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Naga, M. A., I. Hosny, A. A. SI, and R. R. Shahin, "Biological weathering of silicate minerals [Kaolinite, Bentonite, Mica-Vermiculite, Biotite, Egypt].", Egyptian Journal of Soil Science, 1977. Abstract
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SI, A. A., I. Hossny, M. A. Naga, and R. R. Shahin, "Biological weathering of some soil clays of Egypt.", The Desert Institute Bulletin, 1978. Abstract
SI, A. A., I. Hossny, M. A. Naga, and R. R. Shahin, "Biological weathering of some soil clays of Egypt.", The Desert Institute Bulletin, 1978. Abstract
Hafez, M., and M. Hilali, "Biology of hippobosca longipennis (fabricus, 1805) in Egypt (Dipteria: Hippoboscidae)", Veterinary Parasitology, vol. 4, issue 3: Elsevier, pp. 275-288, 1978. Abstract