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D, M., E. - E. N, E. - T. AM, and B. DA, "Bcl-2 expression in mycosis fungoides before and after PUVA therapy", Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed, vol. 26, issue 2, pp. 107-9, 2010. Abstract

PUVA is the first therapeutic choice in early stages of mycosis fungoides (MF). In this study the effect of PUVA on bcl-2 expression in MF was assessed in 15 patients (three stage Ia and 12 stage Ib) and 10 controls. Two biopsies were taken from each patient before and after 24 sessions of PUVA therapy. Histopathological assessment and immunohistochemical staining for bcl-2 was performed and showed positive bcl-2 staining of lymphocytes in 53% of MF cases (8/15) before PUVA, with no statistically significant difference in the bcl-2 level before and after PUVA therapy (P value 0.3). A statistically significant difference was found in the bcl-2 level between control samples and MF patients’ biopsies before (P value 0.02) and after PUVA therapy (P value 0.011). In conclusion, a lack of decline in the bcl-2 level and the absence of clinical or histopathological correlation with the bcl-2 level before and after PUVA therapy in MF patients suggest that PUVA-induced apoptosis in MF cases may occur through
pathways other than bcl-2 inhibition.

D, S., A. R, A. S, Fathy W, Eldemery A, and E. A, "Braf, Kras and Helicobacter pylori epigenetic changes-associated chronic gastritis in Egyptian patients with and without gastric cancer.", World journal of microbiology and biotechnology, vol. 32, issue 6, pp. 92, 2016.
D, J., T. H.S, H. W, B. U, E. N. M., A. K, S. O, Y. A, D. A.A, E. - S. H.E, et al., "SARS-CoV-2 genome variations and evolution patterns in Egypt: a multi-center study", Scientific Reports, vol. 12, issue 1, pp. 14511, 2022.
D, K., A. R. Rasha, A. G. E, and S. B, "Role of Vitamin D in the prevention of viral respiratory infections in infants", Journal Of Arab ccild , vol. 20, pp. 351-356, 2009.
D, A., O. H, M. M, S. N, A. M, A. Y, A. OA, R. M, E. - S. SS, E. M, et al., "Role of elastography strain ratio and TIRADS score in predicting malignant thyroid nodule", Archives of endocrinology and metabolism, vol. 64(6) , pp. 735-742, 2020.
D, A., Amal El-Safty, E. M. H, and S. a.B., "Changes in visual function among VDT’s users.", Kasr El-Eini Medical J., vol. 6, issue 3, pp. 131-138, 2000.
D, H. E. F. A., and N. MA, "Guillain-Barr", European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 2011.
D'Adamo, P., and C. Whitney, The {Eat} {Right} {Diet}, , London, Century, 1998. Abstract
D'Ambrosio, E., A. M. De Girolamo, M. Spano, V. Corbelli, G. Capasso, M. Morea, R. Velardo, O. M. M. Abdelwahab, A. Lonigro, F. Milillo, et al., "A Spatial Analysis to Define Data Requirements for Hydrological and Water Quality Models in Data-Limited Regions", {WATER}, vol. {11}, no. {2}, {FEB}, 2019. Abstract

{The objective of the present work is a spatial analysis aimed at supporting hydrological and water quality model applications in the Canale d'Aiedda basin (Puglia, Italy), a data-limited area. The basin is part of the sensitive environmental area of Taranto that requires remediation of the soil, subsoil, surface water, and groundwater. A monitoring plan was defined to record the streamflow and water quality parameters needed for calibrating and validating models, and a database archived in a GIS environment was built, which includes climatic data, soil hydraulic parameters, groundwater data, surface water quality parameters, point-source parameters, and information on agricultural practices. Based on a one-year monitoring of activities, the average annual loads of N-NO3 and P-PO4 delivered to the Mar Piccolo amounted to about 42 t year(-1), and 2 t year(-1), respectively. Knowledge uncertainty in monthly load estimation was found to be up to 25% for N-NO3 and 40% for P-PO4. The contributions of point sources in terms of N-NO3 and P-PO4 were estimated at 45% and 77%, respectively. This study defines a procedure for supporting modelling activities at the basin scale for data-limited regions.}

D'Hooge, F., S. A. Elfeky, S. E. Flower, S. I. Pascu, T. A. A. Jenkins, J. M. H. van den Elsen, T. D. James, and J. S. Fossey, "Biotinylated boronic acid fluorophore conjugates: Quencher elimination strategy for imaging and saccharide detection", RSC advances, vol. 2, no. 8: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 3274–3280, 2012. Abstract
D., B., B. D., and E. S. N., "Psychometric Profile of the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale in a sample of Elite Egyptian Athletes", World Psychiatry, vol. 6, pp. 48-50, 2007.
D., B., A. S., E. S., and E. R. M., "Personality of Mothers of Substance- Dependant Patients", Journal of Multidisciplinary Medicine, vol. 2, pp. 1-4, 2009.
D., N. R., S. A. Mazen, and M. B. Riad, "A Proposed Model for Evaluating Performance Indicators of Information Systems Project Management", Egyptian Informatics Journal, vol. 6, issue 1, pp. 77-97, 2005. Abstractevaluating_performance_indicators_of_ispm-2005.pdfWebsite

This paper is concerned with the evaluation of perfOrmance indicators of
Information Systems Project Management (IS-PM). It clarifies the relationships
between IS-I’M domains, performance metrics. quality metrics, and performance
indicators. This paper presents an elaborated list of quality metrics for IS-PM. Based
on. these IS-PM quality metrics and a combination of statistical techniques, we built a
model for calculating IS-PM performance indicators. The quality reviewers can use
this model to evaluate and track the performance of IS projects managers.
Keywords : Information Systems Project Management Performance Indicators
Performance Calculation - Model - Performance Metrics - Quality Metrics

D., N. R., S. A. Mazen, and M. B. Riad, "A Proposed Model for Evaluating Performance Indicators of Information Systems Project Management ", Egyptian Informatics Journal, vol. 6, issue 1, pp. 77-97, 2005. evaluating_performance_indicators_of_ispm-2005.pdfWebsite
D. AbuElghait, K. F. Mohamed, E. Sheta, K Abdehnoein, and N. AbdelKader, "Detection of Helicobacter equortim in equine in Egypt.", Veterinary Medical Journal (Giza),, vol. 65, issue 1, pp. 38-47, 2019.