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El-Daleel, M. S., O. Mahgoub, A. L. Elshafie, and A. Mahgoub, "Dead-time Compensation via Adaptive Lookup Table Reconstruction for Low-Speed Operation", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), pp. 1 - 6, 16-19 Dec. 2020. Abstract


Salem, M., Y. Atia, and O. Mahgoub, "Ultra sparse matrix rectifier for battery charging application", 2017 Intl Conf on Advanced Control Circuits Systems (ACCS) Systems & 2017 Intl Conf on New Paradigms in Electronics & Information Technology (PEIT), pp. 305 - 310, 5-8 Nov. 2017. Abstract


Nabih, A., Y. ismail, A. Mahgoub, and O. Mahgoub, "Comparative study of harmonic performance of different modulation techniques for Z-Source inverter", 2016 Eighteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), pp. 425 - 430, 27-29 Dec. 2016. Abstract


Nabih, A., Y. ismail, A. Mahgoub, and O. Mahgoub, "Control of space-vector modulated solar grid-tied quasi-Z-source Inverter", 2016 Eighteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), pp. 431 - 436, 27-29 Dec. 2016. Abstract


El-Daleel, M. S., O. Mahgoub, A. L. Elshafei, and A. Mahgoub, "Inverter dead-time and non-linearity rejection using a wide bandwidth current controller for PMSM drives with a speed sensor", 2016 Eighteenth International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), pp. 687 - 692, 27-29 Dec. 2016. Abstract


Abouelella, M. H., A. Sherif, O. A. Zaid, and M. Abdelatif, "New Current Trajectory for Field Weakening Control of PMSM in Wide Speed Range” ", International Review of Electrical Engineering (I.R.E.E.), vol. 11, issue 1, 2016. Abstract
Tamer, M., A. L. Abdo, A. A. Elrefai, and O. A. Adly, "Performance Analysis of Coil-Gun Electromagnetic Launcher Using a Finite Element Coupled Model ", 18th International Middle-East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), 2016. Abstract
Nabih, A. S., A. Mahgoub, O. Mahgoub, and Y. ismail, "Harmonic analysis for space-vector modulated grid-tied Quasi Z-source inverter", 2016 19th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), pp. 1 - 6, 13-16 Nov. 2016. Abstract


Taha, A., A. Mahgoub, O. Mahgoub, and E. Abulzahab, "Improving Permeability of Ferrite Cores Used in Switch-Mode Power Supplies", Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, vol. 13, issue 10, pp. 800-806, 2016.
Hussien, A., M. Taha, and O. A. Mahgoub, "Design and control of a quasi-Z-source inverter based for wind power generation using PMSG ", 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC) : IEEE, 2015. Abstract
El-Sayed, M. T., S. A. Zaid, and O. A. Mahgoub, "Development of a New Approach for Field Weakening Control of PMSM”", European Power Electronics Conference, 2015. Abstract
Adly, A. A., O. A. Mahgoub, and S. K. Abd-El-Hafiz, "Design and Construction of a Low Cost Single-Phase Induction Motor Test Bench” ", IEEE, International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, 2013. Abstract
Amer, M. R., O. A. MAHGOUB, and S. A. ZAID, "A simple algorithm for SRF theory with three phase shunt active power filter ", J. Eng. Comput. Sci., vol. 6, issue 1: Al Manhal FZ, LLC, pp. 11-32, 2013. AbstractWebsite
Amer, M. R., A. Osama, and S. A. Mahgoub, "New Hysteresis Control Method for Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter", Proceedings of the International Multi Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists : Hong Kong, pp. 942-947, 2011. Abstract
Hemeida, A. M., A. Wael, and O. A. Farag, "Modeling and Control of Direct Driven PMSG for Ultra Large Wind Turbines”", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 59, 2011. Abstract


Zaid, S. A., O. A. Mahgoub, K. El-Metwally, and S. E. Abo-Shady, "Dual Inverter Based Direct Torque Control of a Six Phase Induction Motor", Journal of Engineering and Computer Science (QJECS), vol. 3, issue 1, 2010. Abstract
Ayman, M., A. M. Soliman, A. Zaki, M. Latif, and O. A. El-Shafei, "High Performance Robotic Gripper Based on Choice of Feedback Variables”", IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, 2010. Abstract
Zaid, S. A., O. A. Mahgoub, and K. A. El-Metwally, "Implementation of a new fast direct torque control algorithm for induction motor drives ", IET electr. power appl., vol. 4, issue 5: Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), pp. 305, 2010. AbstractWebsite
Zaid, S. A., O. A. Mahgoub, and K. A. El-Metwally, "Implementation of a new fast direct torque control algorithm for induction motor drives ", IET electr. power appl., vol. 4, issue 5: Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), pp. 305, 2010. AbstractWebsite
Ahmed, M. A., S. A. Zaid, and O. A. Mahgoub, "Implementation of Microcontroller-Based Three Phase PWM Rectifier without Measuring the Supply Voltage” ", JEE, Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 10, issue 3, pp. 139-143, 2010. Abstract
Ahmed, M. A., S. A. Zaid, and O. A. Mahgoub, "Implementation of Microcontroller-Based Three Phase PWM Rectifier without Measuring the Supply Voltage” ", JEE Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 10, issue 3, pp. 139-143, 2010. Abstract
Amer, M. R., A. Osama, and S. A. Mahgoub, "New Adaptive Hysteresis Modulation Technique for Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter ", Proceedings of the 14th International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON’10) , Egypt, 2010. Abstract
Ahmed, M. A., S. A. Zaid, and O. A. Mahgoub, "A Simplified Control Strategy for the Shunt Active Power Filter for Harmonic and Reactive Power Compensation” ", JEE Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2010. Abstract
Ahmed, M. A., S. A. Zaid, and O. A. Mahgoub, "Analysis and Implementation of Supply Voltage Sensorless Microcontroller-Based Three Phase Active Power Filter” ", ASJEE, Ain Shams Univ, Faculty of Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 305-311, 2009. Abstract