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Soliman, A., A. Abdelaal, R. Afify, and N. Ibrahim, "BAALC and ERG Expression in Egyptian Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Relation to Survival and Response to Treatment", Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, vol. 4, issue 2, pp. 264-270, 2016. oamjms-4-264.pdf
Hussein, H., G. bohaliga, wendell Johnson, N. Taus, and M. ueti, "Babesia bigemina gene expression during parasite development within adult female tick Rhipicephalus microplus ", Washington state VMP Research symposium, Pullman, WA, USA, 31 October 2017. gamila_poster.pdf
Hussein, H. E., Reginaldo G. Bastos1, D. A. Schneider, Wendell C. Johnson3, Fatma K. Adham2, M. W. Ueti, and C. E. Suarez, "The Babesia bovis hap2 gene is not required for blood stage replication, but expressed upon in vitro sexual stage induction", PLoS Negl Trop Dis, vol. 11(10): e0005965, issue 11(10): e0005965, pp. 11(10): e0005965, 2017.
Hussein, H. E., R. G. Bastos, D. A. Schneider, W. C. Johnson, F. K. Adham, W. C. Davis, and et al, "The Babesia bovis hap2 gene is not required for blood stage replication, but expressed upon in vitro sexual stage induction", PLoS Negl Trop Dis, vol. 11, issue 10, pp. e0005965, 2017.
Hussein, H., C. Suarez, M. ueti, G. Scoles, D. Schneider, and wendell Johnson, "Babesia bovis sexual stages induced in in vitro culture", Washington state show case, Pullman, WA, USA, 27 March 2017. hussein-hala-poster.pdf
Chehab, M. A., N. A. Selim, and R. Itani, "The Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative and Qatar, 2016", Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences , vol. 13, issue 3, pp. 309-310, 2018. 2018_baby_friendly_taiba.pdf
Pesa, A. M., and N. E. Fekry, "BACHELOR NURSES' PERCEPTION OF THE BARRIERS AND FACILITATORS FOR IMPLEMENTING EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING PRACTICE", The 12th International Scientific Nursing Conference, Alex, 15/5/2013. full_paper.pdf
Amin, O. E. S., A. M. Aboul-Enein, I. A. Salam, and M. Wahba, "Bacillus amyloliquefaciens alkaline protease: potential applications and stabilization.", Egypt. J. Chem. , vol. 66, issue SI 13 , pp. 1279-1293, 2023.
Köberl, M., E. M. Ramadan, M. Adam, M. Cardinale, J. Hallmann, H. Heuer, K. Smalla, and G. Berg, "Bacillus and Streptomyces were selected as broad-spectrum antagonists against soilborne pathogens from arid areas in Egypt", FEMS microbiology letters, vol. 342, no. 2: Blackwell Publishing Ltd Oxford, UK, pp. 168–178, 2013. Abstract
Nagwa I. Elarabi, Abdelhadi A. Abdelhadi, Rasha H. Ahmed, I. SALEH, I. A. Arif, G. Osman, and D. S. Ahmed, "Bacillus aryabhattai FACU: A Promising bacterial strain capable of manipulate the glyphosate herbicide residues", Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 27, issue (2020), pp. 2207–2214, 2020. 36._bacillus_aryabhattai_facu_a_promising_bacterial_strain_capable_of_manipulate_the_glyphosate_herbicide_residues.pdf
ELARABI, N. A. G. W. A. I., A. A. Abdelhadi, R. H. Ahmed, I. SALEH, I. A. Arif, G. Osman, and D. S. Ahmed, "Bacillus aryabhattai FACU: A promising bacterial strain capable of manipulate the glyphosate herbicide residues", Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 2207-2214, 2020. AbstractWebsite

Glyphosate is a commonly used organophosphate herbicide that has an adverse impact on humans, mammals and soil microbial ecosystems. The redundant utilize of glyphosate to control weed growth cause the pollution of the soil environment by this chemical. The discharge of glyphosate in the agricultural drainage can also cause serious environmental damage and water pollution problems. Therefore, it is important to develop methods for enhancing glyphosate degradation in the soil through bioremediation. In this study, thirty bacterial isolates were selected from an agro-industrial zone located in Sadat City of Monufia Governorate, Egypt. The isolates were able to grow in LB medium supplemented with 7.2 mg/ml glyphosate. Ten isolates only had the ability to grow in a medium containing different concentrations of glyphosate (50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 mg/ml). The FACU3 bacterial isolate showed the highest CFU in the different concentrations of glyphosate. The FACU3 isolate was Gram-positive, spore-forming and rod-shape bacteria. Based on API 50 CHB/E medium kit, biochemical properties and 16S rRNA gene sequencing, the FACU3 isolate was identified as Bacillus aryabhattai. Different bioinformatics tools, including multiple sequence alignment (MSA), basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) and primer alignment, were used to design specific primers for goxB gene amplification and isolation. The goxB gene encodes FAD-dependent glyphosate oxidase enzyme that responsible for biodegradation process. The selected primers were successfully used to amplify the goxB gene from Bacillus aryabhattai FACU3. The results indicated that the Bacillus aryabhattai FACU3 can be utilized in glyphosate-contaminated environments for bioremediation. According to our knowledge, this is the first time to isolate of FAD-dependent glyphosate oxidase (goxB) gene from Bacillus aryabhattai.

Elarabi, N. I.;, A. A.A.;, R. H.; Ahmed, I.; Saleh, I. A.; Arif, G.; Osman, and D. S. Ahmed, "Bacillus aryabhattai FACU: A Promising bacterial strain capable of manipulate the glyphosate herbicide residues", Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 27(9):2207–2214, 2020.
ELSAYED, T. A. R. E. K. R., N. A. M. EL-SAID, F. A. SAFHI, and N. E. H. A. REYAD, "Bacillus velezensis B63 and chitosan control root rot, improve growth and alter the rhizosphere microbiome of geranium", Phytopathol. Mediterr, vol. 63, issue 1, pp. 137–154, 2024.
Rafat, N. H., S. M. Bedair, P. R. Sharps, J. S. Hills, J. A. Hancock, and M. L. Timmons, "Back surface fields for n/p and p/n GaInP solar cells", Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 1994., Conference Record of the Twenty Fourth. IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference-1994, 1994 IEEE First World Conference on, vol. 2: IEEE, pp. 1906–1909, 1994. Abstract
Aboul-Enein, A. M., A. M. Al-Abd, E. A. Shalaby, F. Abul-Ela, A. A. Nasr-Allah, A. M. Mahmoud, and H. A. EL-SHEMY, "Back To Nature: Spotlight in Cancer Therapeutics", Vital Signs, 2011. AbstractCU-PDF.pdf

Between 1950 and the beginning of the 21st century, the mortality rates for cancer did not significantly improve. Despite the discovery of dozens of novel anticancer drugs, cancer remains the leading cause of death worldwide. There are wide gaps between the disease incidence (0.16%), disease burden (5.6 %), and the mortality caused by cancer (12.5 %).1 However, in countries with a wide diversity of plant life, there have been intensified efforts to discover natural cancer therapeutics.

Aboul-Enein, A. M., A. M. Al-Abd, E. A. Shalaby, F. Abul-Ela, A. A. Nasr-Allah, A. M. Mahmoud, and H. A. EL-SHEMY, "Back To Nature: Spotlight in Cancer Therapeutics", Vital Signs, 2011. Abstract
Aboul-Enein, A. M., A. M. Al-Abd, E. A. Shalaby, F. Abul-Ela, A. A. Nasr-Allah, A. M. Mahmoud, and H. A. EL-SHEMY, "Back To Nature: Spotlight in Cancer Therapeutics", Vital Signs, 2011. Abstract
Aboul-Enein, A. M., E. A. Shalaby, F. Abul-Ela, A. A. Nasr-Allah, A. M. Mahmoud, H. A. EL-SHEMY, and M. Ahmed, "Back to nature: Spotlight on cancer therapeutics", Vital Signs, vol. 10, pp. 8-9, 2011. Abstract
Hany Amin Elghazaly, Ahmed Mohamed Emam, A. M. K. , "Back up Protection for 500 kV Egyptian Network Using Symmetrical Components", (The 4thInternational Conference on Renewable Energy: Generation and Applications (ICREGA16, pp. 6, 2016. Abstract
Hany Amin Elghazaly, Ahmed Mohamed Emam, A. M. K. , "Back up Protection for 500 kV Egyptian Network Using Symmetrical Components", (The 4thInternational Conference on Renewable Energy: Generation and Applications (ICREGA16, pp. 6, 2016. Abstract
Hany Amin Elghazaly, Ahmed Mohamed Emam, A. M. K. , "Back up Protection for 500 kV Egyptian Network Using Symmetrical Components", (The 4thInternational Conference on Renewable Energy: Generation and Applications (ICREGA16, pp. 6, 2016. Abstract
Hany Amin Elghazaly, Ahmed Mohamed Emam, A. M. K. , "Back up Protection for 500 kV Egyptian Network Using Symmetrical Components", (The 4thInternational Conference on Renewable Energy: Generation and Applications (ICREGA16, pp. 6, 2016. Abstract
Hany Amin Elghazaly, Ahmed Mohamed Emam, A. M. K. , "Back up Protection for 500 kV Egyptian Network Using Symmetrical Components", (The 4thInternational Conference on Renewable Energy: Generation and Applications (ICREGA16, pp. 6, 2016. Abstract
Hany Amin Elghazaly, Ahmed Mohamed Emam, A. M. K. , "Back up Protection for 500 kV Egyptian Network Using Symmetrical Components", (The 4thInternational Conference on Renewable Energy: Generation and Applications (ICREGA16, pp. 6, 2016. Abstract
Elghazaly, H. A., A. M. Emam, and A. M. Korashy, "Back up protection for 500 kV Egyptian network using symmetrical components", International Conference on Renewable Energy. Generation and Applications, ICREGA’16, 2016. Abstract