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Elsabee, M. Z., R. E. Morsi, and M. Fathy, "mzelsabee", Antimicrobial Food Packaging: Academic Press, pp. Chitosan-Oregano Essential Oil Blends Use as Antimicrobial Packaging Materia, Submitted.
Salama, A., N. Hafez, E. Abusinna, and A. Hassouna, "Myxofibrosarcoma of Thyroid: second case in Africa.", Cytology and Histology, vol. 5, pp. 5, 2014.
Salama, A., N. H. Hafez, E. Abu-Sinna, Ashraf Hassouna, and A. A. Amin, "Myxofibrosarcoma of the Thyroid: Second Case in Africa", Journal of Cytology & Histology, vol. 5, issue 5, 2014. myxofibrosarcoma_of_thyroid_case_report.pdf
Fouad, R., Mohamed B. Hashem, M. Said, M. Khairy, M. Abouelkhair, and A. A. Helmy, Myxoedema: A rare cause of massive ascites , , 2016.
A.E., E., A. S.K, Y. N.A, D. A.A, E. - L. M., M. A.A., and A. M., "Myxobolus episquamalis infection in farmed flathead grey mullet Mugil cephalus L. and thin-lipped mullet Liza ramada. ", Aquaculture International,,, vol. 28(1), pp. pp.363-376., 2020.
Eissa, A. E., S. K. Abolghait, N. A. Younis, A. A. Dessouki, M. M. El-Lamie, A. A. Abu Mhara, and M. Abdelsalam, Myxobolus episquamalis infection in farmed flathead grey mullet Mugil cephalus L. and thin-lipped mullet Liza ramada, , vol. 28, issue 1, pp. 363 - 376, 2020. AbstractWebsite

Egypt is the largest producer of farmed mullets worldwide. The mullet seeds are collected from natural waters at the north and northern east of Egypt. Thus, the occurrence of parasitic diseases is relatively high even after being stocked in aquaculture facilities. The current study was conducted on a fish farm located at the coastal area of the Suez Canal region, Egypt. Farmed flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) and thin-lipped grey mullet (Liza ramada) showed pinkish-white granular cysts on their body surfaces that measured approximately 5 mm (4–6 mm) in width and 7 mm (5–9 mm) in length and contained a milky coloured exudate. The proximal portion of the fins and apical part of the scales were the only sites of infection. These cysts are randomly scattered throughout the fish body surface. No mortalities were detected among moribund mullets, but these cysts make the fish unsightly, causing commercial rejection. The overall prevalence of infection was 40%. Giemsa-stained wet smears initially indicated that the spores were of Myxobolus species. Subsequently, the phylogenetic analysis of the 18S rRNA gene confirmed the identification of spores as being those of Myxobolus episquamalis. Furthermore, amprolium-salinomycin mixture, which has an established track record for treating myxozoan infections in multiple fish species, was successfully tested in a large-scale field trial. Moribund mullets displayed significant reduction in myxosporean infection following treatment with amprolium-salinomycin mixture. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report describing the detection of M. episquamalis in farmed flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) and thin-lipped grey mullet (Liza ramada) collected from fish farms in the Suez Canal, Egypt.

Sami, H. G., ""Myths of the Veiled Kingdom: Representation and Counter-Representation of the Middle East in Selected Contemporary Bestsellers"", Journal of the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, vol. 29, issue No. 6 - Part 3 , pp. 53-77, 2019.
Khouly, H., "The myth or Er, (in Arabic)", The role of myth in platonic philosophy: Study on the Republic book X, Classical Papers, Vol., X, Cairo University Press, pp. 167-188. , Cairo, 2010.
Wadie, B. S., A. M. Badawi, and M. A. Ghoneim, "The myth of prostate symptom scores, a look at the future", British Urology Association Symposium, 2000. Abstract
Abdalbary, S. A., M. Abdel-Wahed, Sherif Amr, M. Mahmoud, E. A. A. El-Shaarawy, S. Salaheldin, and A. Fares, "The Myth of Median Nerve in Forearm and Its Role in Double Crush Syndrome: A Cadaveric Study", Frontiers in Surgery, vol. 8, issue 648779, pp. 1-8, 2021.
Aish, A., E. Abosag, I. McKechnie, and S. and Hassan, "The Mystique of Macro-Boycotting Behaviour "Conceptual Framework"",", International Journal of Consumer Studies (IJCS), vol. 37, issue 2, 2013. microsoft_word_-_rtf__1_.pdf
Sunil, A., and et al, "The Mystery of 1200 units of Insulin per day. (Prof. Emad Daif was a peer reviewer for this article).", Journal of Case Reports in Medical Science, In Press.
Alkady, H., S. Aboramadan, A. Adas, M. Gamaleldin, and D. Labeeb, "A mysterious intra-cardiac needle discovered accidentally during pericardiothentesis under fluoroscopy", Journal of Clinical and Medical Images, Case Reports, vol. 2, issue 1, pp. 1-2, 2022. jcm-1092.pdf
Fathi, Y., M. Hassan, and M. HazimTawfik, "The Mysterious Behavior of Term by Term Expectation", Journal of Communication and Computer, vol. 10, pp. 909-917, 2013.
Al-Quraishy, S., M. A. Dkhil, R. Abdel-Gaber, R. Zrieq, T. A. Hafez, M. A. Mubaraki, and A. A. E. Moneim, "Myristica fragrans seed extract reverses scopolamine-induced cortical injury via stimulation of HO-1 expression in male rats", Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020.
Shanawany, E. E. E., F. Abouelmagd, N. M. Taha, R. S. Zalat, E. H. Abdelrahman, and E. H. Abdel-Rahman, "Myristica fragrans Houtt. methanol extract as a promising treatment for Cryptosporidium parvum infection in experimentally immunosuppressed and immunocompetent mice", Veterinary World, vol. 17, issue 9, pp. 2062–2071, 2024.
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Tawab, H. A. M., H. S. Badran, B. M. Wahba, and K. M. Abulnasr, "Myringosclerosis with Chronic Safe Suppurative Otitis Media: Hearing Outcome after Surgical Management According to Myringosclerotic Patch Site and Inclusion in the Surgery", The International Journal of Advanced Otology, vol. 10, issue 3, pp. 260-263, 2014. 260-263.pdf
Badran, H. S., H. A. M. Tawab, B. M. Wahba, and K. M. Abulnasr, "Myringosclerosis with Chronic Safe Suppurative Otitis Media: Hearing Outcome after Surgical Management According to Myringosclerotic Patch Site and Inclusion in the Surgery", JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ADVANCED OTOLOGY, vol. 10, no. 3: AVES BUYUKDERE CAD 105-9, MECIDIYEKOY, SISLI, ISTANBUL 34096, TURKEY, pp. 260–263, 2014. AbstractMyringosclerosis.pdf


ElSharkawy, Abdel Tawab, S., Gharib, and Algarf, "Myringoplasty with and without Cortical Mastoidectomy in Treatment of Non-cholesteatomatous Chronic Otitis Media: A Comparative Study.",, 2014.
Tawab, H. M. A., F. M. gharib, T. M. algarf, and L. s. ElSharkawy, "Myringoplasty with and without Cortical Mastoidectomy in Treatment of Non-cholesteatomatous Chronic Otitis Media: A Comparative Study", Clinical Medicine Insights: Ear, Nose and Throat, pp. 19-23, 2014. myringoplasty-with-and-without-cortical-mastoidectomy-in-treatment-of .pdf
Yang, L., Y. Gao, J. Gong, Q. Su, Z. Guo, M. A. Farag, and J. Xiao, "Myricetin ameliorates prediabetes through gut microbiota-SCFAs-Gpr43 axis.", Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, pp. 1-18, 2024.
Roverso, R., M. Al-Aggan, A. Naiem, A. Dahlstrom, S. El-Ansary, M. El-Beltagy, and S. Haridi, "Myp2pworld: Highly reproducible application-level emulation of p2p systems", Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops, 2008. SASOW 2008. Second IEEE International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 272–277, 2008. Abstract