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sally talaat, "7- Profile of Infections in Newly Diagnosed Patients With Acute leukemia During The Induction Phase of Treatment", Journal of the Egyptian Nat. Cancer Inst, vol. December, 2009.
Payne, A., A. Daniel, A. Mehta, B. Thompson, C. S. Bamji, D. Snow, H. Oshima, L. Prather, M. Fenton, L. Kordus, et al., "7.6 a 512× 424 cmos 3d time-of-flight image sensor with multi-frequency photo-demodulation up to 130mhz and 2gs/s adc", 2014 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers (ISSCC): IEEE, pp. 134-135, 2014. Abstract


Tomerak, R., A. A. El Badawy, A. E. Eskander, and A. H. Mahmoud, "716 Does Bloody Aspirate Reflect the State of Upper Gastrointestinal Mucosa in a Critically ill Newborn?", Archives of Disease in Childhood, vol. 97, no. Suppl 2: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, pp. A206–A207, 2012. Abstract
Tomerak, R., E. A. A. Badawy, A. E. Eskander, and A. H. Mahmoud, "716 Does Bloody Aspirate Reflect the State of Upper Gastrointestinal Mucosa in a Critically ill Newborn?", Archives of Disease in Childhood, vol. 97, pp. A206–A207, 2012.
Amr, M., T. Amin, D. Al-Rhaddad, A. Al-Mogy, and G. Trifirò, "731–Antipsychotic prescribing pattern in arab patients with schizophrenia", European Psychiatry, vol. 28: Elsevier, pp. 1, 2013. Abstract
Amr, M., T. Amin, D. Al-Rhaddad, A. Al-Mogy, and G. Trifirò, "731–Antipsychotic prescribing pattern in arab patients with schizophrenia", European Psychiatry, vol. 28, no. S1: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–1, 2013. Abstract
Payne, R., E. Coderre, W. T. Plunet, J. J. L. Carson, L. P. Renaud, W. Tetzlaff, R. Shamloul, and A. J. Bella, "892 INTERMITTENT CALORIC RESTRICTION MODIFIES NEUROBIOLOGICAL RESPONSE TO BILATERAL CAVERNOUS NERVE CRUSH INJURY IN THE RAT AND FACILITATES RECOVERY OF ERECTILE FUNCTION", The Journal of Urology, vol. 183, no. 4: Elsevier, pp. e348–e349, 2010. Abstract
Kassem, L., P. Clézardin, and I. Treilleux, 97P RANK expression predicts long term outcome in early luminal breast cancer, , vol. 29, issue suppl_6: Oxford University Press, pp. mdy314 - 036, 2018. Abstract
EL-Ghareb, W. I., M. M. Swidan, I. T. Ibrahim, A. A. El-Bary, M. I. Tadros, and T. M. Sakr, "99mTc-Doxorubicin-loaded gallic acid-gold nanoparticles (99mTc-DOX-loaded GA-Au NPs) as a multifunctional theranostic agent", Int J Pharm, vol. 586, pp. 119514, 2020.
Youssef, S. A., Refai, M., Youssef, S. A., Taha, M., Hassan, M. Awad, and T. Safwat, ": Incidence of yeasts in the sputum of patients with bronchopulmonary diseases in Egypt. ", Egypt. J. Chest Dis.&Tub. , vol. 23, , pp. 27-32 , 1980. incidence_of_yeasts_in_the_sputum.pdf
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Torres, V. J., A. S. Attia, W. J. Mason, M. I. Hood, B. D. Corbin, F. C. Beasley, K. L. Anderson, D. L. Stauff, W. H. McDonald, L. J. Zimmerman, et al., "Staphylococcus aureus fur regulates the expression of virulence factors that contribute to the pathogenesis of pneumonia", Infection and immunity, 2010/01/27, vol. 78, no. 4, pp. 1618-28, Apr, 2010. AbstractWebsite

The tremendous success of Staphylococcus aureus as a pathogen is due to the controlled expression of a diverse array of virulence factors. The effects of host environments on the expression of virulence factors and the mechanisms by which S. aureus adapts to colonize distinct host tissues are largely unknown. Vertebrates have evolved to sequester nutrient iron from invading bacteria, and iron availability is a signal that alerts pathogenic microorganisms when they enter the hostile host environment. Consistent with this, we report here that S. aureus senses alterations in the iron status via the ferric uptake regulator (Fur) and alters the abundance of a large number of virulence factors. These Fur-mediated changes protect S. aureus against killing by neutrophils, and Fur is required for full staphylococcal virulence in a murine model of infection. A potential mechanistic explanation for the impact of Fur on virulence is provided by the observation that Fur coordinates the reciprocal expression of cytolysins and a subset of immunomodulatory proteins. More specifically, S. aureus lacking fur exhibits decreased expression of immunomodulatory proteins and increased expression of cytolysins. These findings reveal that Fur is involved in initiating a regulatory program that organizes the expression of virulence factors during the pathogenesis of S. aureus pneumonia.

Thielebein, J., K. K. Poland, N. M. El Sawi, N. S. Geweely, S. Qusti, M. Mohamed, A. Kamel, C. Merera, and A. Abebe, "A. Beker, TA Gipson, R. Puchala, AR Askar, K. Tesfai, GD Detweiler, A. Asmare and AL Goetsch (USA)......", J. Appl. Anim. Res, vol. 38: Taylor & Francis, pp. 279–285, 2010. Abstract
Tawfik, D., A. Zaccagnino, A. Bernt, M. Szczepanowski, W. Klapper, A. Schwab, H. Kalthoff, and A. Trauzold, "The A818–6 system as an in-vitro model for studying the role of the transportome in pancreatic cancer", BMC cancer, vol. 20, no. 1: Springer, pp. 1–17, 2020. Abstract
Elfishawi, M. M., B. R. Sakr, M. H. El-Arousy, A. K. Hatw, A. N. AbdulKarim, A. B. Tammam, A. N. Kotp, M. E. Hamed, I. E. Genedy, and E. D. El Desouky, AB1031 Rheumatoid Arthritis, A Single-Center Egyptian Experience, : BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2016. Abstract
Taha, A. A., I. M. Ibrahim, and M. L. Ibrahim, "Abdominal Vascular Injury during lumbar disc Surgery. ", The Egyptian Journal of Neurosurgery, , vol. 14, issue January 2004., pp. 16-22, 2004.
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Thomas J Vogl, Parvis Farshid, N. N. S. Z. B. B. N., and M. B. N. - E. N. - E. 1 A. Jijo Paul, Emannuel C. Mbalisike, "Ablation therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma: a comparative study between radiofrequency and microwave ablation", Abdominal Imaging, vol. 40, issue January, pp. 1829-1837, 2015. ablation_therapy_of_hepatocellular_carcinoma_a_comparative_study_between_radiofrequency_and_microwave_ablation.pdf
El-Zawahry, B. M., R. M. Sobhi, D. A. Bassiouny, and S. A. Tabak, "Ablative CO2 fractional resurfacing in treatment of thermal burn scars: an open-label controlled clinical and histopathological study", Journal of cosmetic dermatology, vol. 14, no. 4: Wiley Online Library, pp. 324–331, 2015. Abstract
Turner, D., A. N. Shkoporov, C. Lood, A. D. Millard, B. E. Dutilh, P. Alfenas-Zerbini, L. J. van Zyl, R. K. Aziz, H. M. Oksanen, and M. M. Poranen, Abolishment of morphology-based taxa and change to binomial species names: 2022 taxonomy update of the ICTV bacterial viruses subcommittee, , vol. 168, issue 2: Springer, pp. 74, 2023. Abstract
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Obeida, A., B. Magdy, H. Taher, M. Qinawy, and M. Elbarbary, "Absent Azygos Vein in a neonate with oesophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula", Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, vol. 90, pp. 102588, 2023. AbstractWebsite

Absent azygos vein is a rare anomaly of the venous system, which is commonly an incidental finding, with only few publications reporting it. Due to the scarcity of cases, it is rarely reported with oesophageal atresia ± tracheoesophageal fistula (OA ± TOF), which is usually accompanied with cardiac anomalies in up to 80% of the cases. This association has only been reported thrice in literature. We report a 6-day-old female who was referred to our centre after diagnosis of OA + TOF. The patient had no associated anomalies apart from small patent foramen ovale and small ventricular septal defect; however, there was no functional compromise. Upon thoracoscopic exploration, azygos vein could not be visualised. Thoracoscopic repair was performed, and the postoperative period was uneventful. On follow-up, the patient had no postoperative complications. Absent azygos vein is a rare anomaly with few cases reported throughout the literature. Azygos vein is considered an important landmark intraoperatively because it guides the surgeon to the TOF site. Moreover, it might be important in other patients with major cardiac anomalies with abnormal venous drainage who might need further surgical correction.

Abusteit, E. O., F. T. Corbin, D. P. Schmitt, J. W. Burton, D. A. Worsham, and L. Thompson Jr, "Absorption, translocation, and metabolism of metribuzin in diploid and tetraploid soybean (Glycine max) plants and cell cultures", Weed Science: JSTOR, pp. 618-628, 1985. Abstract