Gadalla, M. A., M. S. Mansour, E. Mahdy, and F. M. El-Mahallawy,
"Energy-efficient ovens for unpolluted balady breads",
Proceedings of the Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, vol. 3, Washington, DC, USA, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, United States, pp. 1997-2002, 1996.
AbstractA new bread oven has been developed, tested and presented in this work for local balady bread. The design has the advantage of being efficient and producing unpolluted bread. An extensive study of the conventional and available designs has been carried out in order to help developing the new design. Evaluation of the conventional design is based on numerous tests and measurements. A computer code utilizing the indirect method has been developed to evaluate the thermal performance of the tested ovens. The present design achieves higher thermal efficiency of about 50% than the conventional ones. In addition, its capital cost is much cheaper than other imported designs. Thus, the present design achieves higher efficiency, pollutant free products and less cost. Moreover, it maybe modified for different types of bread baking systems.
Chen, Y. - C., N. Peters, G. A. Schneemann, N. Wruck, U. Renz, and M. S. Mansour,
"The detailed flame structure of highly stretched turbulent premixed methane-air flames",
Combustion and Flame, vol. 107, no. 3: Elsevier Science Inc, New York, NY, United States, pp. 223-244, 1996.
AbstractThe premixed stoichiometric turbulent methane flames are investigated on a piloted Bunsen burner with a nozzle diameter of 12 mm and mean nozzle exit velocities of 65, 50, and 30 m/s. Advanced laser diagnostics of the flow field using two-component and two-point laser Doppler anenometer (LDA), as well as of the scalar fields with 2-D Rayleigh thermometry and line Raman/Rayleigh laser-induced predissociation fluorescence (LIPF)-OH techniques, are applied to obtain both the instantaneous and mean flame structure in terms of velocity, temperature, and major species concentrations, as well as turbulent kinetic energy and length scales. In terms of their location on the combustion diagram, the three flames cover the entire range of the distributed-reaction-zones regime from the borderline to the well-stirred reactor regime to the flamelet regime. Measurements were from X/D = 2.5 above the nozzle exit plane to X/D = 12.5 downstream. Thus, a complete database is established for comparison with the numerical predictions. Within the mixing layer between the unburnt gas and the pilot flame, the instantaneous temperatures are much lower than the adiabatic flame temperature due to the short residence time and heat loss to the burner. With increasing residence time the mean flame temperature increases in the axial direction. The radial mixing of the turbulence generated with the shear layers between the nozzle jet stream and surrounding pilot stream is supressed, such that the turbulence kinetic energy remains nearly constant on the centerline. From the two-dimensional (2D) temperature fields instantaneous iso-temperature contours are plotted showing broad regions where burnt and unburnt gas are partially mixed. These regions are interpreted in terms of the quench scale l(q) = (ετ(c)3)(1/2). The measured values of the flame brush thickness are proportional to the quench scale for the two high-velocity flames, whereas the low-velocity flame exhibits essential flamelet behavior. The premixed stoichiometric turbulent methane flames were studied on a piloted Bunsen burner. The instantaneous and mean flame structure of the flames were measured in terms of velocity, temperature, and major species concentrations as well as turbulent kinetic energy and length scales. The instantaneous temperatures between the unburnt gas and the pilot flame were much lower than the adiabatic flame temperature due to the short residence time. Mean flame temperature increased proportionally with residence time.
Mansour, M. S., and Y. - C. Chen,
"Line Raman, Rayleigh, and laser-induced predissociation fluorescence technique for combustion with a tunable KrF excimer laser",
Applied Optics, vol. 35, no. 21, pp. 4252-4260, 1996.
AbstractWe have applied a line UV Raman, Rayleigh, and laser-induced predissociation fluorescence technique for measurement of turbulent hydrocarbon flames. The species concentration of CO2, O2, CO, N2, CH4, H2O, OH, and H2 and the temperature are measured instantaneously and simultaneously along a line of 11.4 mm, from which the gradients with respect to mixture fraction and spatial direction are obtained. The technique has been successfully tested in a laminar premixed stoichiometric methane flame and a laminar hydrogen diffusion flame. In addition the technique has been tested in a highly turbulent rich premixed methane flame. The data show that the technique can be used to provide instantaneous measurements of local profiles that describe the local flame structure in highly turbulent flames. © 1996 Optical Society of America.
Chen, Y. - C., and M. S. Mansour,
"Measurements of the detailed flame structure in turbulent H2-Ar jet diffusion flames with Line-Raman/Rayleigh/LIPF-OH technique",
Symposium (International) on Combustion, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 97-103, 1996.
AbstractThe instantaneous as well as conditionally averaged flame structure of a 78% H2-22% Ar jet diffusion flame is investigated with the Line-Raman/Rayleigh/LIPF-OH technique. Radial profiles of major species concentration, flame temperature, and OH concentration are measured along a line 10,5 mm long at two exit velocities and several axial positions. Statistical distributions of mixture fraction and one-dimensional scalar dissipation rate at different turbulence levels can be obtained to validate current model assumptions. The difference between upstream flamelets and downstream connected reaction zones can be inferred from the simultaneously measured multipoint scalar profiles in the mixture fraction space. Comparison with flamelet calculations shows that in the near field close to the nozzle region, flamelet behavior is qualitatively preserved. At positions farther downstream, the root mean square (rms) of the instantaneous mixture fraction in the mean reaction zone =st becomes smaller than the reaction zone width. Connected reaction zones are therefore a more appropriate conceptual model. Preferential molecular diffusion is found to be unimportant under strong small-scale turbulent mixing inside the jet flame, which justified the Lc=1 assumption for calculation of hydrogen diffusion flamelets at high strain rates. The probability density function of the measured one-dimensional scalar dissipation rates is lognormal at downstream positions but becomes more skewed when moving upstream. The mean scalar dissipation rate scales inversely with the streamwise distance in the axial direction, showing a rather slower decay than that in the cold flows. In addition, a local minimum of the radial scalar dissipation rate near the instantaneous reaction zone position is found at all the measuring stations and can be attributed to the thermal expansion effect and low turbulence level of the surrounding air. © 1996 Combustion Institute.