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Amer, S. M., Y. S. El-Saharty, F. H. Metwally, and K. Y. M. Younes, "Spectrophotometric study of etodolac complexes with copper (II) and iron (III)", Journal of AOAC International, vol. 88, no. 6: AOAC International, pp. 1637–1643, 2005. Abstract
Amer, M. M., M. A..Bastami, D.G.khilfa, and A. S. Hamouda, "Serological incidence of Gumboro disease virus infection in chicken flocks in Cairo district. ", Assut. Vet. Med. J., , vol. 17, issue 33, pp. 211-216., 1986. serologicai_inc._of_ibd.pdf
Amer, M. M., W. A. A. El-Ghany, A. M. Aziza, A. A. Hanafei, and G. A. Zhair, "The efficacy of diclazuril liquid formulation in the prevention and control of coccidiosis in broiler chickens.", The 5th Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University November, 6th -9th, , pp. pp. 96-101. , 2007. effecacy_of_diacox.pdf
Amer, A., and H. Taha, "شرب الكحوليات بين تلاميذ الثانوي العام وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات النفسية والاجتماعية", المركز القومي للبحوث الاجتماعية والجنائية, vol. 8, 1999.
Amer, W. M., R. S. Hamdy, and A. B. Hamed, "Macro- and micromorphological variations of Ludwigia stolonifera (Guill. & Perr.) P.H. Raven in Egypt and its taxonomic assessment. Egypt", Egypt Journal of Botany, 6 th International conference,Menoufia University, pp. 317-354, 2016.
Amer, A., سيكولوجية الإبداع : أسس نظرية وتطبيقات مؤسسية, , Cairo, مطبوعات جامعة القاهرة, 2017.
Amer, A., H. Rakha, and I. El-Shawarby, "A Behavioral Modeling Framework of Driver Behavior at Onset of Yellow Indication at Signalized Intersections", Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2010. Abstract
Amer, Y., A. El-Sayed, A. M. Abdel-Wahab, and H. F. Salman, Positive Position Feedback Controller for Nonlinear Beam Subject to Harmonically Excitation, , pp. 1 - 19, 2019/03/12. Abstract
Amer, A., and et al, عرض تحليلي للكتابات النفسية الحديثة من منظور نفس, , Cairo, مطبوعات الجمعية العربية للتربية الاسلامية , 2006.
Amer, M. M., "Short Communication: Chicken Intestinal Microbiota", Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences , vol. 3, issue 5, pp. 21-23, 2021. chicken_intestinal_microbiota.pdf
Amer, M. M., G. A. M. Zohair, A. EL-shemy, H. M. Mekky, and D. M. Sedeek, "Effect of Antibiotic and Prebiotic On Immunity and Reproductivity of Broiler Breeder Flock ", International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research (eIJPPR) , vol. 7, issue 4, pp. 18-25, 2017. eijppr-2017-7-4-18-25.pdf
Amer, M. M., E. - H. A. A. Hanafei, K. M. EL-Bayomi, and G. A. Zohair, "Comparative Study on the Efficacy of Some Antimycoplasma Drugs on the Performance of Commercial Broiler Flocks from Infected Breeders", Global Veterinaria , vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 69-74, 2009. 1.pdf
Amer, H. M. M., Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to avian reovirus, , Giza, Cairo University, 2001. Abstract

In the present study, we produced and characterized a panel of monoclonal antibodies against the reference strain of avian reoviruses (S1133) which is widely used as a vaccine against such virus worldwide. The following steps were conducted to meet the objective of the current work:
1- Avian reovirus strain S1133 was propagated for six successive passages in the Vero cell line.
2- The propagated virus was titrated and characterized by Serum neutralization test and used for preparation of the virus antigen.
3- The avian reovirus was subsequently concentrated using ammonium sulfate precipitation method and prepared for mice immunization.
4- SDS-PAGE was used to confirm the presence of the avian reovirus structural proteins in the concentrated preparations.
5- Six- to eight- weeks-old Balb/C mice were injected with the concentrated avian reovirus antigen mixed with complete Freund`s adjuvant. Two weeks after, mice were boostered by intraperitonieal injection of the concentrated antigen mixed with incomplete Freund`s adjuvant. Ten days later, a final booster with the concentrated antigen was given in three following days.
6- The mice spleen cells were harvested for fusion with Myeloma cells using polyethylene glycol aided method.
7- Screening of the culture supernatant for hybridomas producing antibodies specific to the avian reovirus was performed using Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
8- Hybridomas that revealed high positive ELISA titers (n=10) in the first screening were cloned 1-6 times by limiting dilution method. Of the cloned ten hybridomas, seven clones that producing monoclonal antibodies against the avian reovirus S1133 strain were selected for characterization.
9- Characterization of the seven produced monoclonal antibodies in solid phase ELISA, dot ELISA and immunofluorscent test revealed that all the monoclonal antibodies were specific to the avian reovirus (strain S1133), non of them had any neutralizing activity against the avian reovirus infection in cell culture. The polypeptide specificity of the produced monoclonal antibodies was tested using Western immunoblotting assay. Three of which were specific to the outer capsid proteins, μB/ μBC, while only one monoclonal antibody reacted specifically with the σB protein. The rest of monoclonal antibodies failed to recognize any of the viral proteins in Western blot.
10- Trials for application of such monoclonal antibodies in developing an improved diagnostic techniques (Antigen capture ELISA and antibody capture ELISA) revealed promising results.
The results obtained in current study should reveal an added information on the circulating reoviruses among poultry population in Egypt. Further studies concerning with the application of the proposed monoclonal antibodies needed to be addressed.

Amer, M. M., A. S. Hamouda, and K. M. EL-Bayomi, "Studies on maternal antibodies to avian influenza H9N2 vaccine. ", procc. of the 6th sci.Conf., Facult. Vet. Med., Beni- Suef Uni., April, pp. 24-27, , 2010. mdabs_to__iafinal_253.pdf
Amer, M. M., H. M. MEKKY, H. S. FEDAWY, A. M. Amer, and K. M. ELBAYOUMI, "Cellulitis in Broiler Chickens", The Korean Journal of Food & Health Convergence6, vol. 6, issue 5, pp. 1-10, 2020. cellulitis_in_broiler_chickens.pdf
Amer, A., "معتقدات و اتجاهات المبدعين نحو علاقة الحرية بالإبداع و ادراكاتهم لقيود الحرية الإبداعية", حوليات مركز بحوث الموهبة والإبداع بكلية الآداب/جامعة القاهرة, issue الحولية الاولي الرسالة الاولى, 2012.
Amer, A. A., I. E. Talkhan, R. Ahmed, and T. Ismail, "An Optimized Collaborative Scheduling Algorithm for Prioritized Tasks with Shared Resources in Mobile-Edge and Cloud Computing Systems", Mobile Networks and Applications: Springer US, pp. 1–17, 2022. Abstract
Amer, A., ". أنواع البحوث الأمريكية (المراجعة الخامسة). ", دراسات نفسية, vol. 19, issue 1, 2009.
Amer, M., sameh fayek gamalEl Din, A. Zeidan, A. Adel, I. Elsisi, E. Fakhry, and A. R. Sadek, "Intrasurgical Seminiferous Tubular Diameter Correlates with Total Motile Sperm Count in Azoospermia: a Prospective Cohort Study", reproductive sciences, vol. 29, pp. 1836-1843, 2022.