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Jwanny, E. W., K. M. Gaafar, M. M. Rashad, N. K. el-Sayed, and S. A. Moharib, "Production and evaluation of a yeast utilizing an industrial waste", Biological Wastes, vol. 34, issue 4, pp. 313-321, 1990. Abstract

Pichia pinus was grown in a semi-continuous process on mango-peel extract medium. The yield was 8 g/litre after 12 h at the end of the logarithmic phase. The biomass of Pichia pinus contained 53·7% protein. Amino acid analyses of the protein revealed the presence of all amino acids in substantial amounts except for those containing sulphur, which were the limiting amino acids. When fed to rats the protein biomass exhibited good nutritional values (protein efficiency ratio, 2·77 ± 0·126; apparent digestibility, 71·54 ± 1·02) as compared to the casein diet (protein efficiency ratio, 2·913 ± 0·127; apparent digestibility, 90·156 ± 0·64). Alkaline phosphatase levels were insignificantly different from the control during the experimental period (21, 28, 35 and 42 feeding days). The transaminases, γ-glutamyl transferase activities and creatinine levels in the serum were significantly varied at the 35th and 42nd feeding days. The glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, urea and uric acid levels in serum were significantly increased only after 35 feeding days. No histological changes were observed in either liver or kidney tissues.

Jungtae Leem, Jimin Park, G. H. S. E. M. M. M. S. M. L. K. P. J. L. S. L., "Difference in Blinding Rate of Phantom Acupuncture Experiment Participants Before and After Notification of Possible Placebo Acupuncture Use", World Congress on Medical Acupuncture, 2015. Abstract
Jung, M., J. Park, S. Y. Cho, S. E. A. Elashery, N. F. Attia, and H. Oh, "Flexible Carbon Sieve Based On Nanoporous Carbon Cloth for Efficient CO2/CH4 Separation", Surfaces and Interfaces, 2021.
Jung, Y., I. Kim, M. Mannaa, J. Kim, S. Wang, I. Park, J. Kim, and Y. - S. Seo, "Effect of Kombucha on gut-microbiota in mouse having non-alcoholic fatty liver disease", Food science and biotechnology, vol. 28, issue 1: Springer Singapore, pp. 261-267, 2019. Abstract
Jung, D., L. M. A. Saleh, Z. J. Berkson, M. F. El-Kady, J. Y. Hwang, N. Mohamed, A. I. Wixtrom, E. Titarenko, Y. Shao, K. McCarthy, et al., "A molecular cross-linking approach for hybrid metal oxides", Nature Materials, vol. 17, pp. 341-348, 2018.
Jung, Y., I. Kim, M. Mannaa, J. Kim, S. Wang, I. Park, J. Kim, and Y. - S. Seo, "Effect of Kombucha on gut-microbiota in mouse having non-alcoholic fatty liver disease", Food science and biotechnology, vol. 28, issue 1: Springer Singapore, pp. 261-267, 2019. Abstract
Julio M D’Arcy, Maher F El-Kady, P. K. P., N. D. R. Linghong Zhang, Sun H Lee, S. K. Y. David S Liu, Michael T Yeung, and P. H. R. K. T. B. Christopher L Turner, Andrew T Lech, "Vapor-Phase Polymerization of Nanofibrillar Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) for Supercapacitors", ACS Nano, 2014. acs_nano-2014.pdf
Jui, S. - L., S. Zhang, W. Xiong, F. Yu, M. Fu, D. Wang, A. E. Hassanien, and K. Xiao, "Brain MR image tumor segmentation with 3-Dimensional intracranial structure deformation features", IEEE Intell. Syst. submitted, under review, 2015. Abstract
Jui, S. - L., S. Zhang, W. Xiong, F. Yu, M. Fu, D. Wang, A. E. Hassanien, and K. Xiao, "Brain MRI Tumor Segmentation with 3D Intracranial Structure Deformation Features", IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 31, no. 2: IEEE, pp. 66–76, 2016. Abstract
Jui, S. - L., C. Lin, Haibing Guan, A. Abraham, A. E. Hassanien, and K. Xiao, "Fuzzy c-means with wavelet filtration for MR image segmentation", Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC), 2014 Sixth World Congress on: IEEE, pp. 12–16, 2014. Abstract
Jui, S. - L., S. Zhang, W. Xiong, F. Yu, M. Fu, D. Wang, and A. E. H. K. and Xiao, "Brain MR Image Tumor Segmentation with 3-Dimensional Intracranial Structure Deformation Features", IEEE Intelligent systems , issue Accepted , 2015. Abstract

Abstract—Extraction of relevant features is of significant importance for brain tumor segmentation systems. In this paper, with the objective of improving brain tumor segmentation accuracy, we present an improved feature extraction component to take advantage of the correlation between intracranial structure deformation and the compression from brain tumor growth. Using 3-dimensional non-rigid registration and deformation modeling techniques, the component is capable of measuring lateral ventricular (LaV) deformation in the volumetric magnetic resonance (MR) images. By verifying the location of the extracted LaV deformation feature data and applying the features on brain tumor segmentation with widely used classification algorithms, the proposed component is evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively with promising results on 11 datasets comprising real patient and simulated images.

Juhasz-Böss, I., H. Haggag, S. Baum, S. Kerl, and A. Rody, "Laparoscopic and laparotomic approaches for endometrial cancer treatment: a comprehensive review.", Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, vol. 286, issue 1, pp. 167-72, 2012.
Judel, G.K., L. H., and F. A. Zeid, "Copper, pure protein and phenol oxidase in the succession of the leaves of Helianthus annuus during the course of the vegetation period.", Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (Germany), Heft I,, pp. 39–48, 1975. Abstract
JS, C., E. - E. S, L. K, and O. HJ, "Morphologic and functional evaluation of duplicated renal collecting systems with MR urography: A descriptive analysis", Clinical Imaging , issue 57, pp. 69-76, 2019.
Jr., A. - I. H. G., A. M. A. Sr., M. R. T. Sr., and S. G. Sr., "Optimizing GnRH antagonist administration: A meta-analaysis of fixed vs flexible protocol", Fertility and Sterility, vol. 82, 2004. Abstract
Jr., R. A. Y., A. - I. H. G. Jr., and B. M. Jr., "Multiple i.v. oxytocin injection may yield sperm in azoospermic men scheduled for TESE", Fertility and Sterility, vol. 82, 2004. Abstract
JR Graef, S. R. Grace, and E. Tunc, "Oscillation of second-order nonlinear noncanonical dynamic equations with deviating arguments", Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae , vol. 91, issue 2, pp. 113-120, 2022.
JR Graef, S. R. Grace, and E. Tunç, "Asymptotic behavior of solutions of certain integro-differential equations. Panam", Math. J, vol. 29, pp. 45–60, 2019. Abstract
JR Graef, S. R. Grace, and E. Tunç, Asymptotic behavior of solutions of certain integro-differential equations, : International Publications, 2019. Abstract
Jr, A. H. A., B. RG, S. L, G. S, M. RA, and A. H, "CHOP versus two weekly dose dense regimens in aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: a meta-analysis", Annals of Oncology, vol. 19, issue suppl 5, pp. v154, 2008.
JR, V., O. AA, and A. JL, "cataract surgery in the nanophthalmic eye", J cataract Refract Surg, vol. july, issue 27(7), pp. 968, 2001.
JR, V., O. AA, and A. JL, "Cataract surgery in the nanophthalmic eye", J Cataract Refract Surg, vol. july (27), issue 7, pp. 968, 2001.