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El-Bastawissy, A., A. Hani, and O. Hegazi, "Precise UML Stereotypes by Using OCL Expressions", Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics and Systems, INFOS , Cairo university, Faculty of computers and information, 2002.
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El-Bastawissy, A. H., "A Relational View for the Structured Modeling Framework", Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Statistics, Computer Science and Operation Research, Cairo University, December , 1994.
El-Bastawissy, A. H., O. Hegazi, and S. A. Abdel-Magied, "Model Base Architecture for DSS Using Structured Modeling", The Annual International Conference on Statistics, Computer Science, and Operations Research, Cairo University, December , 1992.
Parker, C. E., G. H. Degen, E. O. Abusteit, and F. T. Corbin, "The determination of metribuzin and its metabolites by high pressure liquid chromatography", Journal of liquid chromatography, vol. 4, pp. 725-742, 1983.
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Parker, C. E., A. V. Geeson, D.E.Games, E. D. Games, E. D. Ramsey, E. O. Abusteit, F. T. Corbin, and K. B. Tomer, "Thermospray liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric method for the analysis of metribuzin and its metabolites", Journal of Chromatography, pp. 359-367, 1988.
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Ibrahim, A. F., Z. R. Yehia, H. R. El-Wakil, and E. O. Abusteit, "Response of sunflower and associated weeds to some single and tank mixed herbicides", Journal of Agric, vol. 2, pp. 112-124, 1988.
Ibrahim, A. F., E. O. Abusteit, and M. A. El-Metwally, "Response of rapeseed growth, yield, oil content and its fatty acids to nitrogen fertilization rates and application times.", Journal of Agronomy & Crop, pp. 107-112, 1989.
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E.O., A., M. H. El-Deek, A.A.Shalaby, and H. S. Khafaga, Evaluation of saltbush forage value and chemical composition under some agronomic practices and saline conditions, , vol. 2, pp. 371-389, 1991.
A.H., E. - D., E.O.Abusteit, A. A. Shalaby, E. T. Kishk, and H. S. Khafaga, Agro management of salthbush (Atriplex nummularia) under saline conditions, , vol. 2, pp. 353-370, 1991.
Abustiet, E. O., and S. A. Shehata., Critical period of weed competition in fall-planted potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) , , vol. 43 , pp. 1207-1220, 1992.
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Abusteit, E. O., "Influence of atrazine rates under different levels of nitrogen fertilization in maize (Zea mays L.).", Journal of Agric, vol. 20 , pp. 1017-1029, 1993.
Abusteit, E. O., "Effect of planting methods and weed control applications in lentil (Lens culinaris Med.).", Journal of Agric, vol. 18, pp. 2820-2826, 1993.