of presentation was 27.3 months and duration of prior symptoms was 17 months. 40% of the cases presented initially with extra-ocular retinoblastoma while 49% was diagnosed after enucleation and about 9% of the cases ignored followup sessions and came later with metastases. Stage II represented 32.4% of the cases while Stage III was 26.4% and Stage IV accounted for 42.2 % of the cases. Conclusions: Extraocular retinoblastoma is still an under-studied field due to the few diagnosed cases in developed world. But in the settings of developing countries it represents a real nightmare specially with the increasing number of advanced intra- ocular retinoblastoma patients and lack of access to healthcare services.