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Awad, A., R. Goré, Z. Hou, J. Thomson, and M. Weidlich, "An iterative approach to synthesize business process templates from compliance rules", Inf. Syst., vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 714-736, 2012. Abstract
Abdelrahman, E. M., and H. M. El-Araby, "An iterative approach to depth determination of a buried sphere from vertical magnetic anomalies", Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 11, issue 1, pp. 37 - 46, 1993. AbstractWebsite
Abdelrahman, E. M., T. M. El-Araby, and K. S. Essa, "An Iterative Approach to Depth Determination from Second Moving Average Residual Magnetic Anomalies", Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Earth Sciences, vol. 15, pp. 181–196, 2004. Abstract
Abdelrahman, E. M., and T. M. El-Araby, "An Iterative Approach to Depth Determination from Moving Average Residual Self-Potential Anomalies", King Abdulaziz univ. earth[2] Burr, SV (1981). A Guide to prospecting by the self-potential method, vol. 9, pp. 17–27, 1997. Abstract
Awad, A., R. Goré, J. Thomson, and M. Weidlich, "An Iterative Approach for Business Process Template Synthesis from Compliance Rules", Advanced Information Systems Engineering - 23rd International Conference, CAiSE 2011, London, UK, June 20-24, 2011. Proceedings, vol. 6741: Springer, pp. 406–421, 2011. Abstract
Ammar, E, E., and H. Khalifa, "Iteractive two-stage stochastic fuzzy rough programming for water resources management", Journal of Advances in Physics, vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 623-642, 2014.
Hussein, Y., E. A. Kamoun, S. A. Loutfy, R. Amen, T. H. Taha, A. S. Mansour, A. I. Abdel-Salam, and M. Amer, "ite hydrogel membranes-based polyvinyl alcohol/hyaluronic acid for biomedical applications: Extraction, characterization, and in vitro bioevaluation", Journal of applied pharmaceutical science, vol. 11, issue 1, 2021.
Sherif, A., "Italian version of BioMAP "Biodiversity Monitoring&Assessment Project Website", BioMAP "Biodiversity Monitoring&Assessment Project", 2007.
Hunter, H., IT Pharrma, , 2015. abstract_form.doc
Selim, A., "It all Started with a Phone Call: CT Scanning of the Royal Egyptian Mummies", Guardian of Ancient Egypt Studies in Honor of Zahi Hawass, Volume III, Prague, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, 2020. guardian_of_ancient_egypt_selim-ashraf_final.pdf
Al-Inany, H. G., "Issues of bioequivalence and cost equivalence", Fertility and Sterility, vol. 78, pp. 438–438, 2002. Abstract
Al-Inany, H. G., "Issues of bioequivalence and cost equivalence", Fertility and Sterility, vol. 78, pp. 438–438, 2002. Abstract
Shaalan, K., and E. Othman, "Issues in the Morphological Analysis of the Arabic Passive Verb", The Seventh Conference on Language Engineering, Egyptian Society of Language Engineering (ELSE), Cairo, Egypt, Ain Shams University, dec, 2007. Abstractweakpasvvrb.pdf

Arabic is a strongly structured and highly derivational language. Arabic morphology and syntax provide the ability to add a large number of affixes to each word which makes combinatorial increment of possible words. In Arabic, passive voice is used as a writing style when: 1) the subject is unknown, 2) the subject is unimportant enough to be mentioned, or 3) the author wants to highlight the object. In this paper, the issues related to the recognition of the Arabic passive verbs which impact the automated understanding of Arabic sentences were addressed. An experiment using the Buckwalter Arabic morphological analyzers, one of the mature Arabic morphological analyzer, were conducted in order to highlight the limitations in the analysis of Arabic passive verbs. Results indicated that there exists a need for handling the problems related to the morphological analysis of passive verbs in order to improve the recognition accuracy of Arabic words.

El-Said, H., "Issues in Bancarisation", Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Economic Transition “Governance of Egyptian Banks Guide”: EBI and IFC, 2008.
of of the correspond Ebtesam Mo'awad El-Sayed Ebied Community Health Nursing lecturer, F. N. - C. U. E. -mail, Issues and challenges of community health nursing in egypt, ISBN-10: 1530701155 ISBN-13: 978-1530701155, , USA, Create space independdnt publishing platform, 2016.
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M., K., "Issue-Oriented Social Accounting Matrices for Development Policy: Experience from the Middle East and North Africa Region", The proceedings of the 14th International Input-Output Techniques Conference, Montreal, Canada, 2002.
M., K., "An Issue-Oriented Macro-Micro Prototype Economic Models for a Gulf Cooperation Council – Capturing Government Finance, Labor Market and Economy 15 wide Interactions", Proceedings of the 75th International Conference on Policy Modeling for Europian and Global Issues, Brussels, July 5-7, 2001.
M., K., and M. Kamel, "An Issue-Oriented Computer-based Economy Wide Decision Support System: An application to the Kuwaiti Economy", Proceedings of the 75th International Conference on Policy Modeling for Europian and Global Issues, Brussels,, July 5-7, 2001.
Elzanfaly, E. S., E. A. Amer, S. A. Galal, and H. E. Zaazaa, ISSN 0975-413X CODEN (USA): PCHHAX, , Submitted. Abstract