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Mousa, A. A., free line, , 2017. 5146-42.jpg
Mousa, A. A., free line, , 2017. 5146-42.jpg
osama m.aly, التعبير التشكيلي وتطويرالامكانيات الحركية لأنواع العرائس المتحركة للطير والحيوان فى العرض المسرحي العرائسي ( كل ليلة وده منه ), , egypt, مسرح مكتبة الاسكندرية مركز الفنون الحدث : احتفالية منطق الطير والحيوان, pp. تجربة المسرحية العرائسية على قراءة بصرية استلهامية من المأثورات والأدبيات القديمة بإستخدام العرائس المتحركة ،اكتوبر, 2005. كل ليله وده منه .pdf
Ezzat, S., R. Labib, M. Mostafa, A. S. Alfaar, M. Sabry, K. Shaaban, H. Taha, and S. A. Naga, "Building a State of Art Biorepository in a Limited Resource Country. ", The International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories Annual Meeting, Orlando, 2014. Abstract
Alei Eldin, A., A. Haddad, H. Elzomor, Y. Medhat, H. Taha, M. Saad, E. Zaky, R. A. ElRazk, M. Elshamy, S. Abouelnaga, et al., "Evaluation of Retinoblastoma management in the first Multidisciplinary system in the Cancer children hospital in Egypt", International Society of Ocular Oncology Meeting, Purpose: To evaluate the success of ocular survival following chemoreduction and efficency of local treatment in the management of Retinoblastoma in the first multidisciplinary system for the treatment of childhood cancer in egypt Methods: A total number , 2013. Abstract

Purpose: To evaluate the success of ocular survival following chemoreduction and efficency of local treatment in the management of Retinoblastoma in the first multidisciplinary system for the treatment of childhood cancer in egypt Methods: A total number of 262 retinoblastomas cases managed between July 2007 to December 2012 with six cycles of chemoreduction (vincristine, etoposide, and carboplatin (COG protocols). The tumors were then managed with local treatment alone (group A) or chemoreduction combined with , cryotherapy or Diode laser (group B and C) and some cases of group D. In addition to enucleation for group E and advanced cases . Results: Of 262 retinoblastomas cases , (0.9%) were in group A, (8.4%) in group B, (11.7%) in group C, (44.4%) in group D,and (33.6) in group E. The mean age at presentation is 21.17 months .Bilateral affection was in 43% and unilateral in 57%. Family history of cancer was 11% and consangunity was positive in 19%. Extraocular involvement was in 18% of cases . Incidence of ocular survival for bilateral cases was 95% in group A ,80% in group B 45% in group C and 35% in group D ,while in unilateral cases it was 80%in group B ,50% in group C ,15% in group D . Conclusions: There is no doubt that the application of different treatment modalities among a multidisciplinary system in the treatment of retinoblastoma in the cancer children hospital gives a very good percentage of success despite the relatively late presentation and the higher incidence of advanced cases Financial disclosure: There is no financial disclosure Paper

Labib, R., M. Mostafa, A. Samir, S. E. Alfaar, and S. Abouelnaga., "Omics-Ready Bio/Data Repository For Childhood Cancers in Egypt.", The International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories Annual Meeting., Orlando, International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories Annual Meeting, 2014. Abstract
Tawfik, S., N. M. A. Razek, Y. Mounir, and undefined, "Pre-operative evaluation of breast cancer by contrast enhanced digital mammography", European society of radiology, Vienna, 2016.
Alfaar, A. S., R. Labib, S. Ezzat, M. Mostafa, H. Taha, and S. Abouelnaga, "Telepathology to Improve Collaboration and Quality of Samples Annotation in Biorepository. ", ISBER Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 2014. Abstract

Background: Telemedicine is the field of using information and communication technologies for facilitating diagnosis and treatment at distance. Using such disciplines in pathology has started long time ago with using closed TV circuits between teams. We’ve piloted the integration between caTissue open source biorepository suite and our telepathology system to facilitate verifying the diagnosis of stored and released samples. Methods: We have used LeicaTM telepathology system to produce digital formats for pathology slides of samples sent for biobanking. The diagnosis of scanned sets was discussed with our partners in US. We had implemented caTissue biorepository suite for handling the samples data including annotation. We’ve piloted using both caTissue 1.2 and caTissue plus 3.0 systems for integration with shared slides and reports. Results: Ninety-four tissue samples have been collected and stored . 109 slides/samples have been digitized for archival and assisting later annotation . Samples have been shared with our partners for discussion. H&E and biomarkers-labeled studies was used. New caTissue Plus 3.0 has proven more flexibility in sharing the annotations and reviewing the online slides. Conclusions: Telepathology has provided a new dimension for annotating sampled specimens giving an opportunity for researchers to discuss the cases without the need to get the physical samples.

Mohamed, A. W., الموجز فى القانون الدولى الخاص, , القاهرة, مركز جامعة القاهرة للتعليم المفتوح, 2018.
Badawy, M. A. E., M. A. E. Hamid, and Y. A. E. salam, correlates of missed nursing care in medical intensive care units, : German, lumbert academic publishing , ., 2014. screenshot_from_2014-12-15_08_53_49_0.png
M.Sherif, Advanced Topics in Corporate Finance, : McGraw-Hill, 2013.
Marzouk, M., H. Harasani, and K. El-Badry, Age-related changes and antioxidants administration(Anti-aging effect of antioxidants), , Germany, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015.
Mobarak, S., Amina Rachid ou la traversée vers l'autre, , Paris, Institut du monde arabe, 2020. amina_rachid_0_5.pdf
Hickman, F. R., J. L. Killin, L. Land, T. Mulhall, D. Porter, and R. M. Taylor, Analysis for knowledge-based systems: a practical guide to the {KADS} methodology, , Chichester, Ellis Horwood, 1989. Abstract
Mohamed, S. H., Analysis of sertraline hydrochloride, , Germany, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014.
Shehata, M., Y. Issa, and G. A. Maksoud, Analytical study for characterization of the icon Materials, , Germany, LAB Lambert Academic Publishing , 2016.
'', ''A. O. R., ''R. H. Mostafa'', and ''A. I. Dakrory'', Anatomical Studies on the Cranial Nerves of the Snake Coluber rogersi, , Germany, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2015.
Fahmy, S. R., and A. S. Mohamed, anti cholestatic effect of holothuria arenicola extract in rats, , German, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2015.
Brown, W., R. Malveau, H. McCormick, and T. Mowbray, Anti-patterns: {Refactoring} {Software} {Architectures} and {Projects} in {Crisis}, , Chichester, Wiley, 1998. Abstract

similar patterns that had failed: a kind of negative precedent studies.
