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YACOUB, D. R. F. A. D. Y. M. A. G. D. E. Y., "Expanded super thin flaps in reconstruction of face and Neck contractures", Egypt, J. Plast. Reconstr. Surg., vol. 35, issue 2, pp. JULY 307-312, 2011.
Yacoub, F. M., and K. S. Ali, "Evaluation of Subfascial Breast Augmentation in Thin Patients", KASR EL AINI JOURNAL OF SURGERY, vol. 17, issue 1, pp. 99-108, 2016.
Yagoob, G., A. Khan, A. Feizi, S. Haidar, A. Raza, R. Khan, and A. S. Sherein, "Epidemiological and Pathological studies on the Helminthic Parasites in Native Chickens of Tabriz City, Iran.", Genetic and Molecular Research, vol. 16, issue 4, pp. 1-8, 2017. epidemiological-and-pathological-studies-on-the-helminthic-parasites-in-native-chickens-of-tabriz-city-iran-1.pdf
Yahia, A., T. Toppi, M. Aprile, P. N. Melograno, A. Mauro, and M. Motta, "Experimental Characterization of an Innovative Low Temperature Driven Dual Lift Water Ammonia Absorption Cycle", The 3rd International Conference on Microgeneration and Related Technologies (ICROGEN), Naples, 17 April, 2013.
Yahya, S. M. M., G. A. Elmegeed, M. S. Mohamed, R. M. Mohareb, M. M. Abd-Elhalim, and G. H. Elsayed, "The Effect of Newly Synthesized Heterosteroids on miRNA34a, 98, and 214 Expression Levels in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells", Ind J Clin Biochem , pp. 1-6, 2017.
Yahya, O., O. Hegazy, and E. Ezat, "An efficient implementation of Apriori algorithm based on Hadoop-Mapreduce model", Proc. of the, 2012. Abstract
Yahya, O., O. Hegazy, and E. Ezat, "An Efficient Implementation of A-Priori algorithm based on Hadoop-MapReduce model", International sjournal of Reviews in Computing, vol. 12, 2012. Abstract
Yahya, O., O. Hegazy, and E. Ezat, "An efficient implementation of Apriori algorithm based on Hadoop-Mapreduce model", Proc. of the, 2012. Abstract
Yakoot, M., M. H. El-Shabrawi, M. M. AbdElgawad, A. A. Mahfouz, A. F. Khalil, N. M. Kamal, S. Helmy, A. M. Abdo, E. M. Kamal, and H. R. El-Khayat, "Effects of Dual Sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir Therapy on Weight and Linear Growth in Adolescent Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection", The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, vol. Volume Online First , issue Online First, pp. 1-13, 2018. effects_of_dual_sofosbuvir_daclatasvir_therapy_on.96506.pdf
Yakoot, M., M. H. El-Shabrawi, M. M. AbdElgawad, A. A. Mahfouz, A. F. Khalil, N. M. Kamal, S. Helmy, A. M. Abdo, E. M. Kamal, and H. R. El-Khayat, "Effects of Dual Sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir Therapy on Weight and Linear Growth in Adolescent Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection.", The Pediatric infectious disease journal, vol. 38, issue 7, pp. e154-e157, 2019. Abstract

Negative effects on growth indices had been reported in children treated with interferon for chronic viral hepatitis. Forty chronic hepatitis C virus-infected adolescents, 12-17 years of age, were treated with sofosbuvir/daclatasvir therapy for 12 weeks. The intent-to-treat sustained virologic response rate at 12 weeks after end of treatment was 39/40 (97.5%). Unlike interferon-based therapy, we did not detect significant negative effects on linear growth or weight. Contrarily, a trend to increased appetite and insignificant weight gain was observed, but further larger studies are needed to confirm. See Video-Abstract,

Yakout, T., M. E. M. Gammal, A. Elias, and O. Khoreshid, "Efficacy and safety of cladribine: Subcutaneous versus intravenous administration in hairy cell leukemia. ", ASCO 2013, USA, 5/2013.
Yamada, K., A. Sasakura, K. Nishiwaki, H. A. EL-SHEMY, P. K. Mohapatra, N. T. Nguyen, H. Kurosaki, S. Kanai, J. Ito, and K. Fujita, "Effect of terminal locations of pods on biomass production and 13C partitioning in a fasciated stem soybean Shakujo", Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, vol. 12, issue 1: SP Zhejiang University Press, pp. 72-82, 2011. Abstract
Yamany, A. A., and H. M. Sayed, "Effect of low level laser therapy on neurovascular function of diabetic peripheral neuropathy", Journal of Advanced Research, vol. 3, pp. 21-26, 2012. laser_diabetic_neuropaty.pdf
yamany, A. M., P. D. Soheir M Abd El Rahman, and Shendy.W.S, "Evaluation of shoulder proprioception joint position sense in patient with impingement syndrome", Bulletin faculty of physical therapy, vol. 20, issue 1, 2015.
Yamany, S. M., and A. M. El-Bialy, "Efficient free-form surface representation with application in orthodontics", Electronic Imaging'99: International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 115–124, 1999. Abstract
Yamany, A. A., and S. E. Salim, "Efficacy of Low Level Laser Therapy for Treatment Myofascial Trigger Points of Shoulder Pain", World Applied Sciences Journal, vol. 12, issue 6, pp. 758-764, 2011. laser__shoulder_pain.pdf
YAMANY, A. B. E. E. R. S., and F. K. Adham, "The effect of larval and adult nutrition on survival and fecundity of dengue vector Aedes albopictus (SKuse) (Diptera:Culicidea)", J.Egypt.Soc. Parasitol. (JESP), vol. 44(2), pp. 447-454, 2014.
Yang, X., M. K. Youssef, C. O. Gill, M. Badoni, and Ó. López-Campos, "Effects of meat pH on growth of 11 species of psychrotolerant clostridia on vacuum packaged beef and blown pack spoilage of the product", Food Microbiology, vol. 39: Academic Press, pp. 13-18, 2014. Abstract

The aim of the study was to determine the effects of meat pH on the abilities of 11 psychrotolerant Clostridium spp. to grow on, and to possibly cause blown pack spoilage of vacuum packaged beef. Beef steaks of pH 5.4–5.6, 5.7–5.9 or ≥6.0, i.e. of normal, intermediate or high pH were prepared and vacuum packaged. Groups of 3 steaks of the same pH range were inoculated with log phase cultures of Clostridium algoriphilum, Clostridium algidixylanolyticum, Clostridium bowmanii, Clostridium estertheticum, Clostridium frigoris, Clostridium frigidicarnis, Clostridium gasigenes, Clostridium lacusfryxellense, Clostridium psychrophilum, Clostridium tagluense or Clostridium vincentii. Each pack was resealed immediately after the steak was inoculated, and pack volumes were determined by water displacement, immediately after resealing and at intervals during storage at 2 °C for 56 days. All of the clostridia grew in packs of high pH beef but none caused pack swelling. Packs of intermediate pH beef inoculated with C. estertheticum began to swell after 14 days, with a mean rate of increase of pack volumes of 6.80 ml/day. One pack of intermediate pH beef inoculated with C. frigoris was swollen after 37 days. Packs of normal pH beef that had been inoculated with C. estertheticum began swelling after 14 days with a mean rate of increase of pack volumes of 7.70 ml/day. Packs of normal or intermediate pH beef inoculated with other clostridia did not swell. After storage, the numbers of most Clostridium spp., as determined by real-time PCR were greater on beef of high pH than of lower pH values, but the numbers of C. frigidicarnis and C. lacusfryxellense were highest on intermediate pH meat, the numbers of C. estertheticum were higher on meat of lower than of high pH, and the numbers of C. tagluense were the same on meat of all pH values. With high pH meat, glucose was reduced to very low level in rinse fluids from packs that had been inoculated with any Clostridium sp. With intermediate and normal pH meat, glucose was reduced to very low concentrations in only rinse fluids from beef that had been inoculated with C. estertheticum.

Yang, P., M. Abel-Hamid, E. Romieh, L. Huang, Q. K. Zeng, H. R. Nong, L. Feng, Y. Tang, and L. Li, "Effect of peptides synthesized from lactoferrin of buffalo milk on oxidative stress in kunming mice", Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 65 – 71, 2020. AbstractWebsite
Yang, P., M. Abel-Hamid, E. Romieh, L. Huang, Q. K. Zeng, H. R. Nong, L. Feng, Y. Tang, and L. Li, "Effect of peptides synthesized from lactoferrin of buffalo milk on oxidative stress in kunming mice", Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 65-71, 2020. AbstractWebsite
Yang, C., H. Zheng, M. Moussa, A. Amind, J. Shang, and Q. Liu, "Effects of laser zona thinning and artificial blastocoel collapse on the cryosurviving and hatching of buffalo (Bubalus bulalis) blastocysts of different ages", Theriogenology, vol. 147, pp. 197-201, 2020.
Yang, S., G. Xiong, X. Fu, S. Mirjalili, and A. W. Mohamed, "Enhanced Whale optimization algorithms for parameter identification of solar photovoltaic cell models: a comparative study", Scientific Reports, vol. 14, issue 1: Nature Publishing Group UK London, pp. 16765, 2024. Abstract
Yang, X., M. Badoni, M. K. Youssef, and C. O. Gill, "Enhanced Control of Microbiological Contamination of Product at a Large Beef Packing Plant", Journal of Food Protection;, vol. 75, no. 1: International Association for Food Protection, pp. 144–149, 2012. Abstract

Swab samples were obtained from groups of 25 carcasses at various stages of processing at a large beef packing plant. The log mean number of aerobes recovered from carcasses after skinning was 2.2 log CFU/cm(2). Spraying the uneviscerated carcasses with 5% lactic acid reduced the numbers of aerobes by about 1 log unit; but subsequent carcass dressing operations, a second treatment with 5% lactic acid, pasteurizing, and carcass cooling had no substantial effect upon the number of aerobes on carcasses. The total numbers of coliforms or Escherichia coli cells recovered from skinned carcasses were <2 log CFU/2,500 cm(2). The numbers were reduced by the washing of uneviscerated carcasses but increased after evisceration operations. The numbers were reduced by spraying with lactic acid and pasteurizing, with no coliforms or E. coli being recovered from pasteurized carcass sides. No coliforms or E. coli cells were recovered from the forequarters of cooled carcass sides, but E. coli cells were recovered from the hindquarters of 1 of 50 cooled carcass sides, at 1.4 log CFU/1,000 cm(2). The numbers of aerobes on conveyor belts in the carcass breaking facility were similar to the numbers on cooled carcass, but the numbers of aerobes on cuts and trimmings and the number of coliforms and E. coli cells on the products and belts were higher than the numbers on carcasses. The findings indicate that most cooled carcasses produced at the plant carry E. coli at numbers <1 CFU/10,000 cm(2) but that product can be contaminated with small numbers of E. coli (<1 CFU/100 cm(2)) during carcass breaking.