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Fouad, A., A. Hamed, W. amer, and R. Hafez, "Barcoding of some plant species using rbcL gene ‎in the Mediterranean oolitic sand dunes west of Alexandria, Egypt ",, 2022. 2022_barcoding_of_the_oolitic_species_ejb.pdf
M.H.Sayyouh, "The Black Gold : Journey and History", Cairo University Scholars, Submitted. ldhhb_lswd_final-_rhl_wtrykh_-.pdf
Elbendary, A., and D. Elston, "Bloom Syndrome (Congenital Telangiectatic Erythema)", Medscape, 2017.
Kapiel, T., "Brains on demand. Growing Brains Petri dishes a Scientific Breakthrough (In Arabic).", Arab Scientific Community Organization., 2013. Abstractbrains_on_demand.pdf

أدى تعقيد الدماغ البشري إلى صعوبة دراسة العديد من اضطرابات الدماغ في نموذج الكائنات الحية، مما ساعد على تسليط الضوء على الحاجة إلى نموذج للدماغ البشري منمى في المختبر.
وفي إنجاز علمي خارق قد يغير من طبيعة فهمنا للأمراض العصبية وطرق علاجها، تمكن العلماء من تنمية أول دماغ بشرى صغير في المختبر في أطباق بتري عن طريق زراعة الخلايا الجذعية بهدف زيادة القدرة على دراسة الأمراض العصبية ومن أجل إيجاد رؤية أفضل لإنتاج علاجات لهذه الأمراض المستعصية.

وقد استضافت أطباق بتري الشهيرة هذا البحث الفريد. وأطباق بترى هي الأطباق الزجاجة والبلاستيكية المستخدمة في المختبرات في جميع أنواع التجارب البيولوجية والطبية والصيدلانية وغيرها من البحوث العلمية، مثل زراعة الفطريات، والبكتريا، وتربية الأميبا، وزراعة الخلايا والأنسجة النباتية والحيوانية والبشرية، وهذا ليس خيالا علميا على الإطلاق، فالعلماء يقومون حاليًا بتنمية العقول في أطباق بتري بالفعل.ولكن الآن، تشهد هذه الأطباق الزجاجية الدائرية حدثًا مدويًا، وتجرى بها الآن أحداث مستقبلية أبرزها تنمية العقول في المختبر!

Mohammed, A. I. E., A. Fahmy, R. hosny, and H. Elatroush, Bedside CXR vs chest ultrasound for detection of pneumothorax in ICU patients, , 2017.
Mostafa, M. S. E., mohamed ali elshafey, and M. S. Abdrabo, Biofeedback on Fecal Incontinence After Anorectal Malformations Repair: Effects Through Four Months , , 12\30\2020.
Balah, M. M., M.M.Gaafar, and M.Wassef, blood culture contamination, , cairo, 2014.
asmaa hamoda, samah semary, E. Moussa, and omnia hassanien, Burkitts lymphoma is second preinduction phase in critically ill patients important, , dublin, 24/5/2016, Submitted.
menna magdy, B, : cairo universty, 2013.
, Bacteriological studies on chlamydial infections in wild birds, , Cairo, Cairo university, 2012. Abstract

Free-living wild birds are important as reservoirs of Chlamydophila psittaci. Both diseased birds and sub-clinically infected birds can shed chlamydiae and are therefore a potential threat to both human and animal health. Despite its importance for wild birds, poultry, animals and humans, there has not been a study to investigate chlamydiae in wild birds in Egypt. The present study aimed to compare the results of PCR, direct fluorescein conjugated monoclonal antibody staining (FA), Giemsa stain and Gimenez staining as well as serodiagnostic studies on sera by complement fixation test (CFT) in detecting Chlamydophila psittaci in Bubulcus ibis and Upupa epops in Egypt in order to evaluate zoonotic risks for workers that come into contact with these free living birds. Out of 56 Upupa epops (Hoopoe) were investigated, the numbers of positive samples were 53 (94.6%), 44 (78.5%) and 49(87.5%) according to PCR, FA, and mGS, respectively. Out of 52 Bubulcus ibis were investigated, the numbers of positive samples were 48(92.3%), 40(76.9%) and 44(84.6%) according to PCR, FA, and mGS, respectively.

Gawad, R. S. K. A. E., Behavioral and Neurological Responses Assessment of Neonates with Jaundice Undergoing Phototherapy , , cairo, cairo, 2020. Abstract

Phototherapy has been the standard of care for the treatment of Hyperbilirubinemia in neonates. It is generally safe procedure, although behavioral and neurological side-effects can occur. This study was to assess behavioral and neurological responses of neonates with jaundice undergoing phototherapy. A descriptive exploratory research design was utilized on a convenient sample of sixty neonates with jaundice, total serum bilirubin level ranged from seven to twenty mg/dl and undergoing phototherapy at the NICU of El-Monera Pediatric Hospital, Cairo University. A neonatal characteristics assessment sheet, and Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS) were used to collect data from September 2018 to February 2019.After written consent from parents, neonatal characteristics were recorded from the medical sheet and every neonate was assessed individually using (NBAS) two times, before starting and after stopping phototherapy. The current study revealed that all neonates were full term and their mean weight was 2.86 ± 0.53. Behavioral and neurological responses of neonates with jaundice were differed significantly after than before starting phototherapy on the NBAS. There were behavioral differences of studied neonates after phototherapy related to their habituation, social interactive, motor response, state organization, state regulation and reflexes. NBAS must be used as a tool in the routine care for neonates with jaundice undergoing phototherapy and establishment of health educational instruction for all working nurses in NICUs about appropriate nursing care to minimize the potential side effects and complications of phototherapy.

Nahla, M. M., Y. M. Warda, and S. A. Fatma, Behavioural and Physiological Indicators of Pain During Nociceptive Procedures among Mechanically Ventilated Patients , , Cairo, Cairo university, 2017.
Mahmoud, S., Benefiting the style of sequential drawings in Designing illustrated stories of children, , Giza, Cairo univ , 2012. Abstract

The style of sequential drawings is an important way of connection, as it makes strong and direct connection with the receiving class (children), also it offers for the child some concepts and information that effect his thoughts, concepts and behavior.
Some story drawings became fashion and make the child tedious and unable to read the scenes without the written text.
And as the child aged (4-7) years has no ability to read, so comprehending the story will be difficult.
This is the reason that paved the researcher to try in order to find a way to help the child to comprehend the story in simple way by the style of the sequential drawings depending on motion.
