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Hafez, E. S. E., A. L. Badreldin, and M. M. Shafei, "Skin structure of Egyptian buffaloes and cattle with particular reference to sweat glands", The Journal of Agricultural Science, vol. 46, issue 01: Cambridge University Press, pp. 19-30, 1955. Abstract

The structure, distribution and dimensions of skin strata and sweat glands have been investigated in Egyptian buffaloes and cattle. Samples from sixteen body regions were taken from three adult bulls of both species. Identical studies were also made on one buffalo calf and two buffalo embryos. Serial vertical and horizontal sections were cut from each body region using the ‘terpineol paraffin wax’ method. The following results were obtained.

Hafez, E. S. E., A. L. Badreldin, and M. A. Sharafeldin, "Heat-tolerance studies of fat-tailed sheep in the subtropics", The Journal of Agricultural Science, vol. 47, issue 03: Cambridge University Press, pp. 280-286, 1956. Abstract

Forty adult (15 months old) fat-tailed Egyptian rams and ewes of the Rahmani and Ossimi breeds were available at the Animal Breeding Research Farm, Giza, Egypt (30° N.). Body temperature and respiration rates were measured twice weekly throughout the year 1953–4. On days of observations, four readings were taken at 10 a.m., 12 noon, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Skin temperature was measured once weekly at noon for nine body regions, using a precision bridge thermometer. The effects of docking and pregnancy were also studied.

Shafie, M. M., A. L. Badreldin, M. A. Ghany, and M. Hanafi, "Differential growth and carcass characteristic in the Giza rabbits", Egyptian J Anim Prod, vol. 1, pp. 135-148, 1961. Abstract
Ghany, M. A., A. L. Badreldin, M. M. Shafie, and M. Hanafi, "Some factors affecting body weight in Giza rabbits", J. Anim. Prod. VAR l, pp. 121-134, 1961. Abstract
Shafie, M. M., and A. L. Badreldin, "The role of blood in regulation of body heat in bovines", Journal of Animal Production, Cairo, UAR, vol. 2, pp. 61-76, 1962. Abstract
Beane, W. L., P. B. Siegel, and H. S. Siegel, "The effect of light on body weight and feed conversion of broilers", Poultry Science, vol. 41, issue 4: Poultry Science Association, pp. 1350-1351, 1962. Abstract

The body weights of 7 to 9 month-old White Leghorn males were observed by Lamoreux (1943) to be significantly greater when light was restricted to less than 9 hours per day. Siegel et al. (1961) reported significantly heavier body weights and better feed conversion in White Leghorn pullets at 8 weeks of age when restricting light to 6 hours per day compared to 14 hours of light per day. In a study with broiler chickens, Moore (1957) found that faster growth was obtained up to 3 or 4 weeks of age with continuous light although feed efficiency was slightly better with less light throughout the growing period. A series of experiments reported by Shutze et al. (1960) indicated that birds exposed to continuous light were superior in body weight gain to those on the other light regimes with the exception of one experiment in which chick growth response to 2 . . .

BUTTLE, G. A., and M. T. Khayyal, "Rapid hepatic shift of worms in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni after a single injection of tartar emetic.", Nature, vol. 194, pp. 780-1, 1962 May 26. Abstract

MUCH work has already been carried out on the treatment of mice infected with schistosomes. It has been observed that the worms which normally inhabit the mesenteric veins of animals infected with Schistosoma mansoni are forced to migrate to the liver after treatment with active schistosomicidal drugs1–6. This hepatic shift has usually been observed after a full course of treatment, and where the course had been inadequate, relapses were found to occur owing to the re-migration of the worms back to the mesenteric veins. Standen6observed a hepatic shift as early as one day following two oral doses of 42 mgm./ kgm. sodium antimonyl III gluconate, but after 7 days the worms were completely restored to their normal distribution in the hepatic portal system. In the work reported here we followed up the effect of a single dose of tartar emetic on the worm migration to show that the hepatic shift actually occurs much earlier than had been previously expected

BUTTLE, G. A., and M. T. Khayyal, "Rapid hepatic shift of worms in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni after a single injection of tartar emetic.", Nature, vol. 194, pp. 780-1, 1962 May 26. Abstract
BUTTLE, G. A., and M. T. Khayyal, "Rapid hepatic shift of worms in mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni after a single injection of tartar emetic.", Nature, vol. 194, pp. 780-1, 1962 May 26. Abstract
Shafie, M. M., A. L. Badreldin, M. A. Ghany, and Y. A. Afifi, "Effect of Adding Antibiotic, Cow and Buffalo Manure to the Ration on the Blood Constituents of Chickens", World's Poultry Science Journal, vol. 19, issue 02: Cambridge University Press, pp. 104-109, 1963. Abstract
Shafie, M. M., and A. L. Badreldin, "Skin temperature and temperature gradients in bovines", Proceedings of the 2nd Animal Production Conference, II, pp. 375-384, 1963. Abstract
Bisping, W., M. Refai, and G. Trautwein, "Candida parapsilosis als Ursache eines Rinderabortes.", Berl. Muench. Tieraerztl. Wschr. , vol. 77, pp. 260-262, 1964. Abstractcandida_parapsilosis_as_a_cause_of_bovine_abortion.pdf

In a retrospective study, four cases of yeast-associated abortion were found among 1,323 bovine abortions during a 5-year period at the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine. Tissues were examined histologically, and results of virological testing and microbiological culture were reviewed. Candida parapsilosis was the only pathogenic agent demonstrated in these four cases. Placental lesions consisted of necrotizing placentitis with large numbers of yeasts within trophoblasts. Secondary fetal infection occurred in all four cases, with histological lesions or isolation of Candida from the lung, liver, intestines, abomasum, and heart. A tentative diagnosis of Candida parapsilosis-induced abortion in cattle can be made on the characteristic intracytoplasmic yeasts in placental trophoblasts.

Refai, M., and W. Bisping, "Ueber das Vorkommen von Hautpilzen bei Affen.", Kleintier Prax. , vol. 9, pp. 147-150, 1964. dermatophytes_in_monkeys.pdf
Barbary, A. S., R. Badrawy, and H. Fouad, "The use of “indwelling catheter” in strictures of the esophagus", The Laryngoscope, vol. 76, no. 9: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ, pp. 1562–1571, 1966. Abstract
Hamid, M. A. K., A. Mohsen, and W. M. Boerner, "Diffraction by a slit in a thick conducting screen", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 40, no. 9: AIP Publishing, pp. 3882–3883, 1969. Abstract
Hamid, M. A. K., A. Mohsen, and W. M. Boerner, "Diffraction by a slit in a thick conducting screen", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 40, no. 9: AIP Publishing, pp. 3882–3883, 1969. Abstract
Hamid, M. A. K., A. Mohsen, and W. M. Boerner, "Diffraction by a slit in a thick conducting screen", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 40, no. 9: AIP Publishing, pp. 3882–3883, 1969. Abstract
Hamid, M. A. K., P. Bhartia, A. Mohsen, W. M. Boerner, and R. J. Boulanger, "Diffraction by dielectric-loaded conical horn antennas", Microwave Conference, 1969. 1st European: IEEE, pp. 363–366, 1969. Abstract
Hamid, M. A. K., P. Bhartia, A. Mohsen, W. M. Boerner, and R. J. Boulanger, "Diffraction by dielectric-loaded conical horn antennas", Microwave Conference, 1969. 1st European: IEEE, pp. 363–366, 1969. Abstract
Hamid, M. A. K., P. Bhartia, A. Mohsen, W. M. Boerner, and R. J. Boulanger, "Diffraction by dielectric-loaded conical horn antennas", Microwave Conference, 1969. 1st European: IEEE, pp. 363–366, 1969. Abstract
Hamid, M. A. K., S. C. Kashyap, A. Mohsen, W. M. Boerner, and R. J. Boulanger, "A ray-optical approach to the analysis of microwave filters", Microwave Conference, 1969. 1st European: IEEE, pp. 189–193, 1969. Abstract
Hamid, M. A. K., S. C. Kashyap, A. Mohsen, W. M. Boerner, and R. J. Boulanger, "A ray-optical approach to the analysis of microwave filters", Microwave Conference, 1969. 1st European: IEEE, pp. 189–193, 1969. Abstract
Bose, N., and A. M. Soliman, "A Novel Approach to Synthesis of Multivariable Positive Real Functions", Electronics Letters, vol. 5, issue 26, pp. 717-718, 1969. j001.pdf
Boerner, W. M., M. A. K. Hamid, S. C. Kashyap, and A. Mohsen, "Field distribution in multilayered dielectric- loaded rectangular waveguides(Transverse electric field distribution in multilayered dielectric loaded rectangular guides determined by ray optics and residue calculus)", INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, PROCEEDINGS, vol. 117, pp. 709–712, 1970. Abstract