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L, G., L. ME, Z. HS, A. - G. N, A. AA, A. AS, and A. NA., " Boosting isoprene production via heterologous expression of the Kudzu isoprene synthase gene (kIspS) into Bacillus spp. cell factory", AMB Express, vol. 7, issue 1, pp. 161-181, 2017.
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L. A. Al-Mutabagani, F. M. Abdelrazek, S. M. Gomha, A. S. Hebishy, M. S. Abdelfattah, S. M. Hassan, and M. M. Elaaser, "Synthesis and biological evaluation of thiazolyl-ethylidene hydrazino-thiazole derivatives: A novel heterocyclic system.", Applied Sciences , vol. 11, issue 19, pp. 8908-8920, 2021.
L. A. Said, I. S. M., M. A. H. A G Radwan, M. F. A. El-Yazeed, and A. M. Soliman, "On The Optimization of Fractional Order Low-Pass Filters,", Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, vol. 35, issue 6, pp. 2017-2039, 2016. 11-vol_35_june_2016.pdf
L. S. Gadallah, M. A. EL-Mewafy El-Ghadban, S. S. M. A. H. R. A., and M. S. Abbas, "Effect of foliar application of anti salinity substances on geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) plants under salt stress", The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 723–729, 2020. Abstract