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E.Hossny, S. Khattab, O. A. Omara, and H. Hassan, "STAGER: Semantic-based Framework for Generating Adapters of Service-based Generic-API for Portable Cloud Applications", IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, pp. 1 - 1, 2018. Abstract


E.Hossny, S.AbdelRahman, and A.Badr, "An intelligent web service workflow: A Petri net based approach", The open information systems journal, vol. 4, pp. 1-11, 2010. Abstract

Fuzzy Petri Net for Web Service Composition (FPN4WSC) aims to compose the individual web services into
more complex one. It is a workflow model which is hybridization between Petri net, SHOP2, and fuzzy logic. Petri net allows user to specify his request as a workflow. SHOP2 is used as an Artificial Intelligence (AI) planning system to get a plan for the user request. However, SHOP2 fails to capture the uncertainty. So, the fuzzy logic is used as a refinement engine to get the best solution based on the user preferences. Therefore, FPN4WSC presents simple graphical, intelligent, and automatic web service composition model. FPN4WSC model is scalable to any workflow-based domains. As a case study, it is applied on the travel reservation domain where the user should specify his preferences and the fuzzy engine tries to get the best solution depending on his preferences.

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E.K.Al-Hussaini, A.M.AL-Bassiouni, H.M.Mourad, and H.A.Al-Shennawi, "Microscopic Diversity Reception of DS/CDMA Macrocellular & Microcellular Sectorized Mobile Radio System Employing RAKE Receiver over Nakagami Fading Channel & Imperfect Sectorization", Technology & Armament Magazine, vol. 16, issue October, 2000.
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E.K.Al-Hussaini, H.M.Mourad, and R.H.Gohary, "Parallel Interference Cancellation Employing RAKE Receiver with Selection Diversity for Multiuser Asynchronous DS/CDMA Detectors in Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channels.", journal of Wireless communications and mobile Computing, vol. 2, pp. 405-420, 2002.
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E.K.Al-Hussaini, A.M.AL-Bassiouni, H.M.Mourad, and H.A.Al-Shennawi, "Performance Analysis of Macro, Micro and Pico cellular DS/CDMA Mobile Radio Systems", International Conference on Aerospace Sciences & Aviation Technology, Cairo,Egypt, May, 2001.
E.K.Al-Hussaini, A.M.AL-Bassiouni, H.M.Mourad, and H.A.Al-Shennawi, "Performance of DS/CDMA Multiple Picocellular Mobile Radio System Employing RAKE Receiver Over Rician Channel", national radio conference (NRSC), Cairo,Egypt, March, 2001.
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E.Mashhour, A.Badr, and A.Hegazy, "Elman Neural Network for anomaly detection based on system calls", Egyptian Computer Science Journal, 2008.
E.Mashhour, A.Badr, and A.Hegazy, "Elman Neural Network for Anomaly Detection Based on System Calls", Egyptian Computer Science Journal, 2009.
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E.Morsi, R., Mohamed A. Elsherief, M. Shabaan, and M. Z. Elsabee, ". Chitosan/MCM-41nanocomposites for efficient beryllium separation.", J Appl Polym Sci. 135, 13(2018), vol. 135, issue 13, pp. 46040 (1 of 11), 2018. morsi_et_al-2018-journal_of_applied_polymer_science.pdf
E.Morsi, R., Mohamed A. Elsherief, M. Shabaan, and M. Z. Elsabee, "Chitosan/MCM-41nanocomposites for efficient beryllium separation.", J Appl Polym Sci. 135, 13(2018), vol. 135, issue 13, pp. 46040 (1 of 11), 2018. chitosan_mcm-41_nanocomposites_for_efficient_beryllium_separation.pdf