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lotfy, Mousa, W.M., El-Shehry, M. S., Ahmed, Ali, & Al Shawoush, A. M., and A. S. Mohamed, " Therapeutic potency of gallium verum extract on ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in rats", Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, vol. 12, pp. 6010 - 6020, 2022.
Safaa, H. M., M. P. Serrano, D. G. Valencia, X. Arbe, E. Jiménez-Moreno, R. Lázafo, G. G. Mateos, 霍艳军, and 雷蕾, "日粮中蛋氨酸, 亚油酸和脂肪添加水平对伊莎褐蛋鸡产蛋后期生产性能和蛋品质的影响", 饲料与畜牧: 新饲料, no. 9, pp. 58–58, 2008. Abstract
Safaa, H. M., M. P. Serrano, D. G. Valencia, X. Arbe, E. Jiménez-Moreno, R. Lázafo, G. G. Mateos, 霍艳军, and 雷蕾, "日粮中蛋氨酸, 亚油酸和脂肪添加水平对伊莎褐蛋鸡产蛋后期生产性能和蛋品质的影响", 饲料与畜牧: 新饲料, no. 9, pp. 58–58, 2008. Abstract
Xiong, X., S. Zhai, Z. Yao, T. Tazawa, H. -qing Zhao, Y. Li, M. R. Meselhy, N. Nakamura, T. Akao, and M. Hattori, "和漢医薬学雑誌= Journal of traditional medicines 20 (5), 201-207, 2003-10-20", Prog. Neurobiol, vol. 56, pp. 211-235, 1998. Abstract
Youssef, S. A., and Loubna, "• ““Decolonizing” the Minds of Children in Egypt and Nigeria.” ", Journal of Humanities and Applied Sciences (JHASS) , vol. 5, issue 3, pp. 211-240, 2022.
Deen, E. S. E., M. Elsadaa, M. Lotayef, A. E. H. Shelil, N. Y. Ibrahim, and W. S. Makar, "• Treatment of retinoblastoma patients with chemoreduction plus local therapy", Pan Arab Medical Journal, vol. 2, No 15, Jan-march, 2009. retinoblas.doc
lithy, H. E. N., M. M. Mattar, M. E. Masry, and N. E. M. Husseiny, "• Study of the Relation between CD34 and CD7 Expression on Marrow Stem Cells of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients and the BCR-ABL Transcripts Copy Number", 17th Congress of European hematology association, Amastrdam, June 2012.
Youssef, S. A., Loubna, and Abdel-Tawab, M.A.-H., • Essays in Honour of Abdel-Tawab Youssef. Volume Nine. Ed. Loubna A. Youssef. , , Giza, Cairo University Press, 2017.
Haggag, M., T. Yamashita, and H. S. Lee, "“Simulation of the North Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones Using the Regional Environment Simulator: Application to Cyclone Nargis in 2008”: Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change", Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change: Springer Netherlands., 2010.
Youssef, S. A., and Loubna, "“A Critical Review: The Routledge Companion to Media and Fairy-Tale Cultures.” (Dec. 2022) pp. 98-108.", Cairo Studies in English (20220, vol. 2022 1, issue 2, pp. 98-108, 2022.
Garcia-Garcia, R. M., M. M. del Masdeu, A. S. hez Rodriguez, P. Millan, M. Arias-Alvarez, O. G. Sakr, J. M. Bautista, C. Castellini, P. L. Lorenzo, and P. G. Rebollar, "β-nerve growth factor identification in male rabbit genital tract and seminal plasma and its role in ovulation induction in rabbit does", Italian Journal of Animal Science, vol. VOL. 17, NO. 2, issue (Print) 1828-051X (Online) Journal homepage:, pp. 442-453, 2018.
Manoto, S. L., C. Mabena, R. Malabi, S. Ombinda-Lemboumba, A. El-Hussein, M. Kasem, M. Lugongolo, and P. Mthunzi-Kufa, "{Smartphone biosensing for point of care diagnostics}", Frontiers in Biological Detection: From Nanosensors to Systems XII, vol. 11258: International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 45 – 51, 2020. Abstract
Lotfy, A., N. E. -, and N. ElGamal, "{SCI-F:} Social-Corporate Data Integration Framework", Proceedings of the 20th International Database Engineering {&} Applications Symposium, {IDEAS} 2016, Montreal, QC, Canada, July 11-13, 2016, pp. 328–333, 2016. Abstract
Wrigley, S. N., K.Elbedweihy, A. L. Gentile, V. Lanfranchi, and A. - S. Dadzie, {Results of the second evaluation of semantic search tools}, , no. D13.6: SEALS Consortium, 2012. Abstract
Klein, H. K., and K. Lyytinen, The {Poverty} of {Scientism} in {Information} {Systems}, : North-Holland, pp. 131–161, 1985. Abstract
Galal, G. H., "A {Note} on {Scenarios} in {Software} {Architecting}", Object-{Oriented} {Technology} - {ECOOP}'99 {Workshop} {Reader}, vol. LNCS1743, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, pp. 68, 1999. Abstract
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Informal IS are important., IS in multi-disciplinary, IS as mediating tool (model of an information system), an IS is a social system which has embedded in it information tech., IS begin to evolve and change as soon as they are implemented

Lazarides, G., R. Maji, A. Moursy, and Q. Shafi, "{Inflation, superheavy metastable strings and gravitational waves in non-supersymmetric flipped SU(5)}", JCAP, vol. 03, pp. 006, 2024. Abstract
Mehaisen, G. M. K., J. S. Vicente, and R. Lavara, "{In Vivo Embryo Recovery Rate by Laparoscopic Technique from Rabbit Does Selected for Growth Rate}", Reprod Dom Anim, vol. 39, pp. 347–351, 2004. Abstract2004_rda.pdf

Rabbit does from R line selected for growth rate present a low reproductive performance and this study aimed to evaluate both the recovery efficacy and viability of recovered embryos after vitrification and the reproductive performance of donor does subjected to in vivo recovery. Does were divided into three groups: 28 does without in vivo recovery (control), 25 does in which in vivo recovery was started in the nulliparous state (group 1) and 30 does with at least one litter before in vivo recovery (group 2). Does were superovulated with a single subcutaneous injection of 50 IU of equine chorionic gonado- tropin (eCG) per female, and were then artificially inseminated 60 h later and immediately administered an intravenous dose of 75 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) per female. Does from group 1 and 2 were recovered in vivo 76–80 h post- insemination by repeated laparoscopies at one to four times and permitted one or two parturitions between recoveries [in vivo (IV) recovery]. At the end of the experiment, about 16 does of all groups were recovered post-mortem (PM recovery). All normal embryos were vitrified, devitrified and then cultiva- ted in vitro to evaluate the viability after thawing. A significant increase in the ovulation rate was found in does recovered PM than in those recovered IV in the nulliparous state. However, no significant differences were observed in the recovery rate, the donor rate, the number of normal embryos recovered with at least one normal embryo per doe and the viability after thawing between the PM and IV groups. A significant decrease in the fertility rate, total born, live born and weaned kids was found for does from group 1 in comparison with does from group 2. Results support the use of repeated laparoscopy to increase the number of recovered embryos per donor doe especially in suchRline does, if they are permitted to produce at least one litter before the beginning of in vivo recovery.

Mehaisen, G. M. K., M. \'ıa P. Viudes-de-Castro, J. S. Vicente, and R. Lavara, "{In vitro and in vivo viability of vitrified and non-vitrified embryos derived from eCG and FSH treatment in rabbit does.}", Theriogenology, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 1279–91, 2006. Abstract2006_theriogenology.pdfWebsite

This study aimed to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo viability of vitrified and non-vitrified embryos derived from eCG and FSH treatments in rabbit does. Ninety-six nulliparous does were randomly subjected to consecutive superovulation treatments with eCG (20 IU/kg body weight intramuscularly (i.m.), eCG group), FSH (3 x 0.6 mg/doe at 24 h intervals i.m., FSH group), or without superovulation treatment (control group). Does were artificially inseminated 3 days later and ovulation was induced immediately by hCG (75 IU/doe intravenous). Seven experimental groups were differentiated: first FSH and eCG treatment, second FSH and eCG treatment, eCG-interchanged group (does with previous FSH treatment), FSH-interchanged group (does with previous eCG treatments) and control group. Embryos were collected in vivo by laparoscopy 76-80 h post-insemination in the first and second recovery cycles and post mortem in the third recovery cycles. The ovulation rate was significantly higher in does treated with the first-FSH than in those treated with eCG or in control does (25.2+/-2.0 versus 19.2+/-1.4 to 11.0+/-1.5, and 12.2+/-1.2, first-FSH, first-eCG to second-eCG and control groups, respectively, P < 0.05). Significant differences were observed in the total recovery influenced by ovulation rate in each group (20.3+/-2.2 to 9.4+/-1.2, first-FSH to control groups). Embryo donor rate (donor with at least one normal embryo) was similar among groups with an overall of 75.1%. The number of normal embryos recovered per doe with at least one normal embryo increased significantly in relation to ovulation rate (17.7+/-2.2 to 8.41+/-3, first-FSH and control groups). The vitrification of embryos negatively affected their in vitro development to hatched blastocyst in all groups (88.1% versus 48%, P > 0.05). However, after embryo transfer, this negative effect was only observed in superovulated vitrified embryos (16.8 and 12.8% versus 39.4% total born rate from eCG, FSH and control vitrified groups, P < 0.05). Results indicated that the primary treatments with eCG or FSH increased the number of normal embryos recovered per donor doe, but these embryos are more sensitive to vitrification protocols.

LeCompte, M. D., W. L. Millroy, and J. Preissle, The {Handbook} of {Qualitative} {Research} in {Education}, , London, Academic Press, 1992. Abstract