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Elhenawy, Y., K. Fouad, M. Bassyouni, M. Gadalla, F. H. Ashour, and T. Majozi, A Comprehensive Review of Biomass Pyrolysis to Produce Sustainable Alternative Biofuel, : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
Borovitz, I., and S. Neumann, Computer {Systems} {Performance} {Evaluation}, {Criteria}, {Measurement}, {Techniques} and {Costs}, , Lexington, Massachusetts, Heath, 1980. Abstract
El-Ramady, H. R., Abdel Aziz Belal, S. M. El-Marsafawy, S. A. Shehata, S. Z. A. Yehia, and E. - S. B. Belal, Contemporary Environmental Readings Volume 1 Climate Change A Blessing or a Curse for Agriculture, , Germany, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing , 2012.
Badawy, M. A. E., M. A. E. Hamid, and Y. A. E. salam, correlates of missed nursing care in medical intensive care units, , German, lumbert academic publishing , 2014. screenshot_from_2014-12-15_08_53_49.png
Badawy, M. A. E., M. A. Hamid, and Y. A. Salam, Correlates of missed nursing care in Medical intensive care units: Factors contributing to errors of omission, , Deutschland/ Germany, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014.
Salama, F., M. M. Abd El-Ghani, and K. Baayo, Desert vegetation along western Mediterranean coast of Egypt, : Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014. book_on_western_med_coast.jpg
medhat khafagy, A. Mayla, A. Khafagy, M. Gadalla, A. Orabi, W. A. Gawad, N. Baraya, G. Emira, and M. El-Dweik, Drop of post-operative infection after pre-operative vaccination with anaerobic toxoids (a clinical study of 445 patients)., , 2016/04/01. Abstract

Background: After a successful experiment in rats with anaerobic vaccine in combating peritonitis in the model of ceacal ligation and puncture to prevent sudden death, it was decided to undergo a clinical study. Material and methods: 445 patients who underwent major and semimajor operations were vaccinated each with 0.25 mL of covexin 10 before operation. Results: Infection of the wounds occurred in 24 of 445 patients (5.4 %). Infection occurred in 7 of 202 who underwent breast operations, mostly for breast cancer including axillary dissection (3.5 %). Infection occurred in 2 of 50 who underwent major operation for colorectal cancer (4%). 3 of 43 patients who underwent major operation for urinary bladder cancer developed wound infection (7.0%). Other operations for other sites were associated with a low incidence of wound infection compared to historical control. Although, it was a large series of major operations, not a single case developed multiple organ failure syndrome. Discussion: Because of success of anaerobic vaccination in combating post-operative wound infection, we recommend that researchers in this field to start similar clinical trials. Because multiple organ dysfunction syndrome was not encountered in this series, a possible etiology of the syndrome may be due to toxins released from anaerobic sepsis in small bowl. Conclusion: Vaccination with anaerobic vaccine was successful in reducing post-operative wound infection to about half of historical control. Key words: wound infection, anaerobic vaccine, and anaerobic infection. No. S19/P4, page 90, Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2016, Liverpool, UK.

Abdel Aziz, M. S. E. D., M. Elsamahy, M. A. M. Hassan, and F. M. A. Bendary, "Enhancement of turbo- generators phase backup protection using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system", Fuzzy Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, vol. 2-3, pp. 835-854, 2017. AbstractWebsite
Heakal, F., and A. Bakry, Extraction of Gold Metal from Egyptian Ores by Optimized Green Process, , Mauritius, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2018. book_lap_2018.pdf
Salyapongse, A. N., S. Poore, A. Afifi, and M. Bentz, Extremity Replantation A Comprehensive Clinical Guide, , New York, Springer, 2015.
Amin, S. K., S. A. El-Sherbiny, A. A. M. A. El-Magd, A. Belal, and M. F. Abadir, "Fabrication of geopolymer bricks using ceramic dust waste", Construction and Building Materials, vol. 157, pp. 610 - 620, 2017/12/30. Abstract
El-Sayed, E. M., A. M. Hamed, and S. M. Badran, Factors affecting on heavy metals and (PCBs) in milk and milk products, : LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co KG, 2012. Abstract
El-Sayed, E. M., A. M. Hamed, and S. M. Badran, Factors affecting on heavy metals and (PCBs) in milk and milk products, : LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co KG, 2012. Abstract
Hamed, A. M., E. M. E. Sayed, and S. M. Badran, Factors affecting on heavy metals and (PCBs) in milk and milk products: Levels of heavy metals and poly chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)in milk and milk , , Saarbrücken, Germany, LAMBERT academic publishing, 2012.
Barrada, A. M., M. Y. Hassan, and A. A. M. Kader, Housing Development for Industry, , Lebanon , Beirut Arab Uniiversity, 1970. housing_book.pdf
Dix, A., J. Finlay, G. Abowd, and R. Beale, Human-{Computer} {Interaction}, , London, Pearson Education, 1997. Abstract
Nabil, E., A. Badr, and M. A. Azim, Hybrid Artificial Immune System: Applications on Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Pattern Recognition, : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015. Abstract


Nabil, E., A. Badr, and M. A. Azim, Hybrid Artificial Immune System: Applications on Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Pattern Recognition, : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015. Abstract


Bakr, M., and A. Elsharabasy, iCEER2014-McMaster Digest, : Mohamed Bakr and Ahmed Elsharabasy, 2014. Abstract
Omara, M., A. Badr, and E. Nabil, Immunoinformatics: A New Technique for MHC Class-II Epitope Prediction, : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015. Abstract


Burgess, R. G., In the {Field} - {An} {Introduction} to {Field} {Research}, , vol. 8, London, Routledge, 1984. Abstract