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Ramadan, O. M. O., and K. M. A. Osman, "Effect of cracks on free vibration of plane frames", JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE, vol. 50, issue 2: Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, pp. 333-350, 2003. Abstract
Ramadan, O. M. O., and K. M. A. Osman, "Effect of Cracks on Seismic Response of Plane Frames", JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE-CAIRO-, vol. 50, issue 3: FACULTY OF ENGINEERING CAIRO UNIVERSITY, pp. 447-466, 2003. Abstract
ibrahim, A., O. Ramadan, and A. Akl, "Effect of Seismic P-Waves Propagation on Circular Tunnel in Layered Ground", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), vol. 9, issue 2: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, pp. 2919-2923, 2019. Abstract
ElHowary, H. A., O. M. O. Ramadan, and S. S. Mehanny, "Effect of spatially variable ground motions on the seismic fragility of box girder continuous bridges", 4th international conference on computational methods in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, Kos Island, Greece, pp. 12-14, 2013. Abstract
Ramadan, O. M. O., Y. M. M. Al-Anany, and A. M. Sanad, "Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction on Nonlinear Seismic Response of Buildings", 15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering. Lisbon, Portugal., 2012. Abstract
Ramadan, O. M. O., and S. F. Kansouh, "An empirical model for curvature ductility of reinforced high-strength concrete sections", Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, 2004. Abstract
Mosalam, K. M., O. M. O. Ramadan, A. Osman, and S. Mourad, "Engineering and Socioeconomic Issues of Seismically Vulnerable Buildings in Egypt", International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering Commemorating Tenth Anniversary of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake, 2005. Abstract
Mabrouk, R. T. S., G. S. Younis, and O. M. Ramadan, "Experimental Evaluation of the Punching Shear Strength of Interior Slab-Column Connections with Different Shear Reinforcement Details", Civil Engineering Journal (CEJ), vol. 8, issue 9, 2022. Abstract