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Conference Paper
Hegazy, S. F., and S. S. A. Obayya, "Tunable spatial compensation for polarization entangled photons", Nonlinear Optics and its Applications 2018, vol. 10684: SPIE, pp. 268–274, 2018. Abstract
El-Metwally, S. M., N. F. Osman, Y. M. Kadah, and A. S. Fahmy, "Two clustering techniques of myocardium using C-SENC images: A comparison with multi-stage clustering", Computer Engineering & Systems, 2007. ICCES'07. International Conference on: IEEE, pp. 215–219, 2007. Abstract
El-Metwally, S. M., N. F. Osman, Y. M. Kadah, and A. S. Fahmy, "Two clustering techniques of myocardium using C-SENC images: A comparison with multi-stage clustering", International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems, 2007. Abstract
Osman, M. T. A., H. A. H. Fahmy, Y. A. H. Fahmy, and M. A. Elsabrouty, "Two Programmable {BCH} Soft Decoders for High Rate Codes with Large Word Length", {The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, (ISCAS), Beijing, China}, may, 2013. Abstract

In this paper, two BCH soft decoders are proposed suitable for high rate codes with medium to large word length. The proposed decoders provide a programmable performance gain, with a reduced critical path allowing for an increase upto m/2 times the operating frequency of algebraic decoders, where m is the Galois field size. Our proposed decoders operate only on the least reliable bits, which leads to a reduction in the decoder complexity by removing the Chien search procedure.

Osman, M. T., H. A. Fahmy, Y. A. Fahmy, and M. A. Elsabrouty, "Two programmable {BCH} soft decoders for high rate codes with large word length", Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on: IEEE, pp. 1556–1559, 2013. Abstract


Radwan, H., O. Abdel-Rahim, M. Ahmed, M. Orabi, and A. A. El-Koussi, "Two stages maximum power Point tracking algorithm for PV systems operating under partially shaded conditions", Fourteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference, MEPCON, 2010. Abstract
Abbas, M., M. Abbrescia, H. Abdalla, A. S. Zeid, A. Agapitos, A. Ahmad, A. Ahmed, W. Ahmed, S. Amarjeet, I. Asghar, et al., "Two years’ test of a temperature sensing system based on fibre Bragg grating technology for the CMS GE1/1 detectors", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1561, no. 1: IOP Publishing, pp. 012006, 2020. Abstract
Moreu, M., M. Taboada, A. Taboada, C. Garc{\'ıa, J. Moreu, A. M. Mansour, and others, "Ultra-Deepwater Steel Riser Systems Hosted on FPSOs Offshore Brazil", Offshore Technology Conference: Offshore Technology Conference, 2015. Abstract
Salama, N. A., S. S. A. Obayya, S. M. Alexeree, and M. A. Swillam, "Ultra-sensitive gas sensor using Fano resonance in hybrid nanobar/nano-elliptic dielectric metasurf", SPIE_metasurface_Biosensor, 2023.
Tawfik, W., M. M. Omar, Y. E. Gamal, and L. E. Nadi, "Ultrafast Moving Bubbles Initiated During The Propagation of Focused laser Pulses in water", MTPR-04 , CairoUniv,Cairo,Egypt, ,4-9 April , 2005. yosr_42_ultrafast.pdf
Tawfik, W., M. M. Omar, Y. E. Gamal, and L. El Nadi, "Ultrafast moving bubbles initiated during the propagation of focused laser pulses in water", AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 748, pp. 280-288, 2005. Abstract

The propagation in water of nanosecond focused laser pulses having power densities up to terra watts / cm2 and wavelength of 532±2nm, has been investigated extensively by our group. Fast imaging as well as time resolved photography of the nonlinear optical processes, revealed the formation of running spherical foci as well as luminous cavitation bubbles along the direction of the propagating beam. Associated mechanical effect of shock pressure was measured at the exit window as soon as the bubbles collapsed, using piezoelectric silicon gauge. The lifetime of the luminous cavitation bubbles and running spherical foci were found to vary between 160 to 50 ps. Their propagation velocities were estimated to be of the order of 106 m/s. The results are discussed and could be explained partially according to the Moving Focus Model, the self-phase Modulation Model and other associated processes. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.

Tawfik, W., M. M. Omar, Y. E. Gamal, and L. E. Nadi, "Ultrafast Moving Bubbles Initiated During The Propagation of Focused laser Pulses in water", AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 748, no. 1: American Institute of Physics, pp. 280–288, 2005. Abstract
Tawfik, W., M. M. Omar, Y. E. Gamal, and L. E. Nadi, "Ultrafast moving bubbles initiated during the propagation of focused laser pulses in water", AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 748, no. 1: American Institute of Physics, pp. 280–288, 2005. Abstract
Khalifa, W., Y. Tsunekawa, and M. Okumiya, "Ultrasonic Grain Refining Effects in AC4CH Al-Si Cast Alloy", Symposium on the Sustainable Mechanical System, Toyota Technological Institute, Nagoya, Japan, December 4th, 2009.
Ossama S. Alshabrawy, and A. E. Hassanien, "Underdetermined blind separation of mixtures of an unknown number of sources with additive white and pink noises", The 5th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (Springer) IBICA2014, Ostrava, Czech Republic., 22-24 June, 2014. Abstractibica2014_p29.pdf

In this paper we propose an approach for underdetermined
blind separation in the case of additive Gaussian white noise and pink
noise in addition to the most challenging case where the number of source
signals is unknown. In addition to that, the proposed approach is appli-
cable in the case of separating I +3 source signals from I mixtures with
an unknown number of source signals and the mixtures have additive two
kinds of noises. This situation is more challenging and also more suitable
to practical real world problems. Moreover, unlike to some traditional
approaches, the sparsity conditions are not imposed. Firstly, the number
of source signals is approximated and estimated using multiple source
detection, followed by an algorithm for estimating the mixing matrix
based on combining short time Fourier transform and rough-fuzzy clus-
tering. Then, the mixed signals are normalized and the source signals
are recovered using multi-layer modi ed Gradient descent Local Hier-
archical Alternating Least Squares Algorithm exploiting the number of
source signals estimated , and the mixing matrix obtained as an input
and initialized by multiplicative algorithm for matrix factorization based
on alpha divergence. The computer simulation results show that the pro-
posed approach can separate I + 3 source signals from I mixed signals,
and it has superior evaluation performance compared to some traditional
approaches in recent references.

Haneline, M. R., F. P. Gabbai, R. Kassab, and M. Omary, "Unusual luminescence properties in arene complexes of the tridentate Lewis acid [(OC (6) F (4) HG)(3)].", ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 225: AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, pp. U150–U150, 2003. Abstract
Haneline, M. R., F. P. Gabbai, R. Kassab, and M. Omary, "Unusual luminescence properties in arene complexes of the tridentate Lewis acid [(OC (6) F (4) HG)(3)].", ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 225: AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, pp. U150–U150, 2003. Abstract
Salem, M., N. Tsurusaki, P. Divigalpitiya, and T. Osman, "Urban Growth Modelling Scenarios for Peri-urban Areas in Greater Cairo Region, ?Egypt?", Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Computers in Urban planning and ?Urban ?management CUPUM University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia., 2017. Abstract
Osman, M., B. F. Zaitchik, and H. S. Badr, "US Flash Droughts—Definitions and Dynamics", 100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting: AMS, 2020. Abstract
Salama, S., M. Abd El Ghani, W. Elnaggar, K. Sorour, M. Osman, and S. El Tobgy, "The use of quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) and intravenous ultrasound measurements correlations to perform optimal QCA-Guided stenting.", AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, vol. 88, no. 5 A: EXCERPTA MEDICA INC 650 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS, NEW YORK, NY 10011 USA, pp. 48G–49G, 2001. Abstract
Damankesh, A., J. Singh, F. Jahedpari, K. Shaalan, and F. Oroumchian, "Using Human Plausible Reasoning as a Framework for Multilingual Information Filtering", CLEF 2009 Workshop, in conjunction with ECDL2009, 13th European Conference on Digital Libraries, Corfu, Greece, 30 September , 2009. Abstractdamankesh-paper-clef2009.pdf

In this paper the application of the theory of Human Plausible Reasoning (HPR) has been investigated in the domain of filtering and cross language information retrieval. The theory of Human Plausible Reasoning first has been introduced by Collins and Michalski on early 1990s; it has been applied to IR since 1995. This work is an extension to those experiments which focuses on building a framework for cross language information retrieval. The system built in these experiments utilizes plausible inferences to infer new, unknown knowledge from existing knowledge to retrieve not only documents which are indexed by the query terms but also those which are plausibly relevant.

Arcand, L., P. Eng, and H. Osman, "Utilization of Subsurface Utility Engineering to improve the effectiveness of Utility Relocation and Coordination efforts on Highway Projects in Ontario", Proceedings of Annual Conference of the Transportation Association of Canada, Charlottetown, pp. 17–20, 2006. Abstract
Quartuccio, L., M. Isola, L. Corazza, S. Retamozo, M. A. - M. El-Menyawi, E. Gremese, M. Sebastiani, N. Pipitone, T. Urraro, V. Conteduca, et al., "Validation Study Of The International Classification Criteria For The Cryoglobulinemic Vasculitis", ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM, vol. 65, pp. S1123–S1124, 2013. Abstract
Soliman, M. M., M. Younis, M. El-Fadaly, G. S. Essawy, I. Abass, H, A. M. Otteifa, and S. A. Essawy, "Validity of some immunological trials and thrombocytopenia for diagnosing early pregnancy in buffaloes. ", . Seventh Annual Congress of Egyptian Society for Animal Reproduction and Fertility, Egypt, pp 181-188., 1995.
Ali, M. H. R., H. Osman, M. Marzouk, and M. Ibrahim, "Valuation of Minimum Revenue Guarantees for PPP Wastewater Treatment Plants", Construction Research Congress 2012: Construction Challenges in a Flat World, pp. 1600–1609, 2012. Abstract