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Bahgat, R., A. Kamel, A. Soliman, and W. Sheta, "PSG: Peer-to-Peer semantic grid framework architecture", Egyptian Informatics Journal, Elsevier, vol. 12, pp. 125-136, 2011.
Bahgat, R., S. AbdelRahman, and G. Farag, "Order Statistics Bayesian–Mining Agent Modeling for Automated Negotiation", An International Journal of Computing and Informatics (Informatica), vol. 33, issue 1, pp. 123-137, 2011.
Mahdi, M., S. AbdelRahman, R. Bahgat, and I. Ismail, "F-Tree: an algorithm for Clustering Transactional Data Using Frequency Tree", Al-Azhar Engineering Eleventh International Conference, AEIC , Cairo, Egypt, 2010.
AbdelRahman, S., B. Hassan, and R. Bahgat, "A New Email Retrieval Ranking Approach", International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), vol. 2, issue 5, pp. 44–63, 2010.
Radwan, A., S. AbdelRahman, and R. Bahgat, "An Ontology Based Middleware Services and Parser", Journal of Al Azhar University Engineering Sector (JAUES), 2010.
Aboulwafa, S., and R. Bahgat, "DiReCT: Dirichlet-based Reputation and Credential Trust Management", In Proceedings of the 2010 7th International Conference on Informatics and Systems, (INFOS2010), Cairo-Egypt, IEEE CFP1006J-CDR, 2010.
Farag, G., S. AbdelRahman, R. Bahgat, and A. A-Moneim, "Estimating Negotiation Agreement Zone Using Support Vector Machine with Genetic Algorithm", In Proceedings of the 2010 7th International Conference on Informatics and Systems, (INFOS2010), Cairo-Egypt, IEEE CFP1006J-CDR, 2010.
Farag, G., S. AbdelRahman, R. Bahgat, and A. A-Moneim, "Towards KDE Mining Approach for Multi-Agent negotiation", In Proceedings of the 2010 7th International Conference on Informatics and Systems, (INFOS2010), Cairo-Egypt, IEEE CFP1006J-CDR, 2010.
Khalifa, S. S., H. N. Elmahdy, I. A. Saroit, and S. E. - O. H. Ahmed, "An Implementation of High Speed Bluetooth over IEEE 802.11g", CiiT International Journal of Wireless Communication, vol. 3, issue 7, pp. 546 - 552, 2011.
Dahab, Y. A., H. E. N. mahdy, and I. A. Saroit, "A Load Aware Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Networks", CiiT International Journal of Wireless Communication, vol. 3, issue 4, pp. 254-260, 2011. paper2.pdf
Mahdy, T., H. N. Elmahdy, and H. Onsi, "A Real Time Watermarking Algorithm for H.264", CiiT International Journal of Digital Image Processing, vol. 3, issue 1, pp. 34-42, 2011.
Mohamed, T. M., H. N. Elmahdy, and H. M. Onsi, "Efficient Watermark Detection by using The Longest Common Substring Technique", Egyptian Informatics Journal, vol. 12, issue 2, pp. 115-123, 2011. taha2.pdf
Elhamahmy, M. E., H. N. Elmahdy, and I. A. Saroit, "A New Approach for Evaluating Intrusion Dectection System", CiiT International Journal of Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning, vol. 2, issue 11, pp. 290-298, 2011. paper4.pdf
Elmahdy, H. N., M. E. Elhamahmy, and I. A. Saroit, "Impact of Data Set Distinction and Normalization in C5.0 Decision Tree", The Second International Conference on Cybercrime & Information Security, Egypt, Nov. 1-2, 2010.
Elmahdy, H. N., "Requirements for Capacity Building and Cognitive Skills for Technical Users of Information Technology and Communication in The Arab States", Mechanisms to Promote Cooperation between Private Sector Institutions in The Arab Gulf States, Sharja, United Arab Emarats, November 7 - 11, 2010.
Elmahdy, H. N., "Violations of Constition and Ethics Code Commited by The Goveronment during The Jan. 25th Revolution", Symposium of Why Would We do Againist Crimes of Cutting off Communications and Information during Jan. 25th Revolution, Cairo, 6 Mar, 2011.
Elmahdy, H. N., "Feasibility of E-Voting in Egypt after Jan. 25th Revolution", Symposium of The Election through The Communications and Information Technologies, Cairo, 29 Mar, 2011.
Elmahdy, H. N., "The Role of Virtual Universities in Achieving Education for All and Continuing Education", The ISESCO Conference of The Role of Virtual Universities in Education, Cairo, Nov. 21-24, 2011.
Mazaar, H. H., and H. N. Elmahdy, "Multiple Description Coding Based Network Coding", International Journal of Computer Applications – IJCA, vol. 6, issue 9, pp. 35–40, 2010. paper5.pdf
Dahab, Y. A., H. E. N. mahdy, and I. A. Saroit, "Improving The Performance of IEEE 802.11e using A Dynamic Adaptation Approach", CiiT International Journal of Wireless Communication, vol. 2, issue 9, pp. 276-280, 2010.
Elmahdy, H. N., "Why does Silicon Valley Project Fail in Egypt While Call Centrs Projects Have Successeded?", Symposium of Silicon Valley Failure vs. Call Centers Success in Egypt, Cairo, September. 29, 2010.
Elmahdy, H. N., "Learning in the Digital Age in Islamic Countries", The International Conference on Diffusion of ICTs in Academia: Learning in the Digital Age in Islamic Countries, Khartoum, Republic of Sudan, October 4 - 5, 2010.
Elmahdy, H. N., A. M. I. R. A. KOTB, and K. A. R. I. M. Y. O. U. S. S. E. F. A. EL-HALIM, "Improving The Performance of Security of Real-Time Video over IP", he 10th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED INFORMATICS AND COMMUNICATIONS (AIC '10), Taipei, Taiwan, August 20-22, pp. 135-140, 2010.
Elmahdy, H. N., "Arabic Sign Language Translation of The Holy Quraan", The Sixteenth Conference of Arabization of Sciences, Alazhar University, Cairo, April 21-22, 2010.
Maza’ar, H. H., and H. N. Elmahdy, "A Novel Image Recovery Against Lost Descriptions in Mesh Networks", The 27th National Radio Science Conference, Menouf, Egypt, 16-18 March, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia University, pp. C19.1-C19.9, 2010.