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Elmahdy, H. N., "Medical Diagnosis Enhancements Through Artificial Intelligence Techniques", INES 2003, the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, Assiut, Egypt, March 4-6, pp. 324-331, 2003.
Elmahdy, H. N., "Web Enabled Education and Teaching", Technology and Health Care archive, Special Issue: Quality-e-Health, ISSN:0928-7329, vol. 10, issue 6, pp. 481-482, 2002.
Elmahdy, H. N., "Web Enabled Education and Teaching", MEDNET2002, The 7th Annual World Conference on the Internet and Medicine, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Dec. 5-7, 2002.
Elmahdy, H. N., "Arabization of Sciences, as a Main Directory in Distance Learning", The Annual Conference of The Egyptian Society of Arabization of Sciences, Cairo, Jan 27, 2002.
Elmahdy, H. N., "Crossing Safely to The 21st Century and Facing its Technology Threatening", The 2nd. International Conference of Electrical Engineering, The Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt, , Nov. 22-25, 1999.
Elmahdy, H. N., "Preparing the Environment of Information Systems in Teaching institute for the 21st. Century", Technology and Armament Journal for Egyptian Armed Forces, vol. 7, issue 1, pp. 99-107, 1999.
Elmahdy, H. N., and هشام نبيه المهدي, "تطوير أساليب التدريس باستخدام شبكة الانترنيت", Developing Ways of Teaching :A Vision to Future University Conference, May 1999, Cairo University, pp. 605-614, 1999. cairouniv.pdf
Elmahdy, H. N., and T. P. Maginnis, "Virtual Entities as a Model For Transmission Of Multimedia Across Networks", ASTD International Conference on Networks and Communication Systems, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 1998.
Elmahdy, H. N., "Machine Learning Applications in Medical Diagnosis", IASTD International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Yarmouk University in Lrbid, Jordan, April 1998.
Elmahdy, H. N., and T. P. Maginnis, "Fax Transmission Across Network", The Egyptian Computer Journal, vol. 25, issue 2, pp. 119-135, 1997.
Elmahdy, H. N., and T. P. Maginnis, "Improving Fax Transmission Performance", The 1997 International Symposium on Multimedia Information Processing, Taipei , Taiwan, Dec. 11-13, Academia, Sinica, pp. 318-325, 1997.
Elmahdy, H. N., M. H. Gheith, and A. A. Fahmy, "A Knowledge Base System for Representing Islamic Jurisprudence Knowledge and Understanding Arabic Natural Language Query", he Association of Using Arabic Language in Information Technology, Saudi Arabia, May. 1992.
Elmahdy, H. N., M. H. Gheith, and A. A. Fahmy, "How to get benefits from Artificial Intelligence in the Countries of Arabic Co- operation Counsel", The Association of the Inhabitance of in the Countries of Arabic Co-operation Counsel, Cairo, Mar. 11-12, 1990.
Elmahdy, H. N., and M. H. Gheith, "Comparative Study of Knowledge Representation", Egyptian Computer Journal , vol. 13, issue 2, pp. 60-78, 1985.
Sakhawy, M. A. A. E., and I. A. Tharwat, "Prediction S-MAC Protocol for Wireless Networks", Egyptian Computer Science Journal, vol. 34, issue 5, 2010. s2.pdf
Saroit, I. A., and R.S.Riad, "Distributed Self-Coordinating Fair Queueing in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks", The International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Information Sciences, vol. 8, 2008. rehab_riad.pdf
Salaam, M. A. A. E., I. A. Saroit, and L. Nassef, "A Proposed Aggregation Scheme to Improve the performance of VoIP over WLAN", Al-Azhar engineering 11st International Conference, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, May, 2010. 77.pdf
Aziz, S. A. E. L., H. S. Hamza, and I. A. Saroit, "An Energy-Efficient Hierarchical Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks", INFOS2010, the seventh International conference on informatics and systems, Faculty of computers & information, Cairo University, Cairo, March, 2010.
Batran, K. E., I. A. Saroit, and A. Khotb, "Improving Geo- Encryption Protocol for Mobile Networks", the 43th Annual Conference on Statistics, Computer Science and Operation Research Conference (ISSR), Cairo university , Cairo, December, 2009. karim.pdf
Darwish, D., I. A. Saroit, and A. wehab Hassan, "Effect of Packet Size and Channel Capacity on the performance of EADARP Routing Protocol for Multicast Wireless ad hoc Networks", Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Telecommunications and Networking (TeNe 08) held as as a part of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information and Systems Sciences and Engineering, the (CISSE 2008), University of Bridge, USA, December, 2008. dina_darwish_1.pdf
Elshimy, E., H. Farouk, S. Ahmed, and I. A. Saroit, "A Novel Approach for Resources Self-Detection and Recovering from Failures in Video-on-Demand Systems", Egyptian Informatics Journal, Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, vol. 9, issue 1, pp. December, 2008. ihab_2.pdf
Darwish, D., I. A. Saroit, and A. wehab Hassan, "Energy Adaptable Distance Aware Routing Protocol for Multicast Wireless ad hoc Networks", The International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Information Sciences, vol. 8, 2008. dina_darwish_2.pdf
Darwish, D., I. A. Saroit, and A. wehab Hassan, "An Energy Efficient Dynamic Routing Protocol for ad-hoc wireless networks", Journal of Al Azhar University Engineering Sector (JAUES), vol. 3, issue 9, pp. 982-1006, 2008. dina_darwish_3.pdf
Saroit, I. A., M.Sammany, M.El-Beltagy, and M. S.Sharawi, "Optimizing Neural Network Architecture Using Tikhonov Regularization Parameter for Intrusion Detection Systems and Classification of Attacks", Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July, 2008. marwa.pdf
Saroit, I. A., imane fahmy, and S. H. Ahmed, "SNR-Based Virtual Base Station for establishing a QoS Framework in MANET", INFOS2008, the sixth International conference on informatics and systems, Faculty of computers & information, Cairo University, Cairo, March, 2008. fahmy_3.pdf