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Ossama.M.M.Abdelwahab, Assessing soil moisture content and its distribution under surface and sub-surface drip irrigation systems using neutron moisture technique, , VALENZANO, ITALY., ISTITUTO AGRONOMICO MEDITERRANEO DI BARI, 2010.

Sinai Peninsula is one of the most promising areas for future development. The major factor that limit the agriculture development in Sinai is the water scarcity and the sustainability of the projects. The study is aiming to assess the local water resources options in Sinai and determining its sustainability for agricultural projects. The surface water resources were evaluated by proposing flood water harvesting systems. The benefits from each system is estimated and unit cost of water is calculated. On the other hand, groundwater data are collected. The data is analyzed to estimate the unit cost of extraction and the agricultural benefits are estimated. As a result of this study, a map with the promising areas for the agricultural development from water resources prospective is developed.

Beshr, A. A., A. T. Atta, M. I. Maamoun, and W. S. Wahdan, Autologous gifts versus synthetic materials in management of post traumatic orbital floor defects, , giza, cairo, 2013. image.jpg
Beshr, A. A., A. T. Atta, M. I. Maamoun, and W. S. Wahdan, Autologous gifts versus synthetic materials in management of post traumatic orbital floor defects, , giza, cairo, 2013. image.jpg
Gaafar, S. A., K. H. Mahmoud, S. I. Bannan, and M. F. H. Abd Elkader, Biophysical Studies of γ-irradiate Glycogen/PVA blends doped with Dye, , Giza, Cairo University, 2007.
Botros, S. H., F. H. Abdel-Azeim, and huda marzouk, Body-Scaled information and reaching strategy in normal and children with hemiplegia, : Cairo University, 2015.
ElDewy, A., E. E. Khalil, S. M. Morcos, and E. M. Bialy, CFD INVESTIGATION OF INDOOR AIR QUALITY IN HEALTHCARE FACILITIES, : Mechanical Power Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, 2015.
Bakr, K. A., A. A.Zaki, and R. N. Mohamed, COLOR ASSESSMENT OF A ZIRCONIA ALL-CERAMIC SYSTEM UNDER DIFFERENT ILLUMINANTS, , cairo, Cairo university, 2011. paper.pdf
Bashir, D. W. M., P. D. S. M. F. Fahmy, P. D. M. H. A. Kandil, D. T. Salam, and D. S. H. Mohamed, Comparative Micromorphological Study on the Striated muscles in the Flying and non-Flying birds, , cairo, cairo, 2017.
Al-Wahab, A. M. A. A., D. R. I. Badawy, G. M. Obaya, and D. R. M. M. A. Al-Haq, Comparison of blind tracheal intubation through the intubating laryngeal mask airway (LMA-Fastrach™) and the Air-Q™ , , cairo, cairo, 2012. ahmed_master.pdf
Hassan, N. M. A., M. M. Ibrahim, and G. E. S. Baroty, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Isomers as Healthy Components in Milk and Milk Products, , Cairo, Agricultur Cairo , 2009. Abstract

Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA isomers) are fatty acids found in milk and dairy products. These fatty acids may have potential biological properties interesting for human health. It is well established that milk and milk products are one of the major dietary sources of CLA but no work has been conducted until now to assess the CLA content levels in different Egyptian milks and their dairy products. In the present study a survey of Egyptian milks and their products such as cream, butter and ghee obtained from of Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza Egypt during the annual four seasons (winter, spring, summer and autumn) as well as some commercial milks and milk products (cream, butter and ghee) obtained from Giza market was carried out to determined the content of fat and conjugated linoleic acids (CLA isomers) in the collected samples of different Egyptian ruminants (buffalo, cow, goat and sheep). The CLA isomers were determined by capillary gas chromatography. These were as a chemical analysis. In connection, the studies conducted to evaluate the influences of CLA (cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 isomers) as antidiabetic agents in streptozotocin diabetic male adult albino rats. In case of the chemical composition as the first part of these studies the present results showed that Sheep and buffalo milks had amounts of fat higher than those of cow and goat samples (farm ruminants). Fat levels of cream, butter and ghee samples did not differ very much from either for ruminants or in seasons. The high polar capillary gas chromatography analysis detected six CLA isomers CLA isomer (total or individual) content in milk was increased from winter to summer CLA isomers (total or individual) content in cream had the highest value in sheep followed by goat , then buffalo but cow had the lowest value like milk and cream, sheep butter had the highest content of CLA isomers the same trend was observed in individual CLA isomers or total of ghee which had the six detected CLA isomers during the four seasons. As regards to the biological evaluation of CLA isomers as antidiabetic agents there were not alterations by ingestion of CLA into normal control in rat physiology CLA isomers ingestion resulted In a significant reduction of blood glucose level of diabetic rats helped the diabetic rats to overcome the impaired body functions and consequently the feed efficiency ratio transaminase activity and protein (liver function) and helped the diabetic rats to overcome the impaired body functions and consequently the feed efficiency ratio. CLA isomers improved the dramatically disturbed in atherogenic risk indicator ratio and elevations in uric acid, urea and creatinine of plasma (kidney function) CLA isomers did not change plasma insulin levels but increased the adiponectin levels of diabetic rats. It means that, CLA isomers may be have not any toxicity in the normal or diabetic animals but the effects as the antidiabetic agents can be arranged in the following increasing order: glitazon > CLA mixture > CLA trans-10, cis-12 > CLA cis-9, trans-11.
Key wards: CLA, dairy fatty products, streptozotocin, glitazone, adiponectin

Sultan, A., The correlation between the left ventricular mass index and the early post operative outcome in patients undergoing aortic valve replacement for aortic valve stenosis, , Giza, Cairo, 2016. Abstract

Background: multiple studies have been published concerning the correlation between the LV mass index on the early post-operative clinical outcome in patients undergoing aortic valve replacement for aortic valve stenosis ,many of them proved that with increased LVMI there was poor clinical outcome post-operative. Patients and methods: in this study, 40 patients with aortic stenosis classified into two groups according to LVMI (group I) was 30 patients and (group II) was 10 patients, underwent aortic valve replacement and the preoperative, intraoperative and post-operative data were collected. Results: we found significant clinical deterioration of patients in group I (increased LVMI) than group II, Use of inotropes more than 24 hours (27) patients (90.0%) in group I (1) patient in group II (10.0%), Icu stay (days) (3.73 ± 1.11) days in group I (1.70 ± 0.48) days in group II, Hospital stay(10.37 ± 2.50) days in group I (5.70 ± 0.68) days in group II.Conclusion: our experience suggests that with increased LVMI there is poor clinical out come in patients with aortic stenosis post aortic valve replacement.

Mowafy, H. A., T. S. Elgohary, E. Omar, A. Battah, and M. H. Mohamed, Correlation between vascular endothelial growth factor level and the severity of the acute thrombotic events, , Cairo, Cairo university, 2009. total1.pdf