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"Automatic cephalometric analysis using active appearance model and simulated annealing",
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Ahmed, I., H. Mostafa, and A. N. Mohieldin,
"Automatic Clock Domain Crossing Verification Flow for Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration",
IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2018), Windsor, Ontario, Canada, pp. 1122-1125, 2018.
Abdo, M. S., A. H. Kandil, A. M. El-Bialy, and S. A. Fawzy,
"Automatic detection for some common pronunciation mistakes applied to chosen Quran sounds",
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Refaey, M. A. A.,
"Automatic Generation of Membership Functions and Rules in a Fuzzy Logic System",
Fifth International Conference on Informatics and Applications, Japan, pp. 117-122, 2016.
AbstractFuzzy logic is playing a significant role in many control and classification systems. This arises from its simplicity, natural language based construction, dealing with ambiguity, and its ability to model linear and non-linear complex systems. But, with larger number of input and output variables, the building process of fuzzy system manually becomes daunting and error-prone process. In this work we suggest new methods for automatically creation and generation of fuzzy membership functions and fuzzy rule base respectively. The membership functions are created adaptively from the training data set using histogram of each feature individually. And in the beginning, a rule is generated for each membership function, then according to the weight assigned to each rule and membership function, the membership functions are merged according to successiveness of their domain or support. Also, the rules are started to be co-operated and merged to enhance the classification process. The resulted system is flexible, and is able to receive more rules and/or membership functions if needed.
Soliman, O. S., J. Plato, A. E. Hassanien, and V. Snasel,
"Automatic Localization and Boundary Detection of Retina using Basic Image Processing Filters",
of the third international conference on intelligent human computer interaction , prague, czech republic, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2013, Volume 179, Part 3,, pp. 169-182, 2013.
Abdel-Malek, R., S. Cox, M. Bower, D. E. Farag, and S. A. Alsirafy,
"Availability of informal caregivers for palliative care patients with cancer: Is there a difference between higher- and lower-income settings.",
The European Cancer Congress (ECCO), Amsterdam, Netherlands., European Journal of Cancer, 49 (Suppl. 2), pp. S291, 2013.