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Shahin, M., H. A. Elazab, M. Gadalla, T. Majozi, and F. Ashour, Maximizing Energy Efficiency in Petroleum Refining: Case Study—Delayed Coker Unit in an Egyptian Refinery, : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
Abd El-Rahman, A. I., Mechanics of Random-fiber Networks: A Direct Simulation, : ProQuest, 2009. Abstract
Adham, F. K., Medical and veterinary Entomology, , cairo- Egypt, 2009.
Dey, N., V. Bhateja, and A. E. Hassanien, Medical Imaging in Clinical Applications: Algorithmic and Computer-Based Approaches, , Germany , Springer, 2016. images_1.jpgWebsite
A.Kaoud, H., Medical protozoology, , Charletons-UK, Amazon-CreateSpace, 2015. medical_protozoology.pdf
Farid, A., Medicinal plants and health, : Lambert academic publishing , 2020.
Sabry, R., and R. Fathy, Mélanges offerts à Amina Rachid, , Cairo, El Ain Publisher House, 2010.
Sabry, R., and R. Fathy, Mélanges offerts à Amina Rachid, , Le Caire, El Ain Publishing House, 2010.
Sabry, R., and R. Fathy, Mélanges offerts à Amina Rachid, , Le Caire, El Ain Publishing House, 2010.
Farid, A., Melatonin and diabetes, , Germany, Lambert academic publishing, 2022.
S.Zaher, and A.Badr, Membrane Computing and Cryptographic Systems, , Cairo, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015.
Nabil, E., and A. Badr, Membrane Computing In Optimization, , Germany, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014. AbstractWebsite

Membrane Computing (P Systems) is an emergent and promising branch of Natural Computing. Designing P Systems is a heavy difficult problem. Until now there is no tool exists that can help in designing of P systems. This book shows how to use clonal selection algorithm with adaptive mutation in the design of P systems. In Addition the book proposes a Membrane-Immune algorithm that is inspired from the structure of living cells and the vertebrate immune system. The algorithm is tested by solving the Multiple Zero/One Knapsack Problem. The Membrane-Immune algorithm surpassed two variants of genetic algorithms that solved the same problem. The Membrane-Immune algorithm is also applied to generate a fuzzy rule based system to be used in breast cancer diagnosis. Generating a fuzzy rule system composes an exponential search space, which leads to the area of NP-complete problems. The algorithm is compared with five techniques and surpassed them. Last chapter presents a proposal of P Systems implementation using Cloud Computing. The proposed Implementation is illustrated by solving SAT problem.

Nabil, E., and A. Badr, Membrane Computing In Optimization, , Germany, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014. AbstractWebsite

Membrane Computing (P Systems) is an emergent and promising branch of Natural Computing. Designing P Systems is a heavy difficult problem. Until now there is no tool exists that can help in designing of P systems. This book shows how to use clonal selection algorithm with adaptive mutation in the design of P systems. In Addition the book proposes a Membrane-Immune algorithm that is inspired from the structure of living cells and the vertebrate immune system. The algorithm is tested by solving the Multiple Zero/One Knapsack Problem. The Membrane-Immune algorithm surpassed two variants of genetic algorithms that solved the same problem. The Membrane-Immune algorithm is also applied to generate a fuzzy rule based system to be used in breast cancer diagnosis. Generating a fuzzy rule system composes an exponential search space, which leads to the area of NP-complete problems. The algorithm is compared with five techniques and surpassed them. Last chapter presents a proposal of P Systems implementation using Cloud Computing. The proposed Implementation is illustrated by solving SAT problem.

E.Nabil, and A.Badr, Membrane Computing in Optimization: From Biology to Algorithms, , Cairo, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014.
Amr El-Slehdar, A. R. G., Memristor- Based Multilevel Arithmetic Circuits, : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014. Abstract
Goubran, H., G. Ragab, and W. Sabry, "Metabolism-mediated thrombotic microangiopathy and B12", Vitamins and Hormones, vol. 119: Academic Press Inc., pp. 441 - 455, 2022. AbstractWebsite
Sayer, A., Method in {Social} {Science}: a {Realist} {Approach}, , 2nd, London, Routledge, 1992. Abstract
Basha, T. A., Methods for functional imaging in cardiac magnetic resonance, , vol. 71, issue 01, 2009. Abstract
Hassan, A. A., Methods of Plant breeding. .(In Arabic)., : Al-Dar Al-Arabiah Lil Nashr Wa Al-Tawsia, Cairo., 2005. Abstract
Hassan, E., R. Stana, A. El-Midany, F. I. P. of Research, and U. of Florida, MgO Removal from Phosphate Pebble by Flotation: Final Report, : The Institute, 2003. Abstract
Elsayed, M., H. M. El-Mashad, and M. Mahmoud-Aly, "Microbial-Mediated Lignocellulose Conversion to Biodiesel", Waste-to-Energy: Springer International Publishing, pp. 449 - 477, 2022///. AbstractWebsite

Biodiesel is commercially produced from edible lipids such as soybean, canola, and palm oils. Using edible lipids for biodiesel production increases the competition with food production leading to the “food versus fuel” debate. Therefore, alternative...

Ahmed, A., Microbiological and Chemical Quality of Active Dry Yeast, : Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8473-7687-3, 2012.