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Saleh, I., K. Darwish, and A. Fahmy, "Classifying Wikipedia Articles into NE's using SVM's with Threshold Adjustment", Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop, Association for Computational Linguistics Stroudsburg ACL , USA, 2010.
Fahmy, A., T. S. Saleh, and A. H. Kamal, "Arabic Text Classification Using SVM & NB (Binary Classes Using Linear Classifier)", INFOS2007, Cairo, Egypt, March, 2007.
Fahmy, A., M. Sharawy, K. El-Hadad, G. Salama, and K. Hassanain, ""A Secure Covert Communication Model based on Image Steganography"", Signal and Image Processing, USA, 2005.
Fahmy, A., M. Sharawy, K. El-Hadad, G. Salama, and K. Hassanain, ""Enhancing Secrecy by Data Compression"", Third International Conference on Informatics and Systems, Egypt, 2005.
Abdel-Rahman, S. E., R.Bahgat, A.Fahmy, and S.El-Gamal, "A New Middleware Model for Programming Classes Relationships", Egyptian Informatics Journal, vol. Vol.5, pp. 138-158, 2004.
Elmahdy, H. N., and A. A. Fahmy, "Evaluation of WebCam Architecture Challenges", International Congress for Global Science and Technology, vol. vol 1, pp. 1-7 , 2004.
A.Abouel-Nour, A. - R., A. A. Fahmy, A. - L. H. A. Ali, and S. M. Abdel-Motty, Fractal Neural Processor , , Cairo – Egypt, September , 2004.
Fahmy, A., and O. F. Hegazy, Fuzzy Adaptive Learning Decision System with On-line Neural Learning, , Cairo, Egypt, 8 March , 2004.
Hegazy, O. F., A. A. Fahmy, and O. M. E. Refaie, "An Intelligent Robot Navigation System Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Control", Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Auckland, New Zealand , August , 2004.
Fahmy, A., M. Sharawy, K. El-Hadad, G. Salama, and K. Hassanain, "Comparison Between Pixel-wise and Block-wise Image-based Steganographic Techniques", The Fourth International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Egypt, 2004.
Fahmy, A., M. Sharawy, K. El-Hadad, G. Salama, and K. Hassanain, "Image Steganography Based on Complexity Measures", The Fourth International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Egypt, 2004.
Sharawy, M., A. Fahmy, and M. Foad, "On Line Recognition System for Handwritten Arabic Text ", , 10th International Conf. On Aerospace Sciences & Aviation and Technology, Cairo Egypt, May , 2003.
Abdel-Rahman, S. E., R.Bahgat, A.Fahmy, and S.El-Gamal, "UML+: A Multi-Paradigm Software Engineering Environment", AUEJ, ISSN:1110-6409, October , 2003.
A.Abouel-Nour, A. - R., A. A. Fahmy, A. - L. H. A. Ali, and S. M. Abdel-Motty, "Fractal Image Compression Using Neural Net Work", The Egyptian Journal for Engineering Science and Technology , vol. Volume 6, pp. 167-171, 2002.
Fahmy, A., M. A. Sheirah, O. F. Hegazy, and N. N. Morsi, "An Adaptive Fuzzy-Neural Control and Decision System", 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Application, Cairo Egypt, Feb. 3-7, 1999.
Fahmy, A., M. A. Sheirah, O. F. Hegazi, and N. N. Morsi, An adaptive Fuzzy Neural Control and Decision System 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications (ICAIA’99),, , Cairo, Egypt, February , 1999.
Hashem, M., M. A. Baith, M. A. El-Says, and A. A. Fahmy, "Genetic Adaptive Routing Algorithms (GARA) for Computer Networks ", 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications (ICAIA’99), Cairo, Egypt, February , 1999.
Fahmy, A., M. Rasmy, S. Ali, and M. Ewees, "Node Penalty Evaluation in Multi Criteria Safety-Route Problem", A Fuzzy Approach 23rd International Conference on Statistics and Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig,Cairo, Egypt, May , 1998.
El-Kamar, R. A., M. El-Said, A. A. Fahmy, and A. - A. El-Mahdy, "Constraint Formalism For Representation of Basic Structures in Standard Arabic ", 5st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications (ICAIA’97), Cairo, Egypt, Feb 27- 2 Mar, 1997.
El-Kammar, R., T. Hassanein, A. A. Fahmy, and A. A. El-Mahdy, "Expert System for Electronic Circuit Trouble Shooting ", 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications , Cairo, Egypt, 16-19 January, 1996.
El-Kamar, R. A., M. El-Said, A. A. Fahmy, and A. - A. El-Mahdy, "Formalizing Arabic Natural Language Using Modern Computational Linguistic Theories", 4st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications (ICAIA’96), Cairo, Egypt, 16-19 January, 1996.
Fahmy, A., O. F. Hegazy, and N. N. Morsi, "A Fuzzy Expert System for Transforming Tabular Information into Linguistic Rules ", in Proceeding IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, Cybernetics, 1995.
Fahmy, A. A., O. F. Hegazi, and N. N. Morsi, "A Fuzzy Expert System for Transforming Tabular Information into Linguistic Rules ", Systtem, Man and Cybernetics, Vancouver, Canada, 22 October , 1995.
Fahmy, A., and M. Sharawy, "A Real Time System For Handwriting recognition", proceeding of 2nd Inter Conference On Artificial Intelligence Applications, Cairo, Egypt, 22-24 January , 1994.