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zaghloul, F., A. A. Abdel Hamea, and A. Abdel Monem, Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome at Cairo University Hospitals, , German, LAMBER Academic publishing, 2015. book_fatma.pdf
abd elaziz, M., M. D. Ibrahem, M. Abdelsalam, N. Abu-Elala, and N. Younis, "Assessment of Using Carp Pituitary Extract on Clinico-Histopathological and Immunological Status of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Broodstocks", Global Veterinaria, vol. 15, issue 2, pp. 156-162, 2015.
fatmamahmoud, Z., E. H. A. adb Azza, and undefined, Antiphospholipid syndrome at cairo university hospitals, , Germany, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015. book_fatma.pdf
gbuna, Chukwuebuka, E. Gupta, S. M. Ezzat,, Jouini R, and et al, "Aloe Species as Valuable Sources of Functional Bioactives", Functional foods and nutraceuticals, Bioactive Components, Formulations and Innovations: Springer, 2020.
"Hassanien, A. E. ", Advances in Robotics and Virtual Reality, , Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Vol. 26, Springer - London, 2011. AbstractWebsite

Beyond human knowledge and reach, robotics is strongly involved in tackling challenges of new emerging multidisciplinary fields. Together with humans, robots are busy exploring and working on the new generation of ideas and problems whose solution is otherwise impossible to find. The future is near when robots will sense, smell and touch people and their lives. Behind this practical aspect of human-robotics, there is a half a century spanned robotics research, which transformed robotics into a modern science. The Advances in Robotics and Virtual Reality is a compilation of emerging application areas of robotics. The book covers robotics role in medicine, space exploration and also explains the role of virtual reality as a non-destructive test bed which constitutes a premise of further advances towards new challenges in robotics. This book, edited by two famous scientists with the support of an outstanding team of fifteen authors, is a well suited reference for robotics researchers and scholars from related disciplines such as computer graphics, virtual simulation, surgery, biomechanics and neuroscience.

'', ''A. O. R., ''R. H. Mostafa'', and ''A. I. Dakrory'', Anatomical Studies on the Cranial Nerves of the Snake Coluber rogersi, , Germany, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2015.
(trad.), S. R., and V. M.(dir.), Ahmed Zaki : L'Univers à Paris , un lettré égyptien à l'Exposition universelle de 1900, , Paris, Editions Norma, 2015.
(trad.), S. R., Ahmad Zaki : Le Départ pour le Congrès. Lettres d'Europe (1892-1893), , Paris, Sorbonne Université Presses, 2021.
and - Hanaa Hamed Arnaout1, Mervat Mamdooh Khorshied1, O. R. K. 2* M. H. E. - N. M., "Association of Caspase 8 and Caspase 10 Genetic Polymorphisms with B-cell Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in Egypt: A Case-Control Study.", J Cancer Sci Ther , vol. 4, issue 9, pp. 249-253 , 2012. AbstractCU-PDF

Background and purpose: Non-Hodgkin lymphomas are closely related diseases with distinctive morphologic, immunophenotypic, genetic, and clinical features. Genetic susceptibility studies of NHL are mandatory to identify at risk populations and to clarify important disease mechanisms. Caspase genes play a key role in regulation of apoptotic cell death, and dysregulation of this signaling pathway has been shown to participate in tumorigenesis. The current study aimed at defining the role of Caspase 8-D302H, Caspase 8-652 6N ins/del and Caspase 10-I522L genetic polymorphisms as risk factors for NHL and their possible role as genetic prognostic markers.

Methods: The present study included 100 Egyptian B-cell NHL patients and 100 healthy controls. Genotyping of the studied genes was performed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCRRFLP) technique. Data was analyzed using SPSS statistical package version 15.

Results: The study revealed that CASP8-D302H mutant genotypes were significantly higher in NHL patients when compared to the controls and conferred increased risk of NHL. For CASP8-652 6N ins/del and Casp10- I522L, there was no statistical difference in the distribution of the different genotypes between NHL cases and the controls. Furthermore, there were no statistical differences between NHL patients harboring the wild or mutant genotypes of the studied genes as regards their response to therapy.

Conclusions: CASP8-D302H genetic polymorphism represents a genetic risk factor for NHL in Egyptian population. Hopefully, better understanding of the functional consequences of caspase genes polymorphism would provide a foundation for future studies of the possible role of these genes in lymphomagenesis.

-, Y., M. Ali, M. Rushdi, and J. Ho, "Affine-Constrained Group Sparse Coding and Its Application to Image-Based Classifications", {IEEE} International Conference on Computer Vision, {ICCV} 2013, Sydney, Australia, December 1-8, 2013, pp. 681–688, 2013. Abstract
.Kamel, M. S., R. Shabana, A. Kandil, and S. El-Mohanes, "Absolute and relative productivity of some introduced sunflower hybrids", Bull.Fac.Agr.Cairo Univ., vol. 31, pp. 81–100, 1980. Abstract
.Khalil, A. M., H. I.El-Askary, Omar M. Sabry, Soheir M. El Zalabani, and N. m Fayek, "Acylated Polyphenolics of Family Fabaceae: Distribution, Chemodiversity, and Bioactivity, a Comprehensive Review" ", International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2023,, vol. 58 , issue (3), pp. 1028-1036, 2023.
1, M. S., *, S. B. E. 2, and H. M. S. 3, "ASSESSMENT OF KNOWLEDGE OF OSTEOARTHRITIS AMONG ELDERLY PATIENTS", Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research, vol. 12, no. 3: Advanced Research Trentz, pp. 2464–2470, 2021. AbstractWebsite
1- Hegazy, A. K., and M. H. Emam, "Accumulation and soil-to-plant transfer of radionuclides in the coastal black sand habitats.", International Journal of Phytoremediation, vol. 13 , pp. 140-155, 2011. radionuclides_paper.pdf
1. Abdel-Aty, Y. Y. A., "Analytical study for structural behaviour and failure mechanisms of stone columns at Islamic historical religious buildings in Egypt and its retrofitting and restoration techniques", The Second Scientific Symposium at Faculty of Archaeology entitle (Archaeology and Heritage: Problems and solutions), One-day Symposium, Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, 15 April, 2014. 2014_dr_yaseryehya.pdf
1. Mohamed Mosleh, M. D., and undefined, Advanced laryngeal cancer with skin infiltration: survival analysis., , 2013. Abstract

Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate T4 laryngeal cancer cases with skin infiltration regarding survival and different variables that may influence the survival. Study design: This is a retrospective analytic study. Material and methods: This study included 14 patients suffering from laryngeal carcinoma with tumor extending to involve the skin of the front of the neck. Total laryngectomy was performed for all patients together with excision of the overlying skin and pectoralis major myocutaneous flap (PMMF) was used for reconstruction of the skin defect in all cases. Analysis of the pre-operative, operative, post-operative and follow up patients' data was done. The one, 2, 3 and 5 years survival rates were estimated. Results: The overall mean survival time for all cases was 51.1±8.3 months. The mean survival time for cases with recurrent disease was 16.4±3.5 months and for cases without recurrent disease was 70.7±6 months. The one,2,3 and 5 years survival rates were 92.9%, 71.4%, 64.3% and 50% respectively. The univariate analysis revealed that previous treatment before definitive surgery was the only variable that had a statistical influence on the overall 5 years survival rate (P=0.046). Conclusion: Extended laryngectomy with skin removal offers reasonable 5 years survival rate for T4 laryngeal cancer cases with skin invasion and reconstruction of the neck skin defect with a pectoralis major myocutaneous flap is a reliable method of repair.

1. S. El Yamany, M. Afifi, and A. Hassan, "Applicability and Implementation of U.S. Green Building Council Rating System (LEED) in Egypt (A Longitudinal study for Egyptian LEED Certified Buildings)", Procedia Environmental Sciences, vol. 34, pp. 594-604, 2016.
1. Ismail, T. F., A. Takeshita, N. Umeda, T. Itami, and T. Yoshida, "Application of α-glucosidase activity and drug susceptibility tests to epidemiological studies on the fish pathogen Nocardia seriolae", Fisheries Science, issue 77(1), pp. 113–118, 2011.
10. Rehab F. Abdel-Rahman, Hany M. Fayed, M. A. E. M. A. H. G. A. S. A. R. A. F. F., "Apigenin role against thioacetamide-triggered liver fibrosis: Deciphering the PPARγ/TGF-β1/NF-κB and the HIF/FAK/AKT pathways", Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology, Volume 12, Number 2, April 2023 , 2023.
5. Rehab F. Abdel-Rahman, Hany M. Fayed, M. A. E. M. A. H. G. A. S. A. R. A. F. F. A., "Apigenin role against thioacetamide-triggered liver fibrosis: Deciphering the PPARγ/TGF-β1/NF-κB and the HIF/FAK/AKT pathways", Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology, , vol. 12, issue 2, pp. 1-21, 2023. jhp-44687.pdf
69. Al Wabel, N. A., A. H. Atta1, H. I. Abass, and H. M. Mousa, "Antiulcerogenic effect of Camel milk against Ethanol – And Aspirin–Induced Gastric Ulcers In Rats.", Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., vol. 27, issue (1) , pp. 1-10, 2012.
91. Essam Abdel-Sattar, Naglaa Shehab, F. H. S. G. M. A., "Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activities of some Saudi medicinal plants", International Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (IJPBCS) , vol. 3, issue 4, pp. 24-36, 2014. antioxidant_and_hepatoprotective_activities_of_some_saudi_medicinal_plants.pdf
A, H., E. - S. A, H. E, and H. N, "Association between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and the incidence of cardiovascular and renal events", J Saudi Heart Assoc, issue 25, pp. 239-246, Submitted. pdf.pdflswdy.pdf