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Sediek, O. A., S. El-Tawil, and J. A. S. O. N. MCCORMICK, "Dynamic modeling of in-event interdependencies in community resilience", Natural Hazards Review, vol. 21, no. 4, 2020. Abstract
Sediek, O. A., S. El-Tawil, and J. A. S. O. N. MCCORMICK, "Dynamic modeling of in-event interdependencies in community resilience", Natural Hazards Review, vol. 21, issue 4, 2020. Abstract
Megahed, S. M., and A. A. Nada, "Dynamic modeling of a flexible cantilever beam: An experimental technique", ASME 2003 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp. 449–455, 2003. Abstract
Shaltout, A. A., F. M. Bayoumi, and H. Gamal, "Dynamic Modeling of DC Nanogrid Local Branch Using Enhanced PV and Third Order Battery Fed STDF Bus", EPE'2016, Karlsruhe, Germany, Sept. 7,2016.
Habib, S. M., A. Hamed, A. Y. Youssef, M. Kassem, and A. Hanafi, "Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of the Forward Feed MED-TVC Desalination Plant", Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, vol. 92, issue 1, pp. 190-211, 2022. Abstract
Habib, S. M., A. Hamed, A. Y. Youssef, M. Kassem, and A. Hanafi, "Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of the Forward Feed MED-TVC Desalination Plant", Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, vol. 92, issue 2289-7879, pp. 190-211, 2022.
Sbaaei, E. S., M. K. M. Fouad, and T. S. Ahmed, "Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Process Constraints for Improvement for an Industrial Unipol® Polypropylene Fluidized Bed Reactor", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol. 47, pp. 6135–6154, 2022.
Sbaaei, E. S., M. K. M. Fouad, and T. S. Ahmed, "Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Process Constraints for Improvement for an Industrial Unipol® Polypropylene Fluidized Bed Reactor", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol. 13, 2021.
Sbaaei, E. S., M. M. Kamal Fouad, and T. S. Ahmed, "Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Process Constraints for Improvement for an Industrial Unipol® Polypropylene Fluidized Bed Reactor", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, vol. 47, issue 5: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 6135-6154, 2022. Abstract
Moussa, A. S., and T. Baker, "A dynamic microtunable MIDI system: problems and solutions", 5th World Automation Congress (WAC2002)/3rd International Forum on Multimedia & Image Processing (IFMIP2002), vol. 13, pp. 339–344, 2002. Abstract
Khalil, E. E., and H. Kotb, "Dynamic Mesh Analyses of Thermal Comfort of Passengers and IAQ In Wide Body Aircraft Cabins",", ASHRAE Winter Meeting,VC-21-C029 , Chicago,january 2021, January, 2021.
Al Naim, A., A. M. Abd Elbary, and S. S. Ibrahim, "Dynamic mechanical analysis and non-isothermal kinetics of EVA/PPy carbon black nanocomposites", Materials Science and Technology, vol. 35, no. 5: Taylor & Francis, pp. 560–570, 2019. Abstract
Elmourci, M., H. H. Zeineldin, J. Kirtley, and K. Alobeidli, "A Dynamic Master/Slave Reactive Power Management Scheme for Smart Grids with Distributed Generation", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 29, issue 3, pp. 1157-1167, 2014.
Ibrahiem, D. M., and S. A. Hanafy, "Dynamic linkages amongst ecological footprints, fossil fuel energy consumption and globalization: an empirical analysis", Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, vol. 31, issue 6, pp. 1549-1568, 2020.
Ibrahiem, D. M., and S. A. Hanafy, "Dynamic linkages amongst ecological footprints, fossil fuel energy consumption and globalization: an empirical analysis", Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, vol. 31, issue 6, pp. 1549-1568, 2020.
Ossama, O., H. M. O. Mokhtar, and undefined, "Dynamic k-means: a clustering technique for moving object trajectories", {IJIIDS}, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 307–327, 2012. Abstract


Abdel-Wahab, R. R., T. M. Abdo, and H. H. Hanafy, "Dynamic investigation of Georges phenomenon related to three-phase wound-rotor induction motor", Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology, vol. 7: Springer, pp. 1-21, 2020. Abstract
Abdel-Wahab, R. R., T. M. Abdo, and H. H. Hanafy, "Dynamic Investigation of Georges Phenomenon Related to Three Phase Wound Rotor Induction Motor", Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology, vol. 7, 2020.
Elyamani, A., P. Roca, O. Caselles, and J. Clapes, "Dynamic Investigation of Cultural Heritage Buildings for Seismic Safety Assessment", Handbook of Cultural Heritage Analysis, Cham, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1187 - 1220, 2022. Abstractelyamani_et_al._2022_dynamic_investigation_of_cultural_heritage.pdf

Cultural heritage buildings are prone to failures when subjected to seismic events, and recent earthquakes worldwide resulted in many losses of these buildings. Therefore, there is a need for methodologies for assessing their seismic safety that should be based on enough knowledge of the building. Here, dynamic investigation by dynamic identification testing and dynamic monitoring increase significantly the level of knowledge about the assessed building. The dynamic identification tests give global information about the dynamic properties like natural frequencies that are useful in calibrating and updating a numerical model of the building that could be used in the seismic safety evaluation. Dynamic monitoring gives the dynamic properties’ evolution in time and may be used as an early warning tool able to send alarms when meaningful changes in dynamic properties are observed. This chapter gives some considerations on the different investigation activities of dynamic identification, dynamic monitoring, numerical model updating, and seismic safety assessment of cultural heritage buildings. As an application, the case study of the historic Mallorca cathedral is discussed.

Elyamani, A., O. Caselles, P. Roca, and J. Clapes, "Dynamic Investigation of a Large Historical Cathedral", Structural Control and Health Monitoring, vol. 24, issue 3, 2017. AbstractWebsite

The presented research aimed at studying the dynamic behavior of Mallorca cathedral (Mallorca Island, Spain) under ambient sources of vibration and seismic events. The cathedral is one of the greatest built masonry structures worldwide. It is characterized for its audacious dimensions and slender structural members. Because of it, the study of its dynamic behavior is a clear concern. The cathedral dynamic properties were firstly identified using ambient vibration testing. Afterwards, a dynamic monitoring system was implemented to continuously measure, record, and wirelessly transfer the acceleration records without having to set up an activating threshold. This monitoring type was implemented because of the low seismic intensity of Mallorca Island with a basic ground acceleration of only 0.04 g according to the Spanish seismic standard. The continuous monitoring allowed for capturing some seismic events and some drops in the natural frequencies were noticed because of a breathing crack effect. Using both ambient vibration testing and continuous monitoring system, global modes could be more accurately identified than more local ones. The identification of the global modes was more attainable than in the case of more local ones. The temperature was a more influential environmental parameter than humidity and wind for all of the identified modes except for one more directly depended on wind.