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H, A., S. L, A. W, A. G, A. OA, and R. MY, "Early Ventricular Dysfunction After Anthracycline Chemotherapy in Children.", Pediatr Cardiol. , vol. Mar;37, issue 3, pp. 537-544, 2016. anthracycline_gaser.pdf
H, A., G. F, and R. S, "Rhinogenic Contact point headache", panarab journal of rhinology, 2014. fadi_pajr_article.pdf
H, E. - H., R. JJ, A. A, E. Y, D. H, G. M, al-shaarawy N, and undefined, "In palindromic rheumatism ,hand joint involvement and positive anti-CCp antibodies predictRA development after 1 year of Follow up", Clinical Rheumatology, vol. 33, issue 6, pp. 791-798, 2014.
H, S., S. D, H. R, I. W, S. A, B. O, and S. H, "Renal ultrasound and Doppler parameters as markers of renal function and histopathological damage in children with chronic kidney disease", Nephrology, vol. 23, issue 12, pp. 116-1124, 2018.
H, F., K. M, S. I, Gouda H, N. A, A. N, M. HA, Z. HM, and M. SM., "The association between hepatitis C virus infection, genetic polymorphisms of oxidative stress genes and B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma risk in Egypt.", Infect Genet Evol. , vol. 12, issue 6, pp. 1189–1194, 2012. AbstractCU-PDF

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been postulated to be an etiological agent for lymphoid malignancies. Polymorphisms in oxidative stress genes as; superoxide dismutase (SOD2), glutathione peroxidase (GPX1), catalase (CAT), myeloperoxidase (MPO) and nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) may influence non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) risk. HCV screening and polymorphisms in these five genes coding for antioxidant enzymes were studied in 100 Egyptian patients with B cell-NHL and 100 controls to clarify the association between HCV infection, oxidative stress genes polymorphisms and B cell-NHL risk. A significantly higher prevalence of HCV infection was detected among NHL patients relative to controls and this carried a 14-fold increased NHL risk (odds ratio (OR) = 14.3, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 5.4–38.3, p < 0.0001). GPX1 and MPO genetic polymorphisms conveyed increase in B-NHL risk (OR = 3.3, 95% CI = 1.4–7.4, p = 0.004 and OR = 4.4, 95% CI = 1.3–14.2, p = 0.009 respectively). Further analyses stratified by HCV infection revealed that concomitant HCV infection and GPX1 gene polymorphism had a synergetic effect on NHL risk with an OR of 15 (95%CI = 2.2–69.6, p < 0.0001). In addition, combined HCV infection and MPO gene polymorphisms had a pronounced NHL risk (OR = 9.2, 95%CI = 2.5–33.9, p < 0.0001). SOD2, CAT and NOS2 genetic polymorphisms were not found to confer increased NHL risk. This study revealed that HCV infection is a risk factor for NHL in Egypt. Polymorphisms in GPX1 and MPO genes may influence NHL risk in HCV infected Egyptian patients. Larger scale studies are warranted to establish this genetic susceptibility for NHL.

H, N., M. M, F. H, H. A, and E. A, "Cytokeratin immunohistochemically detected nodal micrometastases in N0 laryngeal cancer: impact on the overall occult metastases. ", Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. , vol. 270, issue 3, pp. 1085-92, 2013. pubmed_result_1.txt
H, M., E. - D. M, S. M, and F. A, "Tc99m DMSA as predictor of potential recovery of tubular renal function in unilateral obstructive kidney following surgery", European Nuclear Medicine, Brussels, 26-30 August, 1995.
H, A. - N., F. A, S. M, and A. B, "Microsurgical Resection of Posterior Petrous Meningiomas: 18 Cases", The Egyptian Joural of Neurosurgery, vol. 22, issue 2, pp. 81-91, 2007.
H, A. M. H., Abdel-Alim, G. A. K. S. S. Sayed, A. A. Kawkab, A. A. Nada, and A. S. Z. Metwalli, "Immunostimulant Effects of Essential Oils of Peppermint and Eucalyptus in Chickens", Pak Vet J, vol. 30(2)., pp. 61-66, 2010.
H, M., O. WM, S. AH, M. SM, and E. - H. Sh, ": Thallium-201 and Tc99m HMPAO SPECT imaging in brain lesions", IAEA/WHO symposium on tomography in Nuclear Medicine, Present status and future prospects, Vienna, Austria, 21-25 August, Submitted.
H, R., E. - M. HA, E. - K. MH, M. H, S. KS, H. V, E. L. - M. MS, S. ER, A. MA, A. O. AM, et al., "Kasr Al-Ainy’s psoriasis unit protocol for the management of psoriasis, part I: topical and systemic therapies", Journal of Egyptian Women’s Dermatologic Society, vol. 16, pp. 1-13, 2019.
H, A. - A., W. W, Z. HF, Müller J, K. O, E. T, and K. MT, "Novel sequential stress model for functional dyspepsia: Efficacy of the herbal preparation STW5.", Phytomedicine., vol. 22, issue (5), pp. 588-595., 2015.
H, M., Mohammed, Elmosalamy, S.H., Ibrahim, and N. R. A. Tohamy, A. and Hassan, "Dysregulation of NrF2 expression mediates testicular injury and infertility in 3-monochloro-1, 2-propandiol-intoxicated rats with special reference to accessory gland–related pathology. ", Environmental Science and Pollution Research, , vol. 29(27), pp. 41140-41150., 2022.
H, O. M. A. R. A., K. F. ADHAM, E. S. SOLIMAN, and A. M. KHEDRE, "Laboratory rearing of Wohlfahrtia nuba Wiedemann (Diptera Sarcophagidae) in Egypt", J. Egypt. Paras, vol. 22, issue 1, pp. 271-278, 1992.
H, A. E. - B. H., E. B. F. K, and G. S. El-Baroty, " Characterization of nutraceutical compounds in blue green alga Spirulina maxima. ", Journal of Medicinal Plants Research , vol. 20, issue 2, pp. 292-300, 2008.
H, A. - A., S. M, N. W, K. AM, K. S, Müller J, G. E. H., K. A, K. MT, S. A, et al., "GPR84 and TREM-1 signaling contribute to the pathogenesis of reflux esophagitis", Molecular Medicine, 2015. 15_098_abdel-aziz.pdf
H, A. - I., W. A, and P. P., "Changing Attitudes in Ovarian Stimulation", Women's Health Journal, vol. 7, issue 5, pp. 505–507, 2011. AbstractCU-PDF

GnRH agonists have been the standard treatment for controlled ovarian stimulation in assisted reproduction because of the associated increase in pregnancy rates. However, a drawback of such protocol was the associated increased incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

H, G., Respiratory Emergencies and Anesthesia , , USA, Creat space, 2016.