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AboulElla, H., A. Abraham, J. F. Peters, and G. Schaefer, "Rough Sets in Medical Informatics Applications", Applications of Soft Computing - Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, pp 23-30, Berlin , Springer Berlin Heidelberg (ISSN: 978-3-540-89618-0), 2009. Abstract

Rough sets offer an effective approach of managing uncertainties and can be employed for tasks such as data dependency analysis, feature identification, dimensionality reduction, and pattern classification. As these tasks are common in many medical applications it is only natural that rough sets, despite their relative ‘youth’ compared to other techniques, provide a suitable method in such applications. In this paper, we provide a short summary on the use of rough sets in the medical informatics domain, focussing on applications of medical image segmentation, pattern classification and computer assisted medical decision making.

Aboul-Ella, H., and M. Nakajima, "Image metamorphosis transformation of facial images based on elastic body splines ", Signal Processing , issue Volume 70, Issue 2,, pp. 129–137 , 1998. Abstracts01651684.gifWebsite

In this paper, we propose a new image metamorphosis algorithm which uses elastic body splines to generate warp functions for interpolating scattered data points. The spline is based on a partial differential equation proposed by Navier that describes the equilibrium displacement of an elastic body subjected to forces. The spline maps can be expressed as the linear combination of an affine transformation and a Navier spline. The proposed algorithm generates a smooth warp that reflects feature point correspondences. It is efficient in time complexity and smoothly interpolated morphed images with only a remarkably small number of specified feature points. The algorithm allows each feature point in the source image to be mapped to the corresponding feature point in the destination image. Once the images are warped to align the positions of features and their shapes, the in-between facial animation from two given facial images can be defined by cross dissolving the positions of correspondence features and their shapes and colors. We describe an efficient cross-dissolve algorithm for generating the in-between images

Heba M. Taha, N. El-Bendary, A. E. Hassanien, Y. Badr, and V. Snasel, "Retinal Feature-Based Registration Schema", Informatics Engineering and Information Science, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 26-36, Communications in Computer and Information Science - Springer , 2011. Abstract

This paper presents a feature-based retinal image registration schema. A structural feature, namely, bifurcation structure, has been used for the proposed feature-based registration schema. The bifurcation structure is composed of a master bifurcation point and its three connected neighbors. The characteristic vector of each bifurcation structure consists of the normalized branching angle and length, which is invariant against translation, rotation, scaling, and even modest distortion. The proposed schema is composed of five fundamental phases, namely, input retinal images pre-processing, vascular network detection, noise removal, bifurcation points detection in vascular networks, and bifurcation points matching in pairs of retinal images. The effectiveness of the proposed schema is demonstrated by the experiments with 12 pairs retinal images collected from clinical patients. The registration is carried out through optimizing a certain similarity function, namely, normalized correlation of images. It has been observed that the proposed schema has achieved good performance accuracy.

Banerjee, S., N. El-Bendary, A. E. Hassanien, and T. - H. Kim, "A modified pheromone dominant ant colony algorithm for computer virus detection", 2011 IEEE 14th International Multitopic Conference (INMIC), PP. 35-40 , Karachi, Pakistan , 22-24 Dec. 2011. Abstract

This paper proposes an elementary pattern detection approach for viruses propagated through e-mail and address books using the non-uniform pheromone deposition mechanism of ant colony. The local temporary tabu memory has been used to learn the pattern and it can combine known information from past viruses with a type of prediction for future viruses. This is achieved through certain generated test signature of viruses associated with e-mail over landscape. A non-uniform and non-decreasing time function for pheromone deposition and evaporation ensures that subsequent ants who are close enough to a previously selected trial solution will follow the trajectory or test landscape. They are capable to examine gradually thicker deposition of pheromone over the trajectory. It is empirically shown that the proposed modified pheromone learning mechanism can be an alternative approach to detect virus pattern for e-mail messages.

Salama, M. A., O. S. Soliman, I. Maglogiannisa, A. E. Hassanien, and A. A. Fahmy, "Rough set-based identification of heart valve diseases using heart sounds , Intelligent Systems Reference Library", ISRL Series, 2011.
Salama, M. A., A. E. Hassanien, A. A. Fahmy, J. Platos, and V. Snasel, "Fuzzification of Euclidian Space in Fuzzy C-mean and Support Vector Machine Techniques , The 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction (IHCI2011),", , published by Springer as part of their Advances in Soft Computing series, pp. 29-31, 2011.
Salama, M. A., A. E. Hassanien, and A. A. Fahmy, Feature Evaluation Based Fuzzy C-Mean Classification , The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), , Taiwan, 2534-2539, 2011.
Salama, M. A., A. A. Fahmy, and T. - H. Kim, "Heart Sound Feature Reduction Approach for Improving the Heart Valve Diseases Identification", International Convention Center , Island, Korea, 8-10 Dec, 2011.
Salama, M. A., A. E. Hassanien, J. Platos, A. A. Fahmy, and V. Snasel, "Rough Sets-based Identification of Heart Valve Diseases using Heart Sounds", Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction , 29-31Aug, 2011.
Salama, M. A., A. E. Hassanien, and A. A. Fahmy, "Uni-Class Pattern-based Classification Model", International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA2010), Cairo, Egypt, December , 2010.
Salama, M. A., A. E. Hassanien, and A. A. Fahmy, "Pattern-based Subspace Classification Model", The second World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC2010), Japan, 357-362 Dec, 2010.
Salama, M. A., A. E. Hassanien, and A. A. Fahmy, "Reducing the Influence of Normalization on Data Classification", The 6th International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP 2010), India, November , 2010.
Saleh, E., A. Fahmy, and A. Kamel, "Multi-Platform User Interface Derivation from One Task Model", Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applications of Computer Engineering , Penang, Malaysia, March, 2010.
Fahmy, A., R. Aref, and K. Shaalan, "An Approach for Analyzing and Correcting Spelling Errors for Non-native Arabic learners"", The 7th International Conference on Informatics and Systems, Cairo University, Egypt, March , 2010.
Elghazaly, T. A., and A. Fahmy, "Linguistic Resources for English /Arabic CLIR: A Comprehensive Survey ", The 9th Conference on Language Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt , December , 2009.
Elghazaly, T. A., and A. A. Fahmy, ", "English/Arabic Cross Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) for Arabic OCR-Degraded Text"", Proceeding the 11th IBIMA conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Twin Track Economies, Cairo, Egypt, January , 2009.
Elghazaly, T. A., and A. A. Fahmy, ""Enhancing English/Arabic CLIR Using Word Collocations and Statistical Translation and Transliteration Resources"", The 6th International Conference on Informatics and Systems, Cairo University, Egypt, March , 2008.
A, H., S. K, and F. A, "Automatic Morphological Rule Induction for Arabic ", In the Proceedings of The LREC'08 workshop on HLT & NLP within the Arabic world: Arabic Language and local languages processing: Status Updates and Prospects, Morocco, May , 2008.
A, H., S. K, and F. A, "Machine Translation Model Using Inductive Logic Programming", In the Proceedings of The IEEE NLP-KE '09, Dalian, China, September , 2009.
Hosny, I., S. Abdou, and A. Fahmy, "Using Advanced Hidden Markov Models for Online Arabic handwriting recognition", The First Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR'11) , Beijing, China, November, 2011.
Abdou, S., A. Fahmy, and A. Elgammal, "A Tool for Arabic Handwriting Training", The Fifth Conference of Learning International Networks Consortium (LINC) MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, May, 2010.
Saleh, E., A. Kamel, A. Fahmi, and A. Salem, "Integrating AMI and MDE for Multi-Platform Multi-Modal User Interfaces to Support People with Disabilities", The 4th International Conference on Information Technology ICIT’2009, Amman, Jordan, 2009.
Abd-Eldayem, M. M., E. T. Alnfrawy, and A. A. Fahmy, "Efficient Scalar Multiplication Based On Window Algorithm With 2’s Complement Applied For Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems ", 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Design and Applications (ISDA),, Cairo, Egypt, December , 2010.