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Temerak, M. S., "Would social and functional benefits provided by a preferred service employee versus other fellow customers be a double-edged sword", Australian and New Zealand Academy of Marketing (ANZMAC), University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2015.
Wolabu1, T. W., H. Wang, D. Tadesse1, F. Zhang1, M. Behzadirad, V. E. Tvorogova, H. Abdelmageed, N. C. Ye Liu7, J. Chen, R. D. Allen, et al., "WOX9 functions antagonistic to STF and LAM1 to regulate leaf blade expansion in Medicago truncatula and Nicotiana sylvestris", New Phytologist, vol. 229, pp. 1582–1597, 2021.
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Merghany, M. M., K. F. Abdelgawad, G. A. Tawfic, and S. S. ahmed, "YIELD, QUALITY AND LEAVES ANATOMY STRUCTURE OF SPRING ONION SPRAYED BY NANOCOMPOSITE TO CONTROL THRIPS TABACI", Plant Archives, vol. 19, issue 1, pp. 1839-1849, 2019. Abstract
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El-Kherbawy, M. I., S. A. Taha, M. I. El-Naggar, and M. E. Hussien, "Zinc fractions in waterlogged soils and their relative availability to rice plants.", Egypt. J. Appl., vol. 10, issue 5, pp. 193-202., 1995. Abstract
El-Kherbawy, M. I., S. A. Taha, M. I. El-Naggar, and M. E. Hussien, "Zinc fractions in waterlogged soils and their relative availability to rice plants.", Egypt. J. Appl., vol. 10, issue 5, pp. 193-202., 1995. Abstract
El-Kherbawy, M. I., S. A. Taha, M. I. El-Naggar, and M. E. Hussien, "Zinc fractions in waterlogged soils and their relative availability to rice plants.", Egypt. J. Appl., vol. 10, issue 5, pp. 193-202., 1995. Abstract
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Postoperative opacification of intraocular lenses (IOLs) is a very unpleasant complication for the ophthalmic surgeon and the patient. We report on our experiences with opacification of different foldable IOL designs and rigid poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) posterior chamber lenses.1. Snowflake degeneration of PMMA IOLs: This condition is an unanticipated and surprising late postoperative finding 8 to 15 years after implantation. In our opinion, this complication is probably not related to the PMMA biomaterial itself, but rather it appears to represent a manufacturing problem that has affected a selected, albeit large number of lenses manufactured in the 1980s-mid 1990s.2. Degeneration of UV absorber material and calcium deposits within the optic of hydrophilic IOLs: Two years postoperatively degenerations of UV absorber material and calcium deposits within the optic of single piece hydrophilic acrylic lenses SC60B-OUV manufactured by MDR (Medical developmental research Inc. Clearwater FL, USA) can occur. Although the precise mechanism is not fully known, it was assumed that these opacifications are due to premature aging of the UV blocking agent incorporated in the lens biomaterial and calcification.3. Calcification on the surface of the Bausch & Lomb Hydroviewtrade mark IOLs: Twelve to 15 months postoperatively granular surface calcifications in Hydroviewtrade mark IOLs occured. The mechanism is not fully understood. According to Bausch and Lomb studies, part of the components of the packaging contained silicone, which may have come off the packaging onto the lens optic, where it then appears to be a catalyst for calcium precipitation. The manufacturer has correlated a change in packaging with the appearance of the opacification. The manufacturer now believes that this problem has been solved. However, final verification will require a careful 1 - 2 years clinical study.4. Glistenings in the hydrophobic acrylic AcrySoftrade mark IOLs: The time frame of glistenings in the AcrySoftrade mark IOLs is highly variable. It has been suggested that the occurrence of glistenings may be related to variations in the temperature of the lens just prior to and or during insertion into the eye. Formation of vacuoles may occur within the submersed acrylic polymer when there is a transient increase and then decrease in temperature during the surgical procedure. "Glistenings" may then subsequently form by ingress of anterior chamber fluid. Contrast sensitivity can been decreased in some patients, but clinically significant decrease of visual acuity has been rare.
