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Youssri, Y. H., and W. M. Abd-Elhameed, "Numerical spectral Legendre-Galerkin algorithm for solving time fractional telegraph equation", Romanian Journal of Physics, vol. 63, no. 3-4, 2018. AbstractWebsite
Youssri, Y. H., and A. G. Atta, "Double Tchebyshev Spectral Tau Algorithm for Solving KdV Equation, with Soliton Application", Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 451–467, 2022. Abstract
Youssri, Y. H., W. M. Abd-Elhameed, and A. G. Atta, "Spectral Galerkin treatment of linear one-dimensional telegraph type problem via the generalized Lucas polynomials", Arabian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 601 – 615, 2022. AbstractWebsite
Youssri, Y. H., "A new operational matrix of Caputo fractional derivatives of Fermat polynomials: an application for solving the Bagley-Torvik equation", Advances in Difference Equations, vol. 2017, no. 73: Springer Open, pp. 1–17, 2017. Abstract
Youssri, Y. H., W. M. Abd-Elhameed, A. S. Mohamed, and S. M. Sayed, "Generalized Lucas Polynomial Sequence Treatment of Fractional Pantograph Differential Equation", International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, vol. 7, no. 2, 2021. AbstractWebsite
Youssri, Y. H., W. M. Abd-Elhameed, and A. G. Atta, "Spectral {G}alerkin treatment of linear one-dimensional telegraph type problem via the generalized {L}ucas polynomials", Arab. J. Math., vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 601-615, 2023. Abstract
Youssri, Y. H., and W. M. Abd-Elhameed, "Numerical spectral Legendre-Galerkin algorithm for solving time fractional telegraph equation", Romanian Journal of Physics, vol. 63, no. 3-4, 2018. AbstractWebsite
Youssri, Y. H., W. M. Abd-Elhameed, and A. G. Atta, "Spectral Galerkin treatment of linear one-dimensional telegraph type problem via the generalized Lucas polynomials", Arabian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 601-615, 2022. Abstract
Youssri, Y. H., S. M. Sayed, A. S. Mohamed, E. M. Aboeldahab, and W. M. Abd-Elhameed, "Modified Lucas polynomials for the numerical treatment of second-order boundary value prob- lems", Computational Methods for Differential Equations, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 12 – 31, 2023. AbstractWebsite
Youssri, Y. H., and A. G. Atta, "Petrov-Galerkin Lucas Polynomials Procedure for the Time-Fractional Diffusion Equation", Contemporary Mathematics (Singapore), vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 230 – 248, 2023. AbstractWebsite
Youssri, H., A. S. Eswi, and S. Radi, "Stress/ Stressors as Perceived by Baccalaureate Saudi Nursing Students", Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, vol. 14 (2), issue ISSN 1990-9233, pp. 193-202, 2013. 8_1.pdf
Youssri, Y. H., W. M. Abd-Elhameed, and M. Abdelhakem, "A robust spectral treatment of a class of initial value problems using modified Chebyshev polynomials", Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, vol. 44, no. 11, pp. 9224-9236, 2021. AbstractWebsite
Youssri, Y. H., W. M. Abd-Elhameed, and E. H. Doha, "Accurate spectral solutions of first-and second-order initial value problems by the ultraspherical wavelets-Gauss collocation method", Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal, vol. 10, no. 2: Prairie View A&M University, pp. 835–851, 2015. Abstract
Youssri, Y. H., W. M. Abd-Elhameed, and S. M. Sayed, "Generalized Lucas Tau Method for the Numerical Treatment of the One and Two-Dimensional Partial Differential Heat Equation", Journal of Function Spaces, vol. 2022, 2022. AbstractWebsite
Youssri, Y. H., W. M. Abd-Elhameed, and M. Abdelhakem, "A robust spectral treatment of a class of initial value problems using modified Chebyshev polynomials", Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2021. AbstractWebsite
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Youssri, Y. H., and W. M. Abd-Elhameed, "Spectral Solutions for Multi-Term Fractional Initial Value Problems Using a New Fibonacci Operational Matrix of Fractional Integration", Progress in Fractional Differentiation and Applications, vol. 2, no. 2: Natural Sciences Publishing, pp. 141–151, 2016. Abstract
Youssri, Y. H., W. M. Abd-Elhameed, and H. M. Ahmed, "New Fractional Derivative Expression of the Shifted Third-Kind Chebyshev Polynomials: Application to a Type of Nonlinear Fractional Pantograph Differential Equations", Journal of Function Spaces, vol. 2022, no. 1, pp. 3966135, 2022. Abstract
Youssri, Y. H., W. M. Abd-Elhameed, and E. H. Doha, "Ultraspherical Wavelets Method for Solving Lane-Emden Type Equations", Romanian Journal of Physics, vol. 60, no. 9-10: Editions de l'Academie Republique Populaire, pp. 1298–1314, 2015. Abstract
Youssrey, A., M. A. Hegazy, A. Morsi, and H. A. M. Essam, "Development and Validation of Green Chromatographic Approaches for Simultaneous Determination of Aspirin, Rosuvastatin and Clopidogrel in their Tertiary Mixture", Journal of Chromatographic Science, vol. 61, no. 10, pp. 930 – 942, 2023. AbstractWebsite
Youssof, A. A., A. M. Reda, R. S. Ismail, and M. S. Farhan, "Prophylactic Drugs and Cytokine Levels in Migraineurs", Egypt J Neurol Psychiat Neurosurg., vol. 51, issue (1), pp. 79-87, 2014. 1-paper_cytokines_migrain.pdf