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Akbar, A. M., A. - M. Wazwaz, F. Mahmud, D. Baleanu, R. Roy, H. K. Barman, W. Mahmoud, M. A. A. Sharif, and M. S. Osman, "Dynamical behavior of solitons of the perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equation and microtubules through the generalized Kudryashov scheme", Results in Physics, vol. 43, pp. 106079, 2022.
Akbar, M. A., A. M. Wazwaz, F. Mahmud, D. Baleanu, R. Roy, H. K. Barman, W. Mahmoud, A. M. A. Sharif, and M. S. Osman, "Dynamical behavior of solitons of the perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equation and microtubules through the generalized Kudryashov scheme", Results in Physics, vol. 43, pp. 106079, 2022.
Ismail, M., and W. M. Seif, "Dynamical change of surface diffuseness of ion-ion potential and its effect on fusion cross section", Inter. Jour. Of Modern Phys. E, vol. 22, pp. 1350010-1:1350010-13, 2013.
Ismail, M., and W. M. Seif, "Dynamical change of surface diffuseness of ion-ion potential and its effect on fusion cross-section", International Journal of Modern Physics E, vol. 22, no. 2, 2013. AbstractWebsite

We assume a simple model to describe the ion-ion potential with dynamical change in its surface diffuseness. In particular, this model is used to calculate the heavy-ion fusion cross-section using different values of the surface diffuseness. Both the static and dynamic nuclear Woods-Saxon potentials with diffuseness values ranging between 0.65 fm and 1.3 fm are used to reproduce the fusion cross-sections data of the 19F+208Pb and 16O+154Sm reactions. The results estimate that there are different physical processes which could contribute to the fusion cross-section with different weights at each energy value. Each of these processes has its own nuclear potential. © 2013 World Scientific Publishing Company.

Ismail, M., and W. M. Seif, "DYNAMICAL CHANGE OF SURFACE DIFFUSENESS OF ION–ION POTENTIAL AND ITS EFFECT ON FUSION CROSS-SECTION", International Journal of Modern Physics E, vol. 22, no. 02: World Scientific, 2013. Abstract
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Attia, S., S. Shabka, Z. Shafik, and A. Ibrahim, Dynamics and Resilience of Informal Areas, , 2016. Abstract
Hassaan, G. A., "Dynamics of a cannon barrel-recoil mechanism with nonlinear air springs", International Journal of Innovation & Applied Studies, vol. 9, issue 2, pp. 511-522, 2014. ijias_cannon_airsprings.pdf
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Rahmonov, I. R., Y. M. Shukrinov, and R. Dawood, "Dynamics of a SQUID with topologically nontrivial barriers.", JETP Letters , vol. 103, issue 6, pp. 395-398, 2016.
Rahoma, W. A., and A. F. A. El-Salam, "Dynamics of an infinitesimal body with a decreasing mass in the restricted three body problem apart from the equilibrium points", Elixir Appl. Math., vol. 76, pp. 28268-28274, 2014.
Rahoma, W. A., and A. F. A. El-Salam, "Dynamics of an infinitesimal body with a decreasing mass in the restricted three body problem apart from the equilibrium points", Elixir Appl. Math., vol. 76, pp. 28268-28274, 2014.